ch 15 : beating those two

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The next day had been relatively uneventful for Lin, with the morning passing by in a blur. As lunch approached, Lin, Daniel, and Jay sat together, their casual conversation light and easy. To their surprise, Mira, Zack, and Zoe joined them, filling the table with chatter.

Lin kept the mood light, making small talk with everyone, but the atmosphere shifted when a heavy hand clamped down on his shoulder. Lin didn't need to turn around to know who it was-Vasco.

The grip tightened, but Lin barely felt it. "Lin, right?" Vasco asked his voice threatening.

Lin nodded, calm as ever. "Yea I am"

"You're a bad guy. I'll teach you a lesson," Vasco declared.

Lin sighed internally but kept his expression neutral. He effortlessly removed Vasco's hand from his shoulder, surprising the larger boy.

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" Lin asked, standing up. His calm demeanor seemed to provoke Vasco, who responded with a punch aimed straight at Lin.

Lin easily sidestepped the blow, his mind already working on testing the new System UI Mode.

"Isol, you know what to do."

In an instant, System UI Mode activated. Lin felt a strange disconnect, as if he were both aware of everything happening around him and yet not in full control of his movements. It was a peculiar sensation, but he trusted Isol's guidance.

Back in the fight, Vasco's elbow shot toward Lin, but it was effortlessly blocked by the system. Without missing a beat, Lin's body moved fluidly, flipping Vasco over and delivering a Brazilian kick to his face. The force of the kick sent Vasco staggering back, but he wasn't ready to back down. Enraged, he lunged at Lin with a knee strike, hoping to catch him off guard.

But Lin was far from being caught off guard. He easily caught Vasco's knee mid-strike and countered with a powerful straight kick to the torso. The impact sent Vasco flying across the cafeteria, crashing into tables and chairs.

On the other side of the cafeteria, Vin Jin had just entered, laughing with his lackeys, but his laughter was cut short as Vasco's body collided with him, nearly knocking him off his feet. Annoyed, Vin shoved Vasco aside and glared at Lin.

"Yo, fu*ker! Didn't I tell you not to mess around?" Vin growled, striding over to Lin.

Before Vin could continue his tirade, Lin's fist shot out, connecting with Vin's face in a straight punch that nearly shattered his glasses. Vin stumbled back, clutching his face, but Lin didn't give him a chance to recover. He followed up with a swift knee strike to Vin's abdomen, driving the air out of his lungs and causing him to spit blood.

Vin barely had time to process what was happening before Lin moved in for a second round with Vasco, who was struggling to get back on his feet.

"I caught him! Hit his brain out, Vasco!" Vin yelled. desperate to  regain some control of the situation.

Vasco, still reeling from the earlier blows, lunged forward with another knee strike, aiming for Lin's head. The force of the knee brought Lin down to one knee, and for a moment, Vin and Vasco thought they had him.

"Finally got him," Vin sneered, thinking the fight was over.

Vasco, panting heavily, looked down at Lin. "Never thought I'd fight someone like you," he muttered, exhaustion evident in his voice.

Jay and Zack, watching from the sidelines, moved to intervene, but Daniel's voice stopped them. "Do you really think he's down?" Daniel asked, his tone calm but firm. "Don't interfere, or you won't make it out."

The room fell silent, the tension thick in the air. Vin and Vasco were about to turn away, thinking they'd won, when a voice cut through the silence.

"Is this all you've got?" Lin's voice was cold, almost mocking.

Vasco turned back, eyes wide in

disbelief, as Lin slowly rose to his feet. There was no sign of fatigue or injury on his face. In fact, he looked almost bored.

With lightning speed, Lin closed the distance between them. His movements were a seamless blend of martial arts. He delivered a swift one-two punch combination to Vasco's face, following it up with a spinning back kick that sent the larger boy crashing to the ground.

Vin, desperate, tried to blindside Lin with a wild punch, but Lin anticipated the move. He ducked under the punch and countered with a brutal uppercut to Vin's jaw, sending him sprawling. As Vin staggered back, Lin didn't give him a moment's respite. He stepped in with a crushing straight punch to Vin's solar plexus, forcing the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping for breath.

Not done yet, Lin turned back to Vasco, who was struggling to stand. Lin's hand shot out, grabbing Vasco by the collar and lifting him off the ground with surprising ease. He delivered a powerful knee strike to Vasco's midsection, followed by a judo throw that slammed Vasco to the floor with a bone-jarring thud.

Vasco tried to push himself up, but Lin was already on him. He planted a foot on Vasco's chest, pinning him to the ground. "You talk too much," Lin said coldly, his eyes glaring down at Vasco.

Vasco, barely conscious, could only groan in response. Vin, still clutching his stomach, glared at Lin with hatred but knew better than to not reveal his true power.

The cafeteria was dead silent as everyone watched in stunned disbelief. Lin's dominance was absolute; no one doubted that now.

Lin glanced around at the crowd, his expression calm. "Anyone else?" he asked, his voice carrying a warning that no one dared to challenge.

When no one stepped forward, Lin removed his foot from Vasco's chest and turned to leave, Daniel and Jay following close behind. Vin and Vasco remained on the ground, too beaten to even move, their humiliation complete.

As they left the cafeteria, Lin deactivated System UI Mode, the strange sensation fading away. "Not bad for first test," he thought, satisfied with the results.

**chapter ends here**

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