Chapter 1

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10 years later

Life has been very cruel in the last 10 years. I've lost too much of myself, I don't even recognise the person I am now. The Russians made me the monster I am today. I am someone who finds pleasure in killing, I kill for fun, I kill when  I'm angry and sometimes I kill for no reason at all

I do not have any family or friends. I have only loyal people who fear me and believe in me at the same time. I have been running the Greek mafia since I was 15. It was in really bad shape back then, it had been without a leader for 5 years. 5 years, that's how long I lived in that hellhole. 5 years with no trace of father, I suspect he may be dead. After I escaped from the Russians I was on the streets for a couple of months eating from the garbage can. The security caught me stealing from a food store and then they sent me to an orphanage where I got forster parents months later.

Living with Emily and Simon Hans was not as terrible as living with the Russians. Sure they deprived me of decent meals from time to time and beat me to a pulp sometimes but it was still nothing like what I went through there.
Maybe deep down I enjoy feeling pain, it makes me feel a little less empty inside. Lord knows I've wanted to murder them so many times but I have to be patient after 4 months I will turn eighteen and then I can have a ball. They do say revenge is best served cold. All I have to do is wait.
I'm severely underweight  because I do not really have much of an appetite and I struggle to eat food cooked when I was not present. My mind always goes to dangerous places, there could always be shattered glass or some kind of poison inside it.

I really despise that Simon sent me back to highschool, he is well aware that I had online school and graduated a year ago. Highschool is the worst, people cannot mind their own business. Plus most of the girls here hate me so. I'm acquainted with Diego and Sophia as they work for my mafia. Diego is one of my assassins and Sophia is my right hand woman. I would not say I trust her with my life because I trust no one with my life but I do consider her advice from time to time.

My phone suddenly rings and look at the screen and see that it's Diego before answering it. My lips slightly curve into a smile as I anticipate that he is about to give me good news.

"We found him, he is not in the best condition but he is alive and ready to talk so please come down as soon as possible. I don't really think he will survive the night, "he says.

"Well then I guess I'm on my way. And Diego... Make sure our guest is comfortable," I tell him with a conniving grin before turning the phone off.
I rush out of the cafeteria and head straight to my bike. I drove off and raced to my layer. The moment I step into the room I'm met with a satisfying scent of blood in the air. Well it looks like someone was having fun without me.

"You were right he looks terrible."
They both turn their heads towards me as I announce my presence in the room.
"Poncho, poncho, poncho, or should I say uncle Poncho."
"Forgive me please, it was never my intention to get you involved."
" Oh but you did get me involved, those Russians you were working with behind our backs kidnapped me and tortured me for years. They killed my father, and you think I'll forgive you just like that," I say looking at him with utmost hate and disgust.

"I know and I am sorry if I could turn back time I would, I have regretted my actions for the last 7 years. If it's worth anything I want you to know that he didn't die," he says with what looks like tears burning in his eyes.

" What did you say?"
" Your father he is survived, I'm not sure where he is but I know he survived that night as wounded as he was he lived."
I took a few deep breaths while trying to process what this traitor was saying to me. He ....he was alive..... all this time, where had he been? He left me.

"Fine, you may not have murdered my father but you still betrayed him. You know.... I once considered you an uncle, you were family to me, his brother, his right hand man and you still stabbed us in the back. Dear uncle, I am a Galanis, you know this well, we do not forgive ever, especially betrayal."
I say as I walk towards him with my aura darkening.
" It was a mistake, I was wrong forgive me dear child, Luna please do not do this," he pleaded pathetically. Another mistake on his end, using that name, not him that name carried too many past memories. It infuriated me to hear that name come out of his mouth so much so that I just snapped and gouged his eyeballs out with my fingers. He screamed like a little girl.
I then leaned towards his ear and whispered," You're right dear uncle, I guess the sins of the parents fall on their children."

His  face went pale as it hit him, I wasn't just going to kill him. I was going to wipe out his entire bloodline. Before he could open his mouth I just took my knife from my thigh and stabbed him on the neck. Within a matter of seconds he was cold on the floor. There is quite nothing as sweet as revenge I thought.

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