Chapter 39

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That was weird, I think as I drive out of Demi's apartment building, I see a strange car, that I know I've seen somewhere, parked next to hers.
It was probably one of her friends. Right?
I was exhausted, I have been traveling back and fourth from Texas to Vancouver, filming both Minority Report and Dusk Till Dawn season 2. All I wanted to do was sleep and cuddle with mi Amor, Demi, but for some strange reason she didn't invite me in, simply rushed me out, I thought she missed me?
My phone begins to vibrate I look down at it,
W: Hello baby!
D: baby!
W: what's going on love?
D:let's go out and get lunch?
W: I would love that idea baby but I'm tired, maybe dinner?
D: yea totally! Meet me at my place?
W:Si. Yes.
You laugh
D:love you!
W:Love you to my Amor!
Maybe i was just tired because Demi didn't sound strange right now, but you had a feeling something was up.
Maybe she was missing (y/n)? That seemed to happen a lot, I would often find her staring into space day dreaming about her, she also still had photos of them together on her phone, she didn't know I knew but she's often go outside on her balcony at night and stare at the photos. It hurt yes me to see this and made me feel somewhat unwanted but Demi was with me? But I still had all this guilt of breaking up their engagement. Demi and I dated a couple years ago, we were head over heals for each other but we got busy and I decided to break up with her, she was hurt but then she met (y/n). it took us a while to start talking just as friends, but a couple of months ago she started to tell me how her and (y/n) were always fighting and how she didn't know what to do, and that's when we started seeing each other again, at first we swore it was only a one time thing but every time her and (y/n) had a fight (which was very often) Demi would call me to see me. I knew what we were doing was bad but I really loved Demi. She had told me they were done for sure and then they proposed to each other and Demi was so happy. But then they had another fight, about the same thing they always fought about, Demi coming out as gay.
Demi had once told me, there was nothing wrong with being gay, but she knew that it would cause a lot of drama and she didn't want to get hurt. My sister told me to move on so many times and let her decide this, and j was holding her back, but I just couldn't I loved her.

(Y/N) POV:

I awoke to someone trying to open the door,
I was startled at first and jumped in to my feet and then remembered that Vanessa has a key so I sat back down, still tired and sore from the night before.
Vanessa walks into the living room and suddenly you are over taken with a feeling of guilt, you had cheated on her, the same thing Demi did to you and the same thing you swore you would never do to anyone.
"Y/N! Where the hell were you!" She screams at you and sits next to you.
"Work, I needed to get my mind off of things." You lie.
"Oh are you okay?" She said grabbing your hand.
"Yea, I am, I feel 100 times better, yesterday was a mess...I'm sorry." You look into your eyes .
" babe, it's fine, I know you still love her, but remember what you told her, you love me, plus I know how much she meant to you, I'm not a bitch and expect you to forget it all so soon, she was your fiancée." She is nervous and fixes her glasses and her short pixie hair cut.
"You're so great I don't deserve you." You lean in to kiss her but can't do it because all you can think about is Demi's lips on yours last night.
"I love you." She kisses you.
"What time is it?" You ask
"7:00." Vanessa says looking at her watch.
"7! I really was tired I've been sleeping here since 10, I'm starving." you get up.
"Go get dressed and shower, we will go out for dinner."
"Yes babe!"you run to the shower.

We arrive to dinner at our favorite little sushi place in West Hollywood.
" don't you love living in LA?" Vanessa laughs.
There is a swarm of paparazzi around the enters be of the restaurant.
"Ugh I can't stand paps." You roll your eyes and think about everything they've put you through before.
" I know neither I can I." Vanessa laughs.
You park and head towards the restaurant.
You get seated at a small table in the corner, the place is very cute and modern, it has such a romantic vibe to it.
" you know I didn't think of this before we came here but I just remembered I don't like sushi as she sees fish they have in a fish tank." Vanessa laughs.
" ahahaha babe you can get something else, you liked what we got last time, but why would they have a fish tank in a sushi place?" You laugh.
"So how was your day?" You ask.
"Great we got awesome shots yesterday! Thank you so much for helping!"
"No problem baby, anything for you." You smile.
"Guess what?!" Vanessa smiles, she was excited.
"What?!" You smile
" my sister and mom are coming down from Puerto Rico!" She's excited
"Oh my gosh that amazing baby! When are they coming down? I can't wait to meet them!"
Vanessa was always talking about her family and how amazing they were, Vanessa was extremely close to her sister and after her move to LA and having to leave her sister in New York they hadn't seen each other in months.
You were excited to finally meet her!

You order and Vanessa and you talk about her family coming and her plans to show them around and how'd they'd be staying at Vanessa's house etc.
"Yea babe, they are so excited to meet you, my mom says you're so pretty." You feel your cheeks turning red hot.
"Stop babe." You gab her hand and kiss it.
Just then you hear a familiar laugh, you knew that laugh better than you knew yours, your head shots to the direction to where it came from.
You see Demi and your heart jumps out of your chest and you suddenly forget how to breath.
You can't help by stare she's so beautiful. Her laugh. She then looks at you and has the biggest smile on her face and it turns bright red as well and she looks away.
"You okay?" Vanessa looks at you.
You snap back into reality.
"Yea, just starving. Where's our food?" You really were hungry and your stomach kept growling for food.
"Don't you see they have to kill the poor fish." She points and laughs at the aquarium.
You laugh and suddenly your phone vibrates, it's Demi:
D: stalking me much? 😉
You try not to smile and text back.
(Y/n): You wish.. But maybe😉
You smile a bit and then excuse yourself to the restroom to go and try to keep a straight face with Demi sitting close to you.
You walk into the restroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. There is a huge smile on your face.. Why must this be confusing.
You turn as you hear the door open. It was Demi, she was wearing a short white dress that wrapped perfectly around the body, that just this morning was on top of you. You forget how to breathe as you stare at her right in front of you, weren't you trying to forget she was here to act normal?
"stop stalking me." Demi says as she grabs you and leans in for a kiss. Your body doesn't even think and Leans in, this kiss is aggressive and she slips her tongue into your mouth.
You pull away.
"I know." "See you later tonight?"She smiles. And walks out. You follow a coup seconds later and smile if the thought of seeing Demi again.

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