Babysitting( Cassandra & Duke)

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--------------- ( At the Wayne Manor)

"Thank's for babysitting on such short notice Cass" Dick said. Wally was sick and needed dick's constant attention and dick didn't want to get his kid's sick. " Alright now go and take care of your husband" Cassandra said. 

" Thank's bye baby's" Dick said. " Will daddy be ok?" Rosy said. " Daddy will be ok you'll be staying with Auntie Cass for the week be good for her" Dick said. " Ok" Nico said in a sad voice holding Jelly close. 

Dick soon left and now it was just Cassandra and Nico, Rosy(Both of them were 7). "When's daddy getting better?" Nico said. 

" He'll get better soon we can call him in the afternoon to see how he's doing" Cassandra said. " ok" Rosy said. 

" Do you want to go swimming your dad packed swimming clothes" Cassandra said. " Ok" Rosy said. 

Suddenly the door opened and duke who was holding a sandwich. " Uncle duke come swimming with us!" Nico squealed grading duke hand pulling him. " Slow down buddy I have some study to do" Duke said. Nico looked up at him his eye's glowing of innocent's. 

" Please uncle duke" Nico said with such innocent and purity. The boy fell for it and agreed. 

( 20 minutes later)

" Do you need floatie's do you know how to swim?" Cassandra said. " I don't need a floatie" Rosy said. " How about a pool noodle just to make sure your don't drown" Duke said holding up a red pool noodle. 

" Ok" Rosy said grading it.She was in a pink swim suit with skirt attached.  " You all good their buddy" Duke said. Cassandra and Rosy were walking to the pool with a slide and a hot tub. " I'm ok" Nico said.  He was in blue swimming trunk's and a dark blue swimming shirt. 

" Let me tie your hair back" Cassandra said grading a hair tie. Rosy had big thick curly ginger hair and was planing to grow it as long as she could. Cassandra tied her hair into a pony tail and they made their way out. 

"Let's go buddy" Duke said scooping Nico up grading some donut ring's and water gun's. They made their way to the pool. It was a perfect day it was clear sky's the sun was out. They set their place up. 

"Wait before we go sun screen" Duke said being the worried Uncle he was.He then splattered sunscreen over Nico and Rosy face. 

" Bleh" Rosy said sticking out her tongue . "Alright let's go in" Cassandra said. Rosy Cassandra and duke jumped in the water. 

Rosy giggled and started swimming around with Duke diving in. Cassandra was about to join but noticed a small boy was not in the water with them. 

Cassandra looked and saw Nico at the edge of the pool. She analysed him and saw his leg's were shaking his expression was scared and so she  recognised he was scared of getting into the water. 

" Nico are you getting in?" Cassandra said swimming toward's him. Nico stayed silent. Cassandra  opened her arm's out. 

" Just take slow step's in"Cassandra said. Nico nodded he slowly dipped his feat in and held Cassandra hand. 

He soon was submerged in the water. Cassandra could tell he was panicking a bit. " Breathe Nico calm your body" Cassandra said walking backwards a bit. 

Nico slowly started to relax but there was a wave of water. Cassandra held Nico high up in the air and was splashed with water. 

"Sorry" Duke said. " We'll start out slow and steady alright?" Cassandra said. Nico nodded and Cassandra slowly went around helping Nico float and swim. 

( 1 hour later)

" Alright time to get out" Cassandra said. "Aw do we have to go?" Rosy said. "Come on if we're quick we can watch a movie in the theatre" Duke said. 

They quickly went to the bathroom and got a bath ready.  Soon after they had a bath and got dressed into their Pyjamas they had there favourite stuffed animal's and started watching Lilo & Stitch. 

( Half way in the movie)

" Look's like a few kiddie's are asleep" Duke said smiling. Rosy was leaning against's him her eye's closed. Nico was on Cassandra lap cuddling Jelly. 

" I'll put them to bed" Cassandra said picking up both of them. 

(Meanwhile with Wally and Dick)

" How are you feeling pumpkin?" Dick said siting next to Wally who was laying on the couch an ice pack over his head. " OH horrible I'm going to die of a cold" Wally said dramatically his voice cracked. 

" Just rest Wally" Dick said setting some cough medicine and water. Dick was about to leave but wally suddenly pulled him into a hug. 

" I would rest better with you"Wally whispered. Dick sighed wally was like another kid to him constantly wanting his attention and love. " Fine just this night but if I get sick I'm blaming you" Dick say smiling. 

The next few day's Cassandra and Duke had to baby sit a few extra day's because Dick suddenly got sick. 

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