Till the Merge Does Us Apart Part 2

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Why did everything have to be so hard nowadays? Before the Merge, everything seemed so simple because the ninja were proven unstoppable, but then the Merge came along and it turned out that the ninja couldn't stop it.

Everyone was scattered around the Merged Lands, trying to find each other, and in the end, almost all of them managed to reunite, but unfortunately some members were still gone.

One of them was the Elemental Master of Lightning, the Blue Ninja, Zaptrap, Sparky, a beloved husband and brother... Jay.

Nya was missing Jay more than anyone, but had managed to brush her feelings aside extremely well due to having to do something all the time. One moment she was protecting the Kingdom of Madness, then she was researching the Cloud Kingdom archives, then fighting against an army of Dragon Hunters from Imperium.

It hadn't been easy for her, especially with her husband missing, but no one other than her brother, Sora, and Cole had really talked to her about it due to everyone else always being busy with something.

There were five years between the day the Merge happened and the day Lloyd found her in the Kingdom of Madness.

She hadn't seen Jay in five whole years. It hurt her more than any physical pain could.

She rejoined the team, another year rolled without Jay. The ninja were now fighting against Ras, Cinder, Jordana, and the Wolf Clan.

Only moment when she had even somewhat seen Jay in that whole six year time period was in the Caves of Phantasm. It was a cave that was their first test to determine whether or not they were capable of being trained under Egalt and Rontu's guidance.

The test's idea was that the monster living in the caves captured them and messed with their head, showing them their biggest fear.

Well, that description was accurate since what she had seen was terrifying. She hadn't even ever thought of that being a possibility of being her worst fear. She thought it was losing her family, but after the Merge, it had changed and now she realized it.

Her worst fear was losing Jay in a way that it's even not his decision, by him having amnesia and not remembering her or a single thing they had done together.

Not their adventure together to fight Nadakhan, not their first date, not him asking her to be his Yang, not his proposal, not a single thing.

She remembered that she had once had a conversation with Chris and he had told her that if she feared something bad enough, it would come true, and now she understood that he was 100% correct.

The ninja entered the Tournament of Sources and were confident to win, well, that was before Nya saw Jay walking in the middle of the streets at night.

She had called out after him, but with no response. She had thought her mind was just playing tricks on her, but then the games began, and after Zane's match against the Elemental Master of Reflex, Zur, it was her turn to fight against the most shocking competitor in the tournament, her own husband, her own Yang, the love of her life, Jay Walker.

Jay was now with Ras, Nokt, Cinder, and Jordana. He was wearing a Wolf Clan costume and had shattered his goodness with Shatterspin.

She had to do what she did, beat him in the battle by pure luck. At first, she didn't have a chance, but somehow she won.

After their fight, she walked up to him and tried bringing his memories back by telling him she loved him, that she would always love him, but he just looked back with his eyes red from Shatterspin and responded with a sentence she thought she would never hear from his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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