Chapter 28

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You waited impatiently for Demi at Urth Cafè, a couple fans had all ready recognised you and as much as you wanted to ignore them and be by yourself you couldn't, it want right of you and not fair to them. One fan talked to you for 10 minutes telling you how Demi had saved her and motivated her to go to rehab and get help. You told her how awesome that was and told her that yes Demi helped saved her but she shouldnt let Demi take all the credit because SHE saved herself becaue she was strong. You took a photo with her and she thanked you.  You took another drink of your lemonade looked at the time, Demi was always. She was probably with Wilmer..bitch. Just then you heard chaos behind you and looked over to see. It was Demi and she wasn't trying to hide who she was with a baseball hat and a jacket. She was doing the opposite; She was wearing a skin tight floral dress a leather jacket and heels her hair was let down..and looked hot as hell... Camera flashes blinded you as she walked towards you followed by Max and his screaming telling people to let Demi have some privacy please. Demi took off her sunglasses and walked up to you and whispered "Kiss me sexy" Into your ear, before you could comprehend what she said she grabbed your face and slammed her lips onto yours. You were instantly surrounded by at least a million flashing light. Demi wasn't letting you go and you weren't either her lips were amazing and made you forget what you came here for.

You finally snapped into reality and pulled away from Demi. She smiled at you and said "I love you baby"

The cameras around you had stopped and you gathered your thoughts. 

"Dem can we talk?" You said looking her In the eyes.

"Of course"She smiled.

You looked down at your finger and your engagement ring and began playing with it to calm your nerves.

"I.." You hesitated. "Im sorry I cant do this."

The image of Demi and Wilmer cuddling in bed naked keot replaying in your head and you couldnt look at her. How could she do this to you? How could she pretend and kiss you and act as if nothing was wrong. You looked at her and could feel tears rolling down your cheek. You pulled your finger off your finger and placed it on the table and walked away.

You told yourself not to look back but failed and saw Demi sitting in shock with tears rolling down her face..

As you walked out you were swarmed by at least a dozen paparazzi.

"So what was all that about?"

"Are you and Demi no longer Dating?:

"(y/n) why are you upset?"

were the questions you kept hearing.

"Are you guys happy? You got your story? Have fun with this story E News." you said flicking off the cameras through your tears.

You walked to your car and got out of there as fast as you could. The image of Demi sitting there crying kept replaying in your head. WHY did all this have to happen? You couldnt take this anymore. It hurt to much.

You drove into your driveway and instead of walking out you stayed in the car and just sat there not thinking about anything..just sitting feeling numb.

You felt your phone vibrating amd grabbed it.


"(y/n) are you okay?"

It was your Best friend Nina.


Nina had been there for you just as much as Demi had except more.

You immediately started crying.

"Ill be right there (y/n) im on your street right now?"

Just then she pulled up into the drive way and walked out of her car with a bag.

"(y/n) come on bitch." she said walking to the door.

You smiled a little because she was being bossy as always.

You walked up to her and opened the door.

"Youre such a fuckin bitch."You told her.

"shut up you love it." She walked to the the living room and set down the bag amd walkes up to you and embraced you in a hug.  She was a bitch but a bitch that loved and knew you to well.

"baby are you okay?" she said still hugging you" I heard about what happened, what happened?"

You explained what had happened to Nina and she was shocked.

"Baby its going to be okay." She kept assuring you.

You really hoped she was right because right now it really hurt...alot.

"Now come on and get sexy we have Taylor's concert to go to tonight." She told you.

"You're right I forgot about that."You faked a smile. You really didnt want to go.

"Hurry go get ready and get fucking sexy...I want all the heads to turn..You're single now!" She laughed. 

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now