Chapter 30

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You still heard the whispers and mummers get closer and you were surprised by a tap on your shoulder.
"(Y/n)." It was a young girl maybe 15 or 16.. Great another lovatic.. Just what you needed to remind you of Demi, a lovatic telling you how amazing Demi was. This was the last thing you wanted to do, you hadn't thought about her since you've gotten to the venue.
"yes." You fake a smile.
This girl wasn't smiling she looked angry.
"You are a fucking bitch, how dare you break Demis heart!" she yelled at you throwing her redbull drink at you.
what the fuck.
"are you fucking kidding me!"You yell. You were furious. Just as you were about to say something you'd probably regret you look up and she was gone.
What the hell was that? Was that the story going around that I broke Demis heart? I wasn't the one who was cheating. The concert was about to start. You were excited to see the old band perform.
Nina walked up next to you and looked at your shirt that was now soaked.
"What the fuck happened to you?"She said pointing at stain you had from the redbull.
"you don't want to know." You laugh..trying to play it cool.You were really upset that you were the bad guy to people when in reality you weren't.
"Okay."Nina laughed. She was focused on the stage or rather someone on the stage.
"Oh no not Joey!" you say shaking your head.
"but he's so hot!"Nina says,her eyes still glued to him.
"but he's Joey!"You laugh.
"I'm going to go home with him."She smiles.
"ew.gross. Have fun, I'll go home with myself and mope around." You laugh.. It was true, that's all you wanted to do..sit in bed and cry..
The pain had taken over again and all you could replay in your head was Demis face when you put the ring down and the girl who had told you you were a bitch.
You hated this feeling.
The lights dimmed down and the crowd began to cheer, and Taylor walked on stage. You'd missed there music and for the entire hour and a half of the show you were taken away dancing and singing along to the songs that reminded you of your past. It was a bittersweet feeling.
When the concert was over, Taylor invited fans to the after party which was at a club just a couple blocks away in Hollywood. You really didn't want to go, 1 reason being you didn't want to go out to a club all you wanted to do was sit at home watch OITNB and eat a tube of ice cream and the 2nd reason being temptation, you hadn't been to a club in forever because of temptation of alcohol.
"we have to go (y/n)." Nina begged after you told her your plans on not going.
"Nina I'm really tired." you lie.
"you what's up?! ready to head out!"Taylor comes up behind you embracing you in a hug.
"You did great!"You say hugging him back.
"Taylor tell (y/n) she has to go to the club, if she doesn't she's going to sit in bed watching OITNB all alone."
Taylor pouts when he hears Nina tell him your plans.
"(Y/n) please go for me?"he says making a pouting face.
You hesitate a little and then agree to go.

When you arrived the vibe of the club hit you instantly. The club vibe in Hollywood especially at after parties was unique and you use to love getting wasted at them. You walked in with Nina and the smell of alcohol and perfume filled your nostrils and to be honest made you kind feel light headed. You were taken to the VIP area and were offered a shot when you walked in, when you denied it the guy looked at you in an odd way. You looked over at Nina who had just finished gulping down the shot. shit she'd probably be wasted within a few hours and you'd be forced to take care of her.
" (y/n) come sit here!"Taylor called you over. You went over and sat next to him.
"miss this?"he smiled.
"Honestly? Yes, but weird." You smile back. Realizing you made no sense.
"I know you're sober so I asked them make some non alcoholic beverages."That was sweet of him.
" Hey business girl." Someone came and sat next to you. It was vanessa.
You felt your stomach do a little flip...butterflies, but why?
"hey,vanessa." You (y/n) tell me about yourself." She smiled that dorky little smile at you.
"Hmmm let's see.."you think. "I work for universal and I have a new show coming out and.."
Just then you heard a familiar beat in the was one of Demis songs. You couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions hit you,the same voice you'd hear in the shower singing ...the voice you wanted to hear sing again..
"are you okay?"Vanessa asked.
"I'm fine.." You feel lightheaded by the sudden rush of emotions.
"Here want something to drink?" she hands you a drink..obviously with alcohol. Instead of refusing it like you normally would have you grabbed it without thinking and took one long sip. The alcohol burning youth throat. After years of being sober that was'd had a drink and instantly you felt the alcohol hit you. It was amaZing. You didn't have the knot in your stomach or that pain in your chest...
"better?"Vanessa looked over at you.
"yea.." You said.grabbing her and taking her to the dance floor. tonight you weren't going to think about Demi. She had hurt you..and for tonight the pain would subside.
vanessa and you had been talking all Dancing all night long. You had had so much to drink you knew you were drunk but weren't wasted.
"so.."Vanessa said bitting her lip.
"So?"You smiled.
"you want to go to my place?"She said.
Before you could respond her lips were on your lips. They were soft and you couldn't help but feel a tingle..maybe it was because you were drunk. Her tongue fought against yours and the danced around. Her hands had moved down to your ass and your to her hair.
"I take that as a yes?"She smirked at you.
"(Y/n) ready to go?" Nina appeared behind you with Joey next to her.
" actually you go home without me." you smirk and walk off.
You could see Nina was surprised...hopefully we didn't see you drinking..

When you got to Vanessa walked into apartment you both instantly began making out and undressing each other . Your body was craving attention and so did Vanessa.
You felt her hands reach Up your shirt and undo your bra as your hands went down to in button her jeans. Before you knew it you were on her bed and the and fun.

The next morning you woke up next to Vanessa your head pounding and stomach feeling weird. You hated hangovers. You thought back to last night and instantly regretted drinking.
You looked over at the time; 10:30.
Ugh. You went over to grab a your phone out of your purse, you had a couple texts from Nina asking where the hell you were. You went to reply but were distracted by how many notifications your Twitter had,
You clicked to open it and the first thing you saw was a photo of you and vanessa making out at the club..what the hell?

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