Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/Imagine

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Chapter 1

"Ugh babe why are you being so annoying today.You are mean!" Demi yells at you. "I dont want to fight, Sorry Dem but I have to go." You yell back heading out the door. Fighting with Demi was the last thing you wanted to do, but lately it has been all you two were doing.Fighting over the tiniest things.It had gotten really bad but in your head you kept telling yourself it was only because both of you were stressed out due to hectic work schedule. Demi had the X factor and you had been working non stop on a new tv show that was set to air in a couple weeks. And the only time you got to see eachother was late at night and by then one of you was sleeping that's if Demi hadnt slept over at her moms. You clench the steering wheel in anger because thinking about how you two were drifting apart broke you inside. You feel your phone vibrate, Demis name pops up and you see the text;"I love you have a good day." THIS is why I love her so much you think to yourself. "I love you to Dem :) I hope you have a good day." You text back while driving, hoping you don't get a ticket. Demi was perfect, she always knew how to make you smile even if it was a little text it meant the world to you." We have a date tonight so be ready when I get home." You type quickly smiling from ear to ear. Yes you and Demi were fighting non stop but maybe you needed a real date that wasn't sitting at home watching ID and ordering take out.

You pull into the parking lot at work and sit in your car for a few minutes before heading into the hectic world of Television productions. "What the hell am I going to do for our date?!" You think outloud. You pull out your phone and dial the prop director.

"Ellllo?"You hear Kate the prop directors always friendly peppy voice.

"Hey Kate! its me (Y/N), I was wondering... well actually going to ask you for the biggest favor ever." You try to sound as peppy as her but are freaking out because this idea is way to extreme to work.

"Mmmmm... hmm. what is it (Y/N)." Kate sounds curious.

"Well you see..."You hesitate before going on."Me and Dem have been going through something and...I dont know.. I want to have a cute date to remind her how much she means to be because this TV show has been taking up my life." You finish hoping you didn't sound to desperate.

"So you want me to set up a date?"Kate says.

"Well kind of I was hoping but I suck at those things." You confess

"Oh Em Ge I have the perfect idea I will set up a date for you in studio 19 and it will be perfect! " Kate says with her ever present happy attitude.

"I love you Kate! that would be amazing and I would repay you with whatever you want!" You say or rather yell back in excitment.

"No problem, you know I love these types of things, plus you and Demi are cute. I don't want you two breaking up." Kate laughs.

"You are the best Kate I will see you in a bit!" you hang up.

You let out a sigh of relief and head out to work.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now