Chapter 41

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"Finally you're here!" I say opening the door,  y/n is standing in the door way. She smiles and leans in to kiss me as I closed the door. A million butterflies fill my stomach and for a second I forget to breath.
"I missed you a lot." She says in between kisses.
"I missed you more." You smile.
"You are such a good kisser." (Y/n) smiles.
I break away from the kiss and grab (y/n)'s hand and lead her over to the couch to sit.
She sits back and looks over at me without saying a word. She was thinking..i didn't know what she was thinking but I knew that face.
"How was your day?" You break the silence.
"It was good, slept most of it, then went to go eat where I saw you and.." She stops mid sentence then looks down and plays with her bracelet. I had no idea what to say. It was weird seeing her kiss Vanessa and then kissing her right now.
"So my surprise?" (Y/n) looks at me..
"I'll be right back!" I jump off the couch and go and grab my laptop.
"Okay." She laughs.

Kissing Demi right now felt amazing but wrong..just an hour ago you were making out with Vanessa and now you were making out with Demi..
"Okay I'm back." Demi sits on your lap and clicks away at her laptop.
"What kind of surprise is this?" You smirk.a
" just wait and see!" She raises her eyebrow.
The intro to a song begins to play, it's a piano and its a catchy intro.
You hear Demis's different.. The lyrics begin.
"tell me what you want what you like it's okay, I'm a little curious to." You look over at Demi.
She smirks at you.
This was way different.
"Got a taste for the cherry I just need to take a bite, don't tell your mother kiss one another die for each other, were cool for the summer."
You look over at Demi.. Was she really singing about this? You can't help but laugh a bit to yourself and let out a chuckle.
"what?" Demi looks at you.
"Take me down into you're paradise, don't be scared cause I'm your body type." You hear the songs lyrics.
" is this?" You say but before you can finish Demi nods.
"You wrote a song about the first time we hooked up?" You kiss her neck.
"I did baby." She laughs. "So do you like it?"
"I love it baby, this really a single?" You ask.
Was Wilmer really okay with this? What about Phil?
"yes it comes out in a couple days." She smiles.
" are you serious?..but it's about you tasting a cherry." You're confused why would Demi release this song as a single.
" This brings back a lot of good memories." She says moving her body so she's straddling yours.
"Remember when we first hooked up we were out in the Bahamas for my family trip?"
She kisses you.
You don't say anything back and kiss her and move your hands up her shirt..
"And we were sitting by the pool and we' were talking about experimenting and you told me you'd never kissed a girl before ."
She unzips your pants and kisses your neck.
" and you told me you always wants to kiss me." She looks into your eyes and kisses you.
"And then I leaned in and kissed you and couldn't stop." She begins to pull off your pants.
"And then you told me you wanted me." She takes off her shirt and her bra so her bare chest is in your face.
"And then I tasted your cherry?" She smirks
All of a sudden you were really horny again.
And the song and it's lyrics on repeat made you even more horny.
"Babe." Demi bits her lips.
You kiss her.
"I need you."
"I need you to Demi."
You pull off your shirt and roll on to the couch so now your the one on top and unzip Demis pants and pull them off till she's fully nude.
You kiss her chest
You continue to kiss her and make your way to her stomach and she moans your name as you go lower and slip your tongue in.

You wake up to the sound of someone throwing up in the restroom.
It was Demi.. Shit..
You jump up from the couch where you were still fully nude.
"Demi are you okay?" You say walking into the restroom.
she looks up her face looks pale white, she gets up and washes her face and brushes her teeth.
"Fuck I think I have the stomach bug." She says falling onto the couch.
You grab your pants and shirt and put them on.
"babe." You go over and cuddle her.
"I hate to see you sick." Her face wasn't white anymore and she had gotten her color back. You put your hand on her forehead but she didn't have a fever. Maybe it was something bad she ate.
You sit there as she closes her eyes and you comfort her.
" babe." Demi looks at you.
"I'm hungry.." She looks at you with a half smile
You look over at your watch.
"Well it's 6 AM."
" can we get food?" She looks sick.
"Of course.." You go to the room and try to remember where Demi kept the clothes. You grab some sweats from her drawers and head to her closet for a sweater, as you walk to her closet you can't help but notice the frame Demi has of her and Wilmer on her wall, it's the two of them on vacation in Bora Bora, she looks so happy next To him . You feel your blood begin to boil as your heart drops.
For a second it felt like everything was back to normal, there was no Wilmer and there was no Vanessa, it was like how things use to be.. Just for a night you hadn't thought about her cheating or Vanessa and the mess.
The past 10 months flash before your eyes and you relive it all, the heart break, the pain, and your brought right into reality. You really just wanted to turn back time. You couldn't go out with Demi in public it'd cause a hated the media...they had put you through hell.
You head out to the living room and hand Demi the clothes and she changes.
"So we can't really go out." You say.
"Wait why?" Demi asks.
"Because Demi, you know why." You say. " wed be recognized immediately and Vanessa and Wilmer would know we are seeing each other." You look at Demi and her face tightens.
"It's okay..I understand.. Don't want to get caught cheating again." She sits on the couch.
"We can, I doubt anyone will recognize us." She says annoyed.. "I'm hungry and is 6AM on a Sunday I don't think anyone's up yet."
You don't say anything..
"Please (y/n)." Demi whispers
"I just wish none of this were like this." You look down.
"I don't like cheating on Vanessa." You mumble.
You see Demi stiffen up.
"And I don't like cheating on Wilmer." She says.
You feel adrenaline pump through your body.
She did this. This was all her. She cheated on you.
You bite your tongue and don't say anything.
"I'm sorry." You grab your keys and a baseball cap.
"Ready?" You ask.
Demi grabs a hoodie and a baseball cap with her sunglasses and follows you.

You decided to go to a quiet Cafè overlooking the beach with an open was one of the only places open at 6AM. It was early so the cool breeze felt great, and the sun was just starting to rise which made for a perfect view.
"(Y/n) this feels just like old times.." Demi grabs your hand. There wasn't anyone here but an older couple so you didn't pull away.
"I miss this." She says.
You look over to the ocean.
"Me to.." You still don't look at her.
"How are you feeling." You look over as she finishes her place of food.
"Better..I don't know what that was this morning."
"That's good, can't get sick before your single comes out." You smirk.
"Can't have that happen! I'm so excited hopefully this was just something quick, I feel better now."
She laughs and looks at her phone.
"Want to get going its almost 8 and.." She stops mid sentence.
"And Wilmer's coming over to your house?" You ask.. A bit annoyed.
"Yea.." She looks down.
"That's okay, I'm suppose to meet up with Vanessa in a bit anyways." You lie trying to make Demi jealous.
Your mood changed and you were upset, for a second you felt like everything was back to normal but it was all still a complete mess and you weren't Demis.
"Oh well then we should leave don't want to keep Vanessa waiting to long." She begins to grab her purse. That was uncalled for.
"Yea you should really hurry back to Wilmer, don't want him to miss you too much." You say back.
She looks at you and rolls her eyes.
You get up and head for the car leaving her a couple steps behind you.
Could you two just be together and engaged again and stop with the constant bickering?

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