Chapter 43

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(Y/N) POV:
You hadn't heard from Demi in almost 4 days and she was suppose to leave for New York tomorrow. You had texted her but she hadn't replied. Was she regretting everything you did? Was she realizing that what you two were doing was confusing? 
"Hey babe, hurry up!" Vanessa runs in front of you.
"Hold up!" You say trying to catch up to her.
You were on your morning jog up Runyon Canyon and it was a beautiful morning. When you catch up to her you both stop to catch your breath.
"What are you thinking about?" Vanessa asks. "You seem like there is something on your mind."
"Nothing, just thinking about work and life." You lie.
"Don't stress to much, you'll get wrinkles." She laughs kissing your cheek and poking your forehead.
"I'll try babe." You reach over and grab her hand and hold it while you two walk up the rest of the way.
"This is such a beautiful view." You Sit down at the top with all the other morning joggers.
"This never gets old." Vanessa says sitting next to you. " moving to LA was one of the best discussions I've ever made I don't think I've ever been happier." She looks at you.
" I'm so glad you moved here love." You kiss her.
She giggles and takes a sip of her water , " Ready to go? Have to pick up my mom and sister from the airport in 2 hours."
"Are you excited?" You ask.
"Yes but nervous, I've never had a girlfriend meet my family." She says getting up and headed to go downhill.
"I hope they like me." You say nervously.
"Of course they'll like you, they'll love you." She  laughs.
You laugh nervously.
" let's go I don't want you to be late!" You laugh and run down the hill and Vanessa follows you down.

I still couldn't believe I was pregnant, how?.. Well I mean I know how it happened but how could I have let this happen. We were always careful. I didn't know how I was going to tell Wilmer or anyone else.. Marissa was the only or who knew and she was still in shock and wasn't any help at all.
I feel my phone vibrate.
(y/n):'ve been MIA... You okay?
Ugh (y/n)... She had been texting and calling me at least 3 times a day and I couldn't answer..I didn't know what I was going to do... If she found out that I was pregnant she'd hate me again..
I put my phone back in my purse and headed out to Wilmers house..I had to tell him.. I didn't know how or what he was going to do out this knot in my throat wouldn't go away.

I slowly pulled up to Wilmers house and entered the code to let me in and parked my car in his drive way, grabbed my bag and took a deep breath..
"Baby!" Wilmer tells as soon as you walk in.
"Babe!" You smile and kiss him
"Como Estas, how are you love? I missed you." He kisses you again.
" I'm awesome babe, I'm so happy you're back!"
" Me to, I was so home sick and missed you, it's finally nice to be able to stay home for a couple weeks." Wilmer was finally done shooting Minority Report and he was going to start to focus on WV ENTERPRISE for a couple months and then head to Austin to work on season 3 of From Dusk till Dawn. You two walk over to his kitchen to grab a water.i couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on my chest; seeing Wilmer and knowing i had to tell him that we were going to have a child together.. And all mention the fact that  I didn't want to date him anymore, I wanted my old life back with y/n...I didn't know how or where to even start.
"Why are you so quiet today?" Wilmer asks sitting down across from me on the kitchen island eating an apple.
"Nothing..just thinking of how much I missed you and how I leave tomorrow and you'll be here." I fake a smile and could hear my voice trembling a bit.
"Are you sure?are you nervous? You sound off." He asks.
"I'm okay, yea I'm a bit nervous." I lie.
He looks at me, trying to read me and see if I am lying or telling the truth. He thinks for a little.
" You'll do great babe! I'm serious, everyone I know is super excited! And so am I." He looks at me,his big brown eyes so sincere.
"Thanks baby I guess I'm just.." I  feel the knot and the heavy feeling in my chest feels get heavier. "I'm nervous but I'm okay." My voice breaks.
"You're lying.." He tells you and examines and facial expression.
"I'm not babe."
"Demi what's bothering you." He asks.
"Nothing Wilmer.." Im annoyed.
"Okay love, I'm here mi amor."
He says letting it go.
"Want to go out? Maybe to eat? Or?" He asks.
"can we stay in?" You ask.
"Yea we sure can. " he Winks at me and heads over to his screening room and i follow the feeling I'm my chest getting heavier and heavier with every step.
How was I going to tell him? Maybe I wouldn't tell him.. I walk into the screening room and sit next to Wilmer cuddling into him, we decided to watch the newest episode of scandal, but Wilmer had a different idea..
"I love you." He looks over at me and kisses me not rough but definitely not a quick peck, i knew what Wilmer wanted, and to be honest I wanted it to, could pregnancy so early on make your sex drive go up?
" can we baby?" He asks before I  get on top of him I nod yes and he proceeded to kiss me, maybe this would take the knot I. My throat and heavy feeling in my chest away. He really missed me every kiss was passionate yet aggrieve. 
"is it just me or did your boobs get bigger." He takes off your shirt and kisses them.
He gropes my breast and I can't help but gasp in pain, ouch.. That really hurt. He stops And looks at me..
" babe?"
"I...." I feel a rush of fear rush over me.
" Demi?" He says looking into my eyes and then examining my bare chest to see why it would hurt..
" are you okay?" He looks at me again trying to read you.
"No.." I whisper and slip on his shirt that's lying beside me.
" what's wrong." He looks at me again like a scared little boy.
" Wilmer... Babe.. " I feel light headed ."I...I'm ...pregnant."I whisper.
I see his eyes go wide and then the color from his face rush away and then back.. He gets up from his chair, not saying a word..
" BABE, Demi.. I.. That's.. .. You're... We're.. Pregnant." I see his eyes water...
He paces back And fourth,
" I'm going to be a dad..." He walks over to you and picks you up and kisses you. "I'm going to have the most amazing family." He smiles. He's so happy.
I stare in shock. I'm so glad he is excited .. But I wasn't..he wanted a family that include him, me and our baby.. I wanted a family that included me, y/n and y/N& my baby.
"I love you." He smiles
" I love you so much baby." You hug him, tears forming in your eyes, not tears of joy..but tears of pain.. You've always wanted a family and couldn't wait to be a mom but not like this.. This wasn't how you planned it.

