Chapter 46

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I could feel my heart beating in my ears , I open the text and try and keep my breathing in sync. A million and one things were going on in my head right now. I feel a sense of panic and my whole body begins to shake. My palms feel sweaty as my hands start to tremble.

I know you probably hate me, I know I would, I just got a text from Marissa and she told me about your Dad. I'm here for you.

What was that supposed to mean?
I'm here for you?
Where was she before?


I try and play it off like I don't know her number by heart.

Im sorry Y/N I shouldn't have texted you.

Its okay. Thank You for taking the time to text me.

My heart aches in my chest.

DEMI:                                                             How is he?

He isnt doing well.

Liam walks over to me. "How are you holding up?" I look up from my phone. "Demi just texted me." I blurt out. He must have been as shocked as I was because he looked at me in disbelief. "You got to me fucking kidding me?" he sounds annoyed. "You havent talked to her in months, she left you. Remember how she left you?" He was right.

"Shut up Liam, You dont know anything." I mumble under my breath. Thinking of how you had been seeing each other or at least were seeing each other before she got all weird and started to ignore me. "Hows dad?"I ask.
He rolls his eyes at my attempt to change the subject. "Hes hanging in there,the doctors say hes trying really hard to pull through." He sounds hopeful.

I feel my phone vibrate.
It's not a number I recognize.
Its Demi.
I want to hang up but something doesnt let me. Hearing that voice paralyzed me .
"Hey."I say trying to process why my body wouldnt let me hang up.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Yes I am.thanks for checking."I lie.
"Oh.okay.umm." she pauses."I'm here if you need anything."
Really she was here for me?
Yah right.
"Got it."I say in the most monotone voice. The last thing I needed to be thinking of was this mess that you had created with Demi.
"I'm serious.Can we meet up?" She asks.
"I think it's best if we dont. I want to be here with my dad." I say still monotoned.
"Oh.Well then never mind." She stays quiet and so do I.

"(Y/N the evil ones are here." Liam walks over to me.
I look up at him"ill be right there."
I put my attention back to the phone call. " Dem I have to go,thank you for checking up on me." I hang up.

"Who was that?" Liam asks.
"It was no one, now let's go see what's going on." I put my phone in my purse and walk towards my family with Liam.
"Hey Lauren." I awkwardly greet my sister. She looks and nods, not saying a word. Her kids are sitting on the hospital chairs glued to their phones.
I look to Liam, hes talking to my older brother but looks annoyed.
Everyone seems to be in their own little world. I look up at the time. It was funny how fast and slow time went while at a hospital. The time had gone so fast yet so slow, it felt like so much had happened. My body was both physically and emotionally tired and exhausted. All my tears were gone, as much as I felt like crying anymore I couldnt. All that required more energy that I had in me. This wasnt a new feeling. I had felt this once before when I was in a dark place. I didnt feel anything..and that made me want to feel something anything...
I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was Vanessa. What was she doing here?
This was a healthy place for her, my sisters would probably make another comment and tell us to stay away from her kids.
"Hey. How are you?" She says giving me a hug, but no kiss. She remembered what I'd told her about my family.
"I'm doing alright." I give her a fake smile.
"You dont look alright." She says with a concerned look on her face.
"I brought you some clothes and shoes to change into." She says handing me a bag. "I figured you would want to be a little more comfortable and get out of the clothes you were wearing yesterday."
"Thanks babe." I felt numb. That phone call with demi left me feeling numb. I didnt feel anything hearing her voice.
"I think I'm actually going to go home and shower though." I say.
"Oh want me to go with you?" She asks.
"No I think I'll be okay I just want to shower and then head right back here."
I walk over towards my mom and let her know that I'll be gone for about an hour and to call me of anything happens. I walk out to the parking area with Vanessa and we both go out separate ways.

I open the door to my apartment and sit on my couch. I feel numb. I think about my dad and although I do feel some sadness it doesnt hurt. I think of Demi and how she fucked up everything we had for someone else. I think of how she was confusing me by leading me on then disappearing on me and suddenly reappearing. I think of what I was doing to Vanessa. I was cheating on her..she didnt deserve that, she is the sweetest person I've met she loves me and I love her so why was I purposely going behind her back to do this.
Why wasnt I feeling anything. I felt no remorse for doing those things to vanessa. I felt no pain..I wanted to feel something..anything..

I grab my phone and open up my messages.
Y/N: HEY taylor,feeling a little empty could you stop by and bring my old friend.
TAYLOR:yah give me 20 mins.

I wait what seems like forever until I hear a knock on my door. Taylor walks in apologizes for what's going on to my dad and gives me a hug.
"Are you sure you want this y/n?" Taylor asks reaching for his pants.
"I'm sure. I need it bad..I can handle it."
I plea.
"You aren't just doing this because of your Dad and the whole thing with Demi are you?"
I dont say anything.
"If that was the case I would have done it along time ago don't you think?"
I say annoyed.
"Are you sure, this is serious I dont want you to regret anything." He says moving closer to me.
"TAYLOR I'm getting impatient. I am sure I want this." I say playful but aggressively pulling him closer.
"Okay okay I'm just checking,you know I care about you." He says sternly.
"If you care about me,just do this for me..just this one time." I am annoyed now.
"Okay.." he moves in closer and reaches for my hand and hands me a small white bag.
"Be safe." He says as he walks out.

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