Chapter 33

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You'd been helping Vanessa with her project non stop and you'd spent the past 2 days getting a total of 9 hours of sleep because you'd been up till 4-5 AM and then gotten up at 9 AM to go get something done, Vanessa had managed to pull this all together and this PSA about bullying included, 3 kids you'd casted just yesterday and Demi,Nick Jonas and possibly Selena Gomez..she was being a diva and demanding all sorts of things. You were excited to start shooting actually, this was something new and different and you were looking forward to it. Even if Demi was going to be there. Today was finally the day and you'd told vanessa you'd meet her to pick her up at 7 since the call time was 12:30 and you'd needed to get everything set. You were awake at 5:30 AM and weren't to happy about that but you jumped into the shower and tried to get ready quickly. When you came it out of the shower you looked through your closet to see what to wear..For some odd reason you wanted to look hot for Demi, you'd lost 15 pounds since you were dating because of all the exercise you'd and vanessa do and you wanted to show off.. I mean Demi had to know what se was missing out on right? But you settled to some blue skinny jeans, a plane white vneck tshirt and a black and read flannel with some basic black converse so you'd be comfortable standing during the shoot today. You could still tell you'd lost a lot of weight and got a hot toned body under.
You decided to settle for simple makeup, eyeliner mascara and
Red lips.
You looked at the time 6:30.shit. It took you at least 50 mins to drive to Vanessa house. You quickly grabbed your glasses,phone,keys and the bag you'd had with the papers for today.

"can we please stop by a Starbucks drive thru babe."Vanessa said getting into your car.

"I was going to demand we go just right now." You smile and lean over and kiss her on the lips before driving.

"I couldn't sleep at all last night, I'm so excited and nervous."Vanessa told you.

"Me to babe, I'm nervous for you but mostly excited this is an awesome experience." You smile.

"I know and thank you again babe, without you I wouldn't have been able to do this, I have to repay you." Vanessa winks and puts her hand on your thigh and teases you by moving it closer to your private area.

You laugh and Kiss her quickly at a red light.

"Are you nervous babe?"Vanessa asks you.

"nervous about what?"

"demi..." She says looking out.

"not really..I mean we haven't seen or talked to each other in three months and we ended on pretty horrible terms.." You pull up to the Starbucks drive thru.

You order your usual and proceed to the next window.

"It's weird because it doesn't feel like I'm going to see her so I won't know how to react." You tell her whole paying for your drinks.

"I understand, just know you don't have to see her if you don't want to."
You had vanessa her drink.

"I do want to see her." You say without thinking.

Vanessa doesn't say anything and takes a sip of her coffee.

"You know I like you." You tell Vanessa and smile at her.

"I like you to."she smiles back.

You pulled up to the studio and drove to the sound stage, there was people already setting up the "scene" you guys had and makeup and hair trailers were setting up.
"Ready." You ask vanessa before heading out of the car.

"Ready."she smiles.

You could tell she was nervous.
"Babe relax." You kiss her.

"You're so cute with all your kisses."
Vanessa smiles and kisses you again.

You can't help but blush a bit.
"Sorry." You kiss her again.

You are interrupted by a knock on the glass. It was one of Vanessa's assistants telling her we needed to go get everything ready.
"You still need to pay me back." You wink at vanessa as you get out of the car.
She laughs and walks out and follows you to the set.

"We start in 5 mins people!" You hear someone yell.
You had gotten everything ready and the first scene you were starting off with was the scene with the kids.
You'd managed not to see,or even hear anything about Demi, the only thing you'd heard is that she was here and In make up and you didn't dare go close to her trailer.
"5 minutes!" Vanessa comes up to you.

"You're going to do fine, just relax. You know what your doing plus you have a ton of people here to help you." You smile.

"I know." She is nervous. "I saw Demi, she'll be out after this scene." She tells you.

You stay quiet for a bit as the time got closer of you being this close to Demi your nerves had gotten bigger and bigger "Oh that's great,and will be interesting." You try and sound like your heart isn't beating 100 times per second.

"2 minutes everyone!" The same person who called out 5 mins calls out again.

"Well you better go." You tell vanessa.

"I'm so nervous."she smiles,fixing her hair and glasses.

"Don't be." You give her a quick kiss "a kiss for good luck."

The shooting had been going great and it had only been 30 minutes in, you hadn't helped vanessa much because she didn't need it, she was just that amazing.
You had started to get a headache and more nerves from seeing Demi in a couple of minutes. You decided to go out side of the area and get some fresh, non crowded air.
"(Y/n)." You heard someone call you.
You're heart jumped a bit.

"Yes." You look behind you, it was one of Vanessa's assistants.

"We need you inside, vanessa is looking for you." She points inside.

"I'll be right there let me just use the restroom real quick." You smile and walk as quickly as you can to another area, instead of going to the next scenes shooting.

You quickly walk by a trailer and then are stopped right in tracks, it was Max outside of Demis trailers.
"Wow watch it there." Max tells you in that Australian accent you hadn't heard in months.

"Sorry." You say keeping your head down.
"It's fine,just don't want any injuries." He tells you. Still having no clue who you are.

You hear the trailer door open and hear a voice that is way to familiar.
"max is it time?" It's Demi.
You want to walk away as quickly as possible but you can't, your feet feel as if they are glued to the floor and you feel as if there is a block of cement in your chest. You turn around to face Demi. She had changed a lot, she had cut her once long hair short and seemed to have lost a lot of weight.
Demis eyes locked with yours and for a second your heart fluttered with joy but then that cement block was right in it again. You wanted to walk away but you couldn't.

"(Y/n)?" Demi looked at you.

You didn't know what to say, hearing her say your name made you feel something you hadn't felt in months and you felt a rush of emotions take over your body.
"Demi." You say the only words that can escape your mouth.

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