Chapter 4

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Andrea's pov

The wait felt like forever. I honestly did not know how to feel about living with my father again. A lot of thoughts were rushing through my mind. Has he changed?
Impossible, he is Zeus Arlo Galanis nothing could change him nor break him.
All of my questions would be cleared once he arrived. I would know where he has been all these years and why he stayed away and let me live with the Russians for that long. He surely had a good reason for it. Something really bad must have happened for things to end up like that.

The door opened as the middle aged lady who I now know is my social worker informed me that my father has arrived. I shot up and walked out to the other room to meet him. Too many years have passed, the last time I saw him I was 10 and now I'm 17, almost a grown woman. I had changed and they did manage to break me.
When I walked in my eyes met with the dark brown eyes of the 6ft6 tan man who stood before me and the 6ft4 tan man with green eyes next to him. He surely had to be his son judging by the age difference and the similar features. Which were coincidentally a bit similar to some of mine.

" This is your father and your brother Andrea you will be moving in with them," said the social worker.
It took me a minute to process what she was saying to me. A brother? I never had a brother and that certainly is not my father even if he had somehow done plastic surgery for some reason the man still would not fit his description. My father was 6ft4 and a bit more buff than this man.

I laughed a bit it was a sick laugh for a sick joke.
"Whatever game y'all are playing, I do not want to play, this man is not my father and I have no brothers. Lastly I'm not going anywhere with you strangers," I said without missing the visible hurt in their eyes as those words came out of my mouth.

I tried to walk out but the younger man grabbed my arm.
" Please sorella(sister) listen to us and come home.." he pleaded.
He should not have done that, I gave him a cold glare and he quickly let's go of my arm. He then looks at his father as if to seek approval before taking out something from his bag and quickly injecting me with it.
I felt a slight stinging sensation before giving him a death stare and then losing consciousness in his arms.

Isabella's pov

Allesandro and Lucas came back with Aurora in their arms. It seems things did not go that well but Lucas was prepared as always he handled the situation the best way he saw fit. Although I do think they could have tried other means to get her here. Drugging a girl and bringing her to a house she is unfamiliar with without her consent is not very appropriate but I guess it had to be done. From what I've heard from Lucas she seems to be very stubborn and she has a really bad temper, surely she must have gotten it from me. Lucas claims she would never have agreed to come with them judging by the tone she had used when emphasising that she was not going anywhere with my son and husband.

She has been out for a few hours and she could wake up at any moment from now according to Lucas.

Ace's pov

We are all in her bedroom just standing there waiting for her to wake up. I think we are all just scared if we leave her she may just disappear. She looks beautiful and a bit deadly. She definitely does not look innocent and peaceful when she is asleep it is as if her mind is fighting against the drowsiness while her body longs for good sleep. I cannot help but think about all of the important moments of her life we have missed.
She is a fully grown human now and we know nothing about her and she knows nothing about us.

I do think that My father and brother were wrong to bring her here against her wishes. She deserved a better life, away from us and all of the violence and danger that surrounds our family and mafia. I would hate for her to get caught in the middle of mafia wars or plain mafia business. I myself try to avoid the mafia business but the underworld always finds a way to get to me. I just cannot escape it. I hear her slightly make a sound as she shuffles around the bed. She is waking up, everyone took a few steps closer waiting for her to open her eyes and then she did, she shot straight up.

Andrea's pov

This did not feel like my bed, and then I remembered the last events that had played out. It surely had to be a dream and as I was waking up now it meant it was over. I felt a heavy presence in the room and I opened my eyes and shot right up.
I scanned the room, I spotted nine people and a little spawn so ten.
My breathing increased as I was ready to attack, if this was a kidnapping I had to escape now.

"Easy there tiger," one said. I recognised him he was in my dream claiming to be my brother. Well I guess it wasn't a dream if they are standing in front of me now and I'm 100% sure I'm awake right now.

" What do you want, is it money?" I said in a cold tone.

"Listen,principessa(princess), it's okay, you are safe. I am your biological father and this is your ...."

" You are not my father," I said cutting him off

" I know this is not easy for you your foster parents probably did not tell you you were adopted or something. You are well within your right to still consider Simon as your father." The other man said, he must be the oldest.

That man was no father of mine and I was adopted two years ago, I know who my real father is I thought to myself.

" Where I come from we call what all of you did to me KIDNAPPING," I spelt it out slowly.

" Sure it would be kidnapping if we did not have custody of you, but Mio caro( my dear) we are your family. Yes we were wrong to bring you here like that but this is where you belong because you are one of us, a Bianchi," the middle aged woman who had been standing in the far corner said.

I then took a good look at her and the rest of her family members, there was indeed a striking resemblance. I could actually pass for the middle aged woman's daughter, she had my eyes, almost all of them did. No, this had to be a prank, some sort of mind game. It just was not possible. I'm only realising now who they actually are, they are the Italian mafia and she is the Spanish mafia princess. They fit the descriptions so perfectly, I had never been in the same room as them but I knew about them. If they were actually my bios then I would be the Italian mafia princess. The thoughts just flooded my head without any warning.
But what about father ..... no

NOW! GET OUT ALL OF YOU," I shouted furiously. I needed time to think. I needed to put the pieces together.

"Principessa, it's fine if you need some time to process this. It surely must all be a shock to you we will give you some space and you can come for dinner at 7 once you have calmed down or you start feeling better," the alleged sperm donor said. He tried to come close to me as if to comfort me but he then decided against it upon seeing my body language.

They all walked out one after the other, with their faces filled with hope.

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