ch 6: helping fatty (2/4)

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Daniel trembled as he stood, his eyes darting between Lin and the unconscious thugs. He was clearly terrified, and Lin could see the fear etched on his face.

"Who... who are you?" Daniel stammered, trying to make sense of the situation.

Lin crossed his arms, looking down at Daniel with a stern expression. "My name is Lin. I don't care about your stuff, and I don't want anything from you. I helped you because I have a goal, and you're part of it."

Daniel looked confused and scared. "What do you mean?"

Lin sighed, realizing he had to be more direct. "Listen, I'm not here to make friends or be your savior. I have my own reasons for being here, and you're involved in them. You have two options: either you can help me, or you can stay out of my way."

Daniel blinked, still trying to process Lin's words. "Help you? How can I help you? I'm just... me."

Lin's expression softened slightly. "I know what you're going through, Daniel. I know about your struggles, and I know about the bullying. You want to change, right? You want to become stronger, better."

Daniel's eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know that?"

"Let's just say I have my ways," Lin replied cryptically. "But here's the deal: I can help you. I can teach you how to fight, how to defend yourself. But in return, you need to help me with my goals. Are you in?"

Daniel hesitated, the offer tempting but also frightening. "I... I don't know if I can."

Lin stepped closer, his gaze intense. "You can. Trust me, Daniel. I've seen what you're capable of. But you need to decide now."

After a moment of silence, Daniel nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll do it."

A small, satisfied smile crossed Lin's face. "Good. First things first, let's get you cleaned up and patched up. Then we can start your training."


Later that evening, Lin and Daniel sat in Lin's motel room. Lin had bought some basic first aid supplies and was helping Daniel clean up his wounds.

As Lin worked, Daniel's frustration began to boil over. "You don't get it," he said suddenly, his voice shaking. "You don't understand what it's like to be me. Every day, getting bullied, feeling worthless. It's easy for you to say you'll help me, but you have no idea how it feels."

Lin paused, his hands still as he listened to Daniel's outburst. The pain and anger in Daniel's voice were palpable.

"Do you think I don't know hardship?" Lin said quietly, his tone calm but firm. "You think you're the only one who's suffered? I've faced things you can't even imagine. I've been through hell and back, and I survived. That's why I'm standing here now, offering to help you."

Daniel stared at Lin, taken aback by his words. "But... but why? Why help me?"

"Because I've been where you are," Lin replied, his eyes meeting Daniel's. "And I know what it feels like to be powerless. I had to fight my way out, and now I have the strength to help others. But you need to decide if you want to stay a victim or become someone who can stand up for himself."

Tears welled up in Daniel's eyes, but he blinked them away. "I want to change. I want to be strong."

Lin nodded. "Good. Then let's get started."


The next morning, Lin and Daniel met in a small park near the motel. The early morning air was crisp and cool, a perfect setting for the beginning of Daniel's training.

"First, we work on your stamina," Lin said, handing Daniel a pair of running shoes. "We'll start with a simple run. Follow my lead."

Daniel put on the shoes and nodded, determination etched on his face. They started jogging, Lin setting a steady pace. As they ran, Lin began to explain the basics of what they would be working on over the next few months.

"We'll focus on building your endurance, strength, and technique," Lin said. "You need to be able to take hits and keep going. It's not just about fighting; it's about surviving."

Daniel struggled to keep up at first, but Lin encouraged him, pushing him to keep going. By the end of the run, Daniel was exhausted but felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Good job," Lin said, clapping Daniel on the back. "That's just the beginning. We have a lot of work to do, but I believe you can do it."

Daniel looked up at Lin, a new sense of hope in his eyes. "Thank you, Lin. I won't let you down."

Lin smiled. "I know you won't. Now, let's get to work."




**Quest Updated:**

**Objective:** Help Daniel Park

**Progress:** Start training with Daniel Park.

**Time:** 4 months

**Reward:** ???

**Penalty:** System ability resets


Lin took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the quest. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready for the challenge. The next few months would be crucial, not just for Daniel, but for his own journey as well.

**Chapter ends here**


(An: guys pls go and read my another story. I legit dont fell motivated to write that anymore cause just how much more support this one is getting which im thankful for of course. But if any of you have time go read my other ff "LOOKISM:UNKNOWNS)😭

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