ch 13 :new connection

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During lunch, well how much was left of it, Jay quietly joined Daniel and Lin at their table. Despite Jay's silence, Daniel seemed to have no trouble understanding him. They communicated with simple gestures and expressions, and Daniel often nodded in understanding or gave a soft smile in response to whatever Jay was trying to convey.

Lin watched the interaction with mild curiosity, his mind briefly wandering. *How does Daniel understand Jay so well?* It was something Lin couldn't quite wrap his head around. Jay didn't speak, yet somehow, Daniel seemed to pick up on everything he was trying to say.

As the three of them continued to eat, Lin noticed the bond forming between Daniel and Jay. There was a quiet understanding between them, an unspoken connection that didn't need words. It was strange, but in a way, it made sense—Daniel had always been the type to connect with others on a deeper level, even if he didn't fully realize it.

By the end of the day, Lin found himself amused at the new friendship that had formed. Jay wasn't the easiest person to get close to, but Daniel had managed to do it without even trying. As they all headed out of the school together, Lin couldn't help but shake his head slightly, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Well, I guess you've got a new friend," Lin remarked as they walked down the hallway.

Daniel looked over at Lin, then at Jay, who gave a slight nod. "Yeah, I guess so," Daniel replied with a smile.

Lin just chuckled softly. *Of all the people to become friends with...* But deep down, he was glad Daniel had found someone else to trust. Even if Jay didn't speak, the bond they were forming was undeniable.

As they were walking through the hallway, Lin, Daniel, and Jay suddenly found themselves facing Vin Jin and his lackeys. Vin had that trademark smirk on his face, his sunglasses perched on his nose, even though they were indoors. He was clearly in a playful mood, his eyes flicking between Lin, Daniel, and Jay.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the new kids," Vin Jin drawled, his voice dripping with mockery. "Heard you guys made quite the impression today. Especially you, Lin." He tilted his head slightly, smirking. "Not many people can take down Zack that easily. Not that it's much of an achievement or anything."

Lin simply raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Vin's attitude. "I just did what I had to. If Zack had stayed calm, none of it would've happened."

Vin chuckled,"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Personally, I'm not too fond of Zack myself. Always walking around like he owns the place. You did me a favor, knocking him down a peg."

Daniel looked between Lin and Vin, unsure of where this conversation was headed. Jay remained silent as usual, but his eyes were sharp, watching Vin and his lackeys carefully.

Lin, however, kept his cool. "I'm not interested in playing games, Vin. We're just trying to get through the day without any more trouble."

Vin's smirk widened. "Trouble? Who said anything about trouble? I'm just here to see what all the fuss is about." He stepped closer to Lin, eyeing him up and down. "You're not bad, Lin. Maybe we could even get along—if you don't get on my nerves, that is."

Lin met Vin's gaze, unfazed. "I'm not here to make enemies, but I'm not here to impress anyone either. If you're looking for a fight, you won't get one from me. But I won't back down either."

Vin laughed, clapping Lin on the shoulder, albeit lightly. "Relax, man. I like your style. We'll see how things go. Just don't go thinking you can take over my territory, alright?"

Lin nodded slightly, understanding the unspoken challenge in Vin's words. "No interest in that, Vin. You can keep your territory. I'm just here for school."

Vin's smirk softened into something almost friendly, though still playful. "Fair enough. We'll see how things shake out. But hey, if you ever get bored, maybe we can have some fun. Who knows? Maybe I'll even show you some respect."

With that, Vin turned on his heel, signaling for his lackeys to follow. As he walked away, he tossed a casual wave over his shoulder. "Catch you later, Lin. And you too, Daniel. Try not to get into too much trouble, alright?"

As Vin and his group disappeared down the hallway, Daniel let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "What was that about?"

Lin shook his head, a small smile on his lips. "Vin's just...Vin. He likes to stir things up, but he's not a bad guy. Just don't get on his bad side, and you'll be fine."

Daniel nodded, still processing the encounter. "I'll keep that in mind."

Jay, silent as always, gave Lin a nod of approval before the three of them continued on their way, the tension from the hallway encounter slowly fading.

So thats it for today thanks for the support yall gave me. Love yall🥹

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