Episode 8: Victor Blackwood

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As I leaned in to kiss my protege Dayo, my bodyguard Marcus interrupted us. He stood awkwardly at the door, trying not to look in. I pulled away from Dayo and whispered for her to wait while I dealt with Marcus. After pushing her curly hair out of the way, I made my way over to the door.

"Marcus, this had better be important," I barked.

"Yes boss, it is. We have new information on Liana Zephyrwind and who she is selling her tech company to."

"Spit it out, Marcus," I growl, my eyes not leaving Dayo for a second. She's nervously biting her lip and I can see the anticipation in her eyes. Jesus, she's fucking tempting.

"Liana Zephyrwind is selling her tech company to Alexander Sterling," Marcus finally mutters. The damn name sends a chill down my spine and not in the good way.

"Alexander Sterling?" I repeat, grinding the name between my teeth as if it's some kind of curse. For the past eighteen months, that jerk has been causing me nothing but trouble. His damn family just launched a new tech company, and now they want to dominate the industry. Dayo must have sensed the tension in the air; her smile gradually vanishes, replaced by an expression of worry.

"Yeah," Marcus confirms, his voice dropping almost imperceptibly lower.

"That motherfucker," I mutter under my breath, turning to face Dayo. She was standing where I left her trying to figure out what was going on. She didn't need to know anything about my dealings with Alexander Sterling. I just needed her to keep developing the software that helped me keep making millions.

"Is everything alright, boss?" Dayo asked from across the room, concern etched in her eyes.

"Yeah, baby girl, everything's fine," I say, forcing a smile on my face and walking back towards her. Marcus remained outside the door with a scowl plastered on his face. I knew he didn't approve of me getting close with Dayo; his protectiveness was getting on my last nerve.

"If you don't mind, Marcus, can you give us some privacy?" I ask him in a controlled voice. He hesitates for a moment before reluctantly nodding and shutting the door behind him. As soon as we were alone, I turned back to Dayo and pulled her into my arms.

"Sorry about that, pressure from work," I mumble into her hair as I inhale her unique scent – something floral and sweet. Her stunning honey green eyes always got me feeling heated. Her silky mocha skin and vibrant red and black locs only added to her allure. She was simply irresistible, and I was determined to make her mine. I had been in her presence for three years now, and throughout that time I've never been able to express my true feelings for her. But today was different; today was my chance to finally tell her how I felt.

"No problem," she said softly, her voice sending shivers down my spine.

After our previous kiss was interrupted, I leaned in again, savoring each and every delicious moment, taking my time to fully enjoy it.

Savoring the moment, I lean down once again to capture her lips, letting the taste of her sweep me off my feet. The world fades into oblivion when she's in my arms, leaving only the intoxicating dance of our tongues. All thoughts of Alexander Sterling and his petty games are forgotten.

The only thing that matters is Dayo, and how damn right it feels to have her melting against me. She's mine, every last inch of her. And no one can take her away from me. God, how I yearn to mark her as mine, to let the world know that she's off-limits. She ignites a fire in me that no one else could ever extinguish.

We break apart, our breaths coming in short pants, I pull back just enough to look into those honey green eyes. "Dayo," I breathe out, fighting to control my emotions.

"I... I love you," I say, my voice shaking with the weight of my confession. Her eyes widen at my admission, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, she holds me tighter, her arms wrapping around my neck like a vice grip.

"Dayo, I've loved you for three years now, ever since I first saw you. You're not just an employee or a source of income to me. I want you to be my partner, my lady." I confess, holding her gaze.

Her response is like music to my ears as she softly says, "I love you too." A sigh of relief escapes my lips as we share another passionate kiss, solidifying our mutual feelings. "I've had feelings for you from the beginning, since I first walked into your office and started working for you," she reveals with a smile.

"Well, then, I guess we're both a couple of dumbasses," I chuckle, brushing her locs away from her face. "I've been too damn scared to say anything, afraid of ruining our professional relationship. But god I just couldn't take it anymore. I love you, Dayo, and I want you in my life."

"I want that too," she whispers, her voice barely audible over our pounding hearts. "Just us against the world."

"Nothing will ever come between us now that we're together," I vow, my fingers tangling in her hair as I pull her even closer. I'll have to think about Alexander Sterling's purchase of Liane's tech company tomorrow. But for now, all I can focus on is this stunning chocolate-woman in front of me.

"Do you agree to be my girlfriend?" I asked her with hope and anticipation. She bites her bottom lip and looks into my eyes, the fire in her honey-colored orbs turning me on even more.

"Yes, I'd love that," she finally says with a shy smile.

We break apart, I kiss her forehead softly and grin. "I'm glad to hear that because you're not getting rid of me now, Dayo," I tease, scooping her up in my arms and twirling us around the room. Her laughter is music to my ears as we seal our newfound relationship with another heated kiss. The rest of the world can wait as I revel in the feeling of having Dayo finally mine.

Just as I was about to speak to Dayo, my right-hand man, Marcus, sent me a text message. I glanced at Dayo and said, "Honey, please go get your belongings so I can take you home. I need to answer this message first."

Dayo agreed and left the conference room. I sat down and read the text from Marcus.

Marcus: "Boss, I have more intel on Liane. Should I arrange a meeting with her?"

I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options, before typing my response.

Me: "Yes, set up the meeting. The sale isn't guaranteed yet, so make it happen. And bring the town car around; I'm ready to leave."

I hit send, a second message from Marcus popped up on my screen, making my heart skip a beat.

Marcus: "Boss, there's something else... You won't believe what I just found out."

Dayo walked back into the room just as I stared at the phone, my mind racing with possibilities...

Dear Readers,

Are you ready for a deep dive into a world of secrets, suspense, and unexpected turns? The powerful tech mogul Victor Blackwood has just learned that his rival Alexander Sterling plans to merge their companies with Zenith Innovations, headed by CEO Liana Zephyrwind. Victor is furious because he had hopes of acquiring Liana's company himself.

Will Liana agree to meet with Victor? What other information did Marcus uncover? Dayo finds herself falling for her boss, and they confess their feelings for each other. But as the story unfolds, be prepared to pay attention to every detail - nothing is quite what it seems.

Happy reading,

Pagine D'Oro

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