Chapter 42

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Demi POV:
Ugh. (Y/n) was pissed. I had let my jealousy get the best of me and made a comment about Vanessa. And of course she had to mention Wilmer. And now she is mad and hasn't said anything since we've gotten in the car to drive me back home.
" Any plans for today." I try to get her to talk.
"Nope." She says her eyes glued to the road.
"Oh.." You try and grab her free hand. She starts to pull away and then let's me. Maybe she wasn't as mad as I thought.
" sorry." She looks at me at a red light.
"Don't say sorry.."
"I just.. I'm confused." She looks back at the road.
"I just I want you back, you know? But it's all so complicated now."
"I know it is babe,I screwed everything up..I was fucking stupid." I say ashamed.
"Let's just..not talk about least not now please." She looks at me and gives me a soft smile..
"Okay babe."you smile back and kiss her hand.

(Y/N) POV:
"When will I see you again?" Demi asks as you pull into her parking garage.
"Soon, i work all week." You smile at her.
"soon like before I leave to New York to promote my single?" She makes a pouting face.
"When do you leave."
"Next weekend, so in like 5 days.."
"I'll see you before then." You say as Demi opens the door.
"Wait babe." You grab her arm.
" yea." She looks over at you.
You lean in and kiss her.
"I love you." You smile at her and kiss her again.
" we're going to figure this out,babe. I love you to." She kisses you and walks out the door.
You pull out and head to target before going home to shower and get ready for a long day of work.

I had no plans for the day and it was still early when (y/n) dropped me off, I didn't want to be alone in this big apartment and had texted Marissa to come over and help me pick out swim suites out for these Cool for the summer pool parties, my stylist had left me some to try on and pick my favorites. I was excited, the confidence I had now made me feel like I was unstoppable on. I would have never imagined myself going onstage in a swim suit.
I hear he door bell ring and head to the door, it's Marissa.
You still didn't know if you should tell her about (y/n) or not. She was your best friend but she hated (y/n) ever since the break up. She was there all those nights I was crying on the floor or in bed and couldn't even get up to eat. She was the one who was there for me when I would sit in the studio for hours crying and writing songs for my new album.
" I'm so sad you won't be able to come to these pool parties with me!" I whine to Marissa.
"I'll be in the one in LA!" She tells me looking through the swimsuits and putting the ones she thought I'd like on the side.
" I know, but then you're leaving again to Texas!" I whine again, this time in a joking manner.
"Again I'll be back, just have to take care of things and I'll be a permanent Angeleno." She laughs. "I'm so excited for your big move and so proud of you for finishing school! My best friends a bad ass, starting her own brand and shit." I smirk and laugh.
"Thanks love and I'm so proud of you, this single going to be huge, but quick question.
Why did you release Cool for the summer? I mean isn't t about (y/n)." I feel my face blush and turn bright red.
"I wrote it and Phil thought it would be a good idea." I lie, j had asked phil if I could make it a summer single.
"How is she?" She asks. Did she know something.
I feel my face get bright red and I get nervous, i hadn't told anyone j saw her, and had told max to keep it on the down low.
"I..I don't know.." You stutter and look down.
"I really like this one." She hold out a black swimsuit. She changes the subject.
I walk in front of my long mirror and examine the swimsuit I was trying on. It felt amazing to look in the mirror and not hate every inch of my body and actually smile at how hot I looked.
"I really like that one!" Marissa tells me.
"Hey Dem." She says. Oh great another (y/n) question.
"Yea." I say preparing myself not to stutter this time.
"Have you gotten your monthly visitor? It would suck if you had to perform up there with that in he back of your head."
"What's the date today?" I ask take out my phone and check an app I have to track.
I look down at my phone and look at the date I had my last period.
"Demi?" Marissa looks at me
I can feel my heart racing and the blood rush to my head and the whole room starts to spin, i feel my breathing get a little heavier.
"Demi!" Marissa walks over to me.
"Marissa can we go to the drug store please like right now?"
"Yea why?" She gives you a confused look.
"I...I need to go like right now." I feel my heart still facing, I toss my phone in my bag and put sweats and a sweatshirt over my swimsuit and quickly put on my shoes.
"Demi what's happening?" Marissa asks following you out to the living room.
I ignore her and grab my keys, I can't talk my hearts beating too fast...had it been that long since you've gotten your period?
"DEMI what the hell is going on?!" Marissa asks you this time waking in front of you in the door way.
"I.. I think ....I'm pregnant." You stutter.
I see her face go from pink to pale and white.
"What do you mean?" She begins to get her color back.
"I didn't realize that it has been almost 2.5 months since my last period I need a test." I tell her.
"Demi." Marissa says grabbing your keys from your hand. "You can't go get this, if anyone sees you buying a test, all hell will break.again.."
"I'll go, you stay here." She says walking out the door.
I feels tears rolling down my cheek and don't know how to feel, my hearts still racing. I put some music on for a distraction and close my eyes and lay on the couch.. The room was still spinning. This couldn't be happening. What if I was pregnant, what then, what would Wilmer do? He was at a prime in his career, j was at mine, and I this was happening, I wanted a baby, not like this. I hold my stomach and imagining a baby in side makes me scared.
"Dem!" I feel someone tap me
It was Marissa, here I got a couple just in case. My heart drops when she hands me one. Was this really happening?
I feel more tears form.
"Dem, no." Marissa hugs you. "Don't cry Dem." We will figure this out." She leads me to the restroom and hands me the first test...
I take it and leave it on the counter, I can't find it in myself to look at it.
"Marissa, can you tell me what it say?" You ask.
She takes a deep breath and goes to check it and walks out, you see tears in her eyes...
"Demi, you're pregnant."

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