ch 14 : getting half assed UI

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Lin decided to spend the rest of the day helping Daniel get used to his second body. They found a quiet spot away from the busy school grounds, a small, secluded park where they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Alright, Daniel," Lin said, standing in front of him. "This body of yours is a lot stronger, faster, and more durable than your original one. But it's also different in ways you might not expect. You need to learn how to control it, to make it feel as natural as your first body."

Daniel nodded, a bit nervous but determined. "Okay, what do I need to do?"

Lin started with the basics. "First, let's work on your balance. This body's center of gravity is different. It might feel awkward at first, but you'll get used to it." He demonstrated a few simple stances, encouraging Daniel to follow his movements. "Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and don't lean too far forward or backward."

Daniel mimicked Lin's movements, feeling the weight of his new body shift in unfamiliar ways. He wobbled a bit but managed to steady himself. "It's...strange. Everything feels lighter, but at the same time, heavier."

Lin nodded. "That's normal. Your