Mermaid Au

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"Ow papa!" Nico yelled a crab was pinching his tail. Dick looked over and slapped it off with his Fish tail. " How many time's have I told you to stop taunting the crab's" Dick said gentle placing the crab down apologising. 

" Papa their's something stuck in my hair" Rosy said swimming in. Dick graded a hair brush and brushed it out. " It was a shell" Dick said. " Oh there it is I was looking for this everywhere"Rosy said swimming away.

" Nico can you please go find your father we have to leave soon for the party" Dick said. Nico swam off and soon Leon came in. " Papa I can't find Kiki" Leon said in a panicked voice. " Did you check under your bed?" Dick said brushing his head. Leon swam away and soon dick heard 

" Found it!" 

" Good now wally? Wally!" Dick yelled looking at wally who was stuffing his mouth with food. "Come on now there is going to be food at the party" Dick yelled grading wally arm away from the kitchen. 


" PAPA NICO PUT A CRAB IN MY HAIR!!" Rosy screamed swimming toward him with Nico behind her. " Nico your grounded for a week" Dick said. " It's not my fault she has big hair" Nico said. 

" Zip it go to your room and get ready" Dick scolded grading a hair brush and trying to find the crab. 

Suddenly a bright red crab jumped out and pinched Wally hand. "OW!" Wally yelled swinging his hand around. 

Dick gentle took the crab off wally's hand and swam outside placing it on a rock. " I'm so sorry" Dick said swimming back. 

" Everyone if you're not ready I'm leaving" Dick said. Soon everyone was rushing around. " OK everyone's let go" Dick yelled. 

Soon they all were swimming to the palace. " Ok were here now behave that mean's no taunting the crab's no wondering off and NO eating all the food" Dick said. 

They entered and merpeople were swimming around talking enjoying themself. " Dick welcome" Bruce said. 

" Bruce it's so good to see you" Dick said hugging bruce who smiled. " Pop pop!" Nico and rosy yelled swimming up and hugging him. "Their are my favourite grandchildren" Bruce said hugging both of them. 

" And where's my little lion fish" Bruce said. Leon was hiding behind Wally but swam out and hugged bruce. 

" Uncle Jay!" Rosy yelled. " Rosy!" Jayson smiled hugging her. She met with all her uncle's an aunt's and grandpa.

"Let's dance" An announcer said. Merpeople started dancing together. Wally spun dick around both of them smiling. 

Rosy and Nico were dancing together

( 15 mintue's later)

" Did you see were Leon go?"Dick asked Nico who shrugged. " I think I know" Rosy said pointing to the food table were Leon was stuffing his face with food. " Leon" Dick sighed smiling. 

" How come he can stuff his face with food" Wally whined. " Because you already ate" Dick said giving Wally a little kiss and swimming over to Leon. 

Dick took a small piece of food and going back to Wally. " Love you" Dick said his fin's wraping around Wally's.

"PAPA!!" Rosy yelled. Dick looked over and saw a giant card running after Nico. Dick sighed rolling his eye's.

 "Here we go again" 

Wally West & Dick Grayson childrenWhere stories live. Discover now