Ch 16 : training

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After the school day ended, Lin and Daniel found themselves in a quiet park, the sun dipping low on the horizon. The air was cool, and the faint rustling of leaves filled the silence between them.

"Will they really come?" Daniel asked, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and doubt.

Lin took a deep drag from the cigarette he had just lit, the smoke curling lazily into the evening air. "Not sure about Vin," he replied, exhaling slowly, "but the other two? They'll be here."

Just then, a voice cut through the stillness. "You shouldn't smoke."

Lin turned around to see Vasco and Zack approaching, Vin noticeably absent. As expected, Vin had opted out, but the other two had shown up, albeit reluctantly.

"Finally decided to show up, huh?" Lin said with a smirk, his gaze shifting between the two.

Zack, looking a bit annoyed, muttered, "Cut to the chase."

Lin chuckled, holding up his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. "Okay, okay, chill, bro. I just wanted to offer you guys something…interesting. I want to train you two"

Zack, already irritated, began to walk away. "Keep dreaming."

But before he could leave, Vasco stopped him, curiosity piqued. "Wait, why do you want to train us?" Vasco asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Lin grinned, his tone turning mockingly casual. "Oh,At first sorry for before I just wanted see if you guys were powerful but it's just that you guys are so pathetically weak, it's almost sad. I figured it'd be fun to train you, maybe even make something of you."

Daniel nudged Lin, his voice a quiet. "You should seriously tell them the real reason, or I think they'll leave."

Lin sighed, the playful edge leaving his voice. "Fine, fine." He turned his attention back to Vasco, his expression more serious. "Vasco, you want to beat all the bad guys, right?"

Vasco nodded, his face set in determination.

"How do you plan to do that when you can't even scratch me?" Lin's words were blunt, but they hit their mark. "There are people out there stronger than me right now, people who won't hesitate to crush you."

Zack, now more interested, stepped closer. "Who are they?"

A smirk played on Lin's lips as he casually dropped the name. "Johan. He could probably beat me at this moment." (Johan actully cant beat Lin)

Zack's reaction was immediate, his eyes widening in shock. "How do you know about him?" he demanded, his voice rising.

Lin raised a hand to calm him. "Shh, calm down. There's a lot you don't know, but if you're serious about getting stronger, come to this location tomorrow. I'll show you what you're up against…and how to survive it."

He turned to leave, but not before adding, "And you too, Vasco. If you want to make a difference, you'll need more than just brute strength. You'll need discipline, strategy, and the will to win."

With that, Lin and Daniel walked away, leaving the two standing in the fading light of the playground. Vasco and Zack exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them. They would be there tomorrow, ready to see what Lin had to offer.

That night...

"Isol, buy Muay Thai, and Dirty Boxing from system store" Lin instructed.

"Purchase successful," Isol confirmed.


The next day after school, Lin and Daniel found themselves standing in a junkyard, surrounded by piles of scrap metal and old machinery.

"Why did you choose this place?" Daniel asked, looking around with mild disbelief.

Lin shrugged. "Why? You don't like it?"

"Who in their right mind would like a junkyard?" Daniel replied, shaking his head slightly.

Before Lin could respond, they heard footsteps approaching. Not long after, Zack and Vasco appeared, both looking around the junkyard with mixed expressions.

"So, you finally made it," Lin said as Zack and Vasco approached. "Before we start training, I'll answer any questions you have."

Vasco spoke up first, "Who are the other bad guys?"

Lin nodded, a slight smirk on his face. "Oh, there are plenty of them, but how about I tell you about two of the worst?" Seeing Vasco nod, he continued, "There's a powerful bad guy who takes orders from an even richer bad guy.

The powerful one formed four crews, like your Burn Knuckles, but much larger. He forces them to beat people up and take their money. One of these crews operates near the Han River in Gangbuk. They're called 'God Dog,' "
Zake flinched at that but Lin continued.

"And their leader is an old friend of Zack's—Johan seong."

Zack's composure shattered. "Tell me what you know... please," he pleaded, pain clear in his voice.

Lin's expression turned serious. "And what if I do? What will you do about it? You're nothing but a weak brat right now. You can't help Johan in any way."

Zack clenched his fists, his voice trembling with determination. "Then I want to get stronger. Train me, please!"

Vasco, realizing the truth in Lin's words, added, "Me too. I need to get stronger to fight the bad guys. Please, train me as well."

Lin looked at both of them for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. If you two promise to help me in the future, I'll train you."

Lin set up the training area in the junkyard, using the scattered debris and heavy objects lying around. "Alright, let's get started," he said, handing out heavy concrete slabs to Daniel, Zack, and Vasco. "Tie these to your backs. The goal is to get used to moving with added weight while hitting hard targets."

Zack and Vasco grunted as they strapped the slabs to their backs. Daniel, more at ease with the burden, nodded in understanding. Lin led them to a spot where large concrete blocks and pillars were scattered around. "Your task is to strike these with your fists, elbows, and knees. The weight will make it harder, but that's the point—you need to get stronger and tougher."

The training was intense. Lin demonstrated powerful strikes and techniques, then watched as Daniel, Zack, and Vasco began their work. Daniel adapted quickly, his ability to copy techniques evident as he mirrored Lin's movements. Zack, already skilled in boxing, focused on refining his punches and learning to incorporate elbows and knees effectively. Vasco, with less experience in Mayu Thai, struggled at first but gradually picked up the moves.

Lin kept the training rigorous but fair, ensuring each of them was pushed to their limits. He made corrections and adjustments where needed, his eyes sharp and focused on their progress.

As the session continued, Lin switched up the training to focus on specific techniques. To Zack, he taught dirty boxing—how to use unexpected moves to gain an advantage in close combat. Vasco was shown more advanced Mayu Thai techniques, with Lin carefully demonstrating each move before letting Vasco practice.

For Daniel, Lin focused on Taekwondo techniques. Daniel's natural ability to copy moves allowed him to grasp the techniques quickly. Lin watched with approval as Daniel executed high, powerful kicks and precise strikes, his improvement evident with each repetition.

By the end of the day, Lin was pleased with their progress. Daniel had shown the most improvement, quickly mastering the new techniques. Zack and Vasco were exhausted but determined, their faces set with resolve.

Lin lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before speaking. "Good job today. But remember, this is just the beginning. It's going to get much harder from here on out."

He looked at them with a challenging gaze, the cigarette smoke curling around his face. "If you want to keep up, you'll need to push even harder."ons and adjustments where needed, his eyes sharp and focused on their progress.

Chapter ends here

An : Lin wont actually train them much he will sent Zake to the monk vasko to bulduck (i think its his name) and Daniel to gun....if possible

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