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The plane sat down a few hours lately and by the time it did Taylor had fallen asleep on Travis shoulder cuddled into him, her features angelic even when she was asleep. She looked so damn peaceful and so Travis was ready to throw fists when Joe came over and reached to shake Taylor awake.

"keep your hands off of her don't you see that she's resting??" he huffed, his arm protective around the beautiful blondes shoulders, voice hushed so he wouldn't wake her up as she shifted slighty, burying her head in the crook of his neck.

"do you not see that we landed? And let me tell you you wont wanna carry her anywhere she'S freaking heavy" Joe huffed, crossing his arms in a fit like a little annoying child. God how could Taylor stan being married to this jerk? He behaved and also looked like a mommy spoiled man child without anything to offer to a woman like Taylor or in fact an woman.

He just rolled his eyes. "For you maybe but I got her thanks." Travis smiled sarcastically, grabbing his and Taylors bag and putting it over his shoulder before lifting her up with ease, one hand under her back and one under her knees, carrying the still sleeping woman bridal style down the airplane aisle and then down the stairs.

Her friends, selena if he remembered correctly grinned as she saw them descend from the plane snapping a quick picture with her phone, a wide smile on her lips as Travis raised his brows at her. "she's a hopeless romantic, she'll love to see that once she wakes up"

The tall man blushed slightly but couldn't help and smile at the blonde in his arms adoringly. The more he learned about her the more it pained him to remind himself of the mission with which Taylor had come to him. She was far too good for Joe. And maybe just maybe he would managed to convince her of that too.

Soon enough everyone had left the plane and the loading of the suitcases had started when Taylor started to stir in Travis arms and was set on her feet by him gently once she had regained full consciousness.

"morning sleepy head" I mumbled down at her and got a tired smile back in return but clearly she needed a good nap which wouldn't be too much of a problem since it was almost 7 pm here and until they would arrive in the hotel it would be night time.

Joe insisted on riding with the bridesmaids so Travis and Taylor rode with another couple, Brina and Barry and they god along just well. The woman reminded Travis of a shorter version of Taylor, similar blonde hair with bangs but she seemed to blush a lot less than Taylor did whenever the conversation topic shifted to something other people would consider private.

"so Taylor who's the guy that keeps hanging around you guys, the one that interrupted you two during your little bathroom session earlier?" she asked curiously and while Taylors cheek turned light pink Travis tried t keep a cool head and answer all of the questions like he hadn't been booked and paid by the woman next to him to do unspeakable things to her. Or well they were speakable but only in a hushed tone while whispered into Taylors ear to turn her on.

"that's Taylors husband" he tried to say as casually as possible, followed by an unavoidable gasp from the short woman opposite of them.

"oh my god I have to hear everything about that!" Sabrina gasped in delight and so Taylor started to tell the story she and Travis had agreed upon. The open marriage, Taylor meeting Travis when he saved her from being run over on the streets and their happy honeymoon relationship ever since she had agreed to go out with him.

Luckily they arrived at the resort before they could ask anymore questions and Travis got out first helping all three others out, the last one to slip out Taylor, who's hand he held and kissed, leading her around the door before closing it and going with her towards the reception where they would acquire their keys.

"joe you asked for separate rooms and one for you and your date, just because she's cancelled on you doesn't mean we can just push Taylor into your room" Benni sighed an Travis almost perked up at the new information he overheard. So Joe wasn't here alone by choice.

He had been dumped and worse, now he was trying to get Taylor back into a room with him but Travis wouldn't let that happen. Not for Taylors sake and as he had to admit, also for his.

"okay listen up guys, we booked the whole resort so almost everyone of you except for couples who have told us they would come get their own little house, we'll guide you to in just a few minutes, we just have to give you guys the keys."

As selena started to read out the list of names Joe moved and came over going to grab Taylors had as his name got read out loud but she pulled up and returned to Travis side, intertwining their fingers as she frowned at Joe.

"what are you doing you wanted your own room to hook up with bridesmaids I though" she huffed ad clung to Travis hand so much so that his heart made a little jump.

"oh I will but youre my wife you should stay with me not with this stranger, you can sleep on the couch you know."

Taylor looked between the both of them unsure before she stepped closer to Travis meeting joes eyes as she spoke up and her words made Travis heart swell with infinite pride.

"sorry Joe but if I was interested in witnessing a girl you have sex with fake an orgasm I can just think of the past 8 years, thank you very much but I will be staying with my boyfriend." 

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