Vanessa's Mother and Sister had came into town and meeting them was nerve wrecking but they were extremely nice. They made it easy to feel comfortable with them and Vanessa was ecstatic that they were here and from the second they were off that plane she had something for them. Sadly you had to work, and couldn't spend the day with them but they would be here for a whole two weeks so that wasn't a problem plus it was Friday and you had the weekend off and you were excited that you got to hang out with Vanessa and her family but all you could seem to think about was Demi and how much you missed her.
You head into the office and immediately hear a familiar sound.
"Take me down into your paradise." Your head shoots up. It was Demis new Single.. Reminding you again that she had been ignoring and avoiding you. As you walk into the office Alex your intern immediately looks up and lowers the radio and changes the station.
"You know you don't have to do that." You look at him.
"Oh..I'm sorry it's just." He stutters.
"Just?." You ask. Obviously you weren't having a good morning. 
"It's someone told me..that you.." He stutters my poor guy, he was intimidated by you.
"That we were engaged? Dated? She cheated on me?" You glare at him.
"I'm sorry (y/n)." He fumbles Turning on the radio again.
"Look Alex, it's not a big deal we've both moved on , sorry I'm not having the best morning can you get me a coffee please?" You hand him your card and Before you can say anything else he runs out to get your coffee.
You walk over to your desk and immediately pull up Twitter and see photos of Demi at her pool party in New York. Your heart flutters she looked hot. You really missed her.

The pool party was a success and my my single was #1 on iTunes! It felt amazing! The feed back was awesome and I felt unstoppable and life was amazing. Almost so amazing that I had almost forgotten that I was pregnant but of course I felt bloated in my swim suit and the dresses I had to wear for my interviews, and has yet another case of "morning sickness" it sucked. Especially because I couldn't tell anyone how I felt and had to hide it all. Wilmer and I had decided to tell our families when I got home in a week, when I had my first doctors appointments.
"Ready Demi?" Max said waiting to escort me into this gay club I was singing my new single in.
"Of course max I'm super pumped." I lie I was tired and all I could think of was y/n and now we haven't Spoken in days.
As I head out of the car and into the car I see some fans and stop, even though max protested, my fans always had a way of making me feel better.
I walk over to them and smile and ask them how they are and if they have bought my new single. Already I was in a better mood, just seeing their faces light up as I spoke to them.
"Hi I'm April and I love you." A young girl walks up to you.
"Aww thanks sweetie I love you to." I smile.
" can I ask you a question?" She asks
I nod.
"Are you and y/n still friends? She posted this super sweet messages on Twitter about you and i don't know I ship you guys so hard." She smiles from ear to ear.
My heart drops.
"I haven't seen anything..April right? But we don't hate each other!" ("We actually had amazing sex just a couple days ago" i feel like saying this)
"I knew it! Can we take a picture?" She reaches over and takes a selfie.
"Nice meeting you April!" You half hug her and walk inside, curious to see what y/n had written. 

@y/n : Unbelievably proud of you @ddlovato! This single is great and it's amazing to see you doing you this time! Can't wait for the album. #BuyCoolForTheSummerOnItunes.

You open your text messages and being to type:
D:thanks for the support love, I miss you!
Y/N: anytime.

Was that really it? A one word answer. Cool.

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