Chapter 34

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Seeing Demi and hearing her say your name was a feeling that over took your body, you felt week and your legs began to wobble.
Both Demi and you stood there in silence, all you've said was her name and all she had said was your name.
The silence was killing you and you couldn't talk or move. Your body didn't allow you to do both.
You looked over at Demi and smiled, you don't know why. She looked puzzled and smiled back. Your heart felt as if it had feel to your feet when you saw her beautiful smile and the twinkle in her eyes.

"Babe are you almost.."
Vanessa came towards you but stopped talking as soon as she saw Demi.

Your eyes were still on Demi and you were focused on the fact that when She heard Vanessa call you babe she looked down.
"Yea, just needed fresh air, my anxiety was killing me." You shift your focus to Vanessa.

" Want a little more time? I can do this. I don't want you to have more anxiety." Vanessa tells you and then turns to Demi. "Hey Demi." She smiles "Well be shooting soon so heads up someone will come and get you in about 10 minutes, if you need more time just let me know." Vanessa tells Demi.

Demi smiles back and says,
"Vanessa right?"
Vanessa smiles and nods.
"I'll be ready in 10 minutes, don't worry about it, can't wait to start." Demi says to Vanessa but her eyes glued to you.

Vanessa notices the way Demi is looking at you and quickly try's to get out of there;
"Well I'll meet you over there (y/n)" Vanessa points to the set. "And someone will be right down to get you." She smiles at Demi and walks away.

Demis eyes focus on you again. She doesn't saying a word and smiles.
You can't help yourself and you smile and get the same feeling you got before with Demi. This feeling that warmed you up inside.

"hey, (y/n)." Demi smirks.
Why was she smirking? Why was she smiling? The last time you saw her she couldn't stand to talk to you and you'd ended up crying.

"Hey Demi." You respond in a confused tone.
Demi comes down from her trailer and walks past Max and towards you, you can't concentrate straight because seeing her this close was mind boggling, was this how lovatics felt when they met Demi for the first time?

Demi comes closer and closer to you and you feel your heart beating fast and faster.

"demi it's time to go they are calling you."''Max interrupts her.
"Shit"she mumbles.
"Guess we have to go." You tell demi and walk away from there are fast as you can. Why? You don't know but you wanted to get out of there as fast as possible because you had no idea what you were going to do.

"are you okay(y/n)?" Vanessa stops you right in your tracks to the set.
"I'm okay..I think. I though I could see her but I can't."you tell vanessa in between breaths because you were beginning to have a panic attack.

"(Y/n) breathe please." Vanessa hugs you and hold you. Her hug was comforting but you could still feel your heart pounding in your chest.
"Babe please." Vanessa looks at you and kisses you quickly. Her kisses always seemed to help but not this time. You smile and pretend her kiss helped, it didn't it actually made it worse. You felt your hands beginning to sweat. You wanted to talk to Demi so bad. You wanted to hug her and tell her everything and ask how she was. Seek her triggered these emotions you'd been hiding for months. Vanessa is still hugging you and you rest your head on her shoulders and close your eyes and try to compose yourself.

"Vanessa are you ready?" One of Vanessa's assistants come up to you guys.

"Just give us a second." Vanessa tells him.
"Are you okay babe?" Vanessa asks you.

You open your eyes and take a deep breath, "yes." As Vanessa holds your hand.

Vanessa smiles and you two walk to the set, out of the corner of your eye you see Demis now short brown hair.
You feel your heart beat faster and Vanessa squeezes your hand to tell you it's okay. When you arrive to the set you see Demi and she smiles at Vanessa and you. You smile back, still feeling anxious, and forgetting you and Vanessa were holding hands.

"all set?" Vanessa asks when she walks up to her chair.
"All set." The camera crew says in unison.
You walk over and take a seat next to Vanessa as she begins to give instructions.
You can't help but look at demi and smile at her face as she listens to Vanessa instructions. You really missed her..
"(Y/n) come over here." Vanessa calls you over to where demi is shooting.
You walk over.
"What's up?" You smile.
"Remember when we were talking about that scene last night and how you had an idea?"
You nod.
"I forgot how we decided to do it." Vanessa giggles.
"Oh yea, I remember." You look over to the camera man and ask him to see it.
You grab the camera and place it at the angel you wanted it, close to Demis face so you'd get her side profile and the glistening lights in the background.
Like this? You show Vanessa the monitor of what the camera is going to shoot.
Vanessa shakes her head.
You laugh and try to figure it out.
"Sorry about this Demi." Vanessa tells demi.
Demi smiles" it's fine, (y/n) take your time."
"I almost got it." You say struggling to mount the camera on the movie stand.
"Don't hurt yourself." Demi laughs. You feel your heart skip a beat.
"Got it, now I just need you to move your head a little tiny bit." You tell demi
Demi moves her head
"No a little less."
She moves back.
"No not like that." You laugh.
"Like this?"She moves it to be wrong side again.
"NOPE." You laugh.
Your heart felt as if it was pounding 100 times a minute. Talking and laughing with demi felt great even if it was just a business thing.
"Why don't you just help me?" Demi tells you.
You take a deep breath and place your hand on Demis chin to place it in the right angle. When you touch her you can't help but feel a spark and smile, the feeling was back, that rush of emotions. You felt yourself begin to have a panic attack, suddenly you began to remember what had happened months before, how you had proposed to Demi, how you two had gone through hell together, how the both of you were together, and last how demi had broken your heart. You felt tears stream down your face and didn't know what to do but walk away from the set as fast as you could.

"(Y/n) wait." You hear someone call out. It was Demi.
You walk over to the directors dressing room and close the door and fall onto the couch crying.
You hear the door open and then close and then feel someone sit on the couch next you you and place their hand on your shoulder and you look up,it was Demi.
You look at her and cry falling into her arms.

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