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Travis read through the email one more time before he closed his mailbox and leant back in the chair of the little café table he was sat one. He was waiting to meet his next client for the first time and talk through the details of the mission she had for him.

Her application had been one of the most interesting he had ever read, tho it had just been one in a sea of requests, all asking him to play a role he was most equipped to do. This one had stood out tho. Not just because the paper it was written on seemed to smell like cherries but also because of the details this woman had given of herself.

It wasn't unusual that he was requested to do something like this, dress in a disguise and fulfill his mission until it was completed and whatever the client wanted was accomplished. He did almost everything for the right price but usually his clients were a lot older than this one, if she had told the truth.

Plus she had given a few more details that awoke his suspicion or well his curiosity. She was married and had two kids according to the sheet she had filled in with that fine handwriting of hers and god he had married women who booked him all the time but most of them lied when it came to their application, their secret only revealed by the soft white tan line on their left ring fingers from where their wedding ring used to lay.

But she hadn't lied which could only mean one of two things. Either she was the most honest person out there that didn't even lie on her application to book a callboy to do unspeakable things to her or he was somehow involved in this plan, whether it was as a threesome or to punish him, Travis didn't know and to be honest he wouldn't mind.

It wouldn't be the first time he had been booked to play along whether it was as a third for a night of freedom, of the experimenting some of the men and women were too nervous to do in free wild life or to make a husband jealous without emotionally cheating on ones husband, he had done it all. Enjoyed it even.

But this kind of seemed different. A date to a wedding vacation, despite being wed an having children was a first for him and he was entranced by the request of the young woman. So he had send an email and they had decided to meet up in this very café.

He had dressed up nicely in a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, making sure to wear a good pair of shoes and a nice watch he owned. For some reason he always felt the need to dress nicely even for a first meeting with his clients, even when he wasn't paid for it yet.

And soon enough a woman approached him and as he looked up to take her features in his breath got stolen away by the mere beauty of the woman sat opposite of him. She was tall, clad in a red summery wrap dress that hugged her gorgeous figure in all the right places. She looked like a goddess honest to god and things started to add up less and less the more he saw.

His eyes swept up to take in her beautiful features, skin like alabaster, soft and creamy light with a gentle glow to it, eyes light blue like the aquamarines you could only find in the most exquisite of jewelry stores, gleaming in the afternoon sun, surrounded by what seemed to be a halo of golden curls.

Why in the world would she ever need him and his work in the first place? She had to be the most beautiful woman he ever got to lay his eyes upon and the friendly smile that crossed her red heart shaped lips made his heart jump.

"are you Travis?" she asked gently, setting her mug down in front of him to which he only managed a nod before gathering his conscious back and managing to muter up a smile, reaching his hand out for hers, which she gave him and god a soft hand kiss in return.

"you must be Taylor then?" he asked sitting back down and doing his best not to get lost in her beautiful sapphire eyes. She gave him a nod, her cheeks reddening at his gentlemen like gestures.

"so what bring you to me, I mean you've told me what you need me to do but with such a beautiful woman I cant help but wonder why you would need me in any shape or form, if youre married let alone if you could just have any of the guys here, in the blink of an eye." He asked and if possible her cheeks only grew pinker which god she was so adorable.

She looked down quickly, her eyes darting towards the band that adorned her slender ring finger, made of golf with a diamond rivaling in shine of her eyes. God she was a vision. If she wasn't married and he wasn't a callboy there was no way he'd let her leave a room he was in too without an attempt of getting her number.

But this was this world and she was married so now he had to get his freaking act together and start thinking like a professional rather than a love sick teenager.

"where do I start?" she asked with a little, almost planless laugh as she fiddled with the little charm on her necklace. Travis reached forward and opened his palm for her to put her hands into which she did with a soft, thankful smile.

It seemed to relax her in some lay so her gently ran his thumb over the back of her hand in a soothing motion. "how about you start with your marriage and how all of this could happen like this, only if you're comfortable of course and I will listen all the way so I can have a good understanding of the situation you're in." He offered her a soft smile which was reciprocated by her before she started to talk.

"Joe and I have known each other ever since college so for like 8 years now. We were college sweethearts, stayed together the entire time and when I graduated with creative writing and he had one more year to go for his law degree he asked me to marry him.

Honestly I thought it would be our happy ever after and when I found out I was pregnant just after our honeymoon everything seemed perfect. Then when we had Harriette everything started to cool down a bit, just in general a bit less passion but that's normal when you have a small kid right?

So I assumed everything would start going great once she got into kindergarten but once she did and we well started to have more time for each other again and things were about to return to romance ,I already got pregnant again with our second kid, James.

He was super doting on me when I was carrying him and even took more time off to be with Harriet but then after I had him things went back to usual, which I really cant complain about because it's still really good.

He treats me well, supports my writing career if you can even call it one and he's not a bad dad. He's semi involved just as much as his job allows him too and the kids adore him too. The only thing that started to die down was our marriage.

He stopped doing the little things you know and I know its my fault too because with the kids and the writing and everything I had less time for him and less time to you know take care of myself, make myself pretty for him like I used to before we had two kids.

And then about 8 months ago he started to act all attentive but actually did a lot of over time, business trips, you name it, all the things for an affair. So I confronted him and.. well he confessed he wasn't satisfied anymore, he missed the chase and the rush of dating of getting to know new people and how he had missed out on all of that because we got married so early so now for the past 6 months we have had an open marriage."

She swallowed and Travis could see the tears starting to form in her eyes, starting to threaten out of the corners of her eyes. Travis squeezed her hand reassuringly for her to know he was listening and she gave him a weak little smile which was all she could muster up.

"and how can I help you Taylor?" he asked, putting emphasis on her name which made her shudder just slightly, goosebumps arising all over her skin.

"Its our friends child free wedding and he ill bring his well I guess flame of the month for it and I'm pretty sure he thinks ill come alone and just watch cause that's honestly what I have been doing for months now.

I'm not polygamous, I'm not poly in any way and I love my husband so I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend to get him to close our marriage again. I need you to help me make him jealous Travis. I want my husband back, I want him to stay with us.

Can you help me with that?"

And god he could help with so much more. 

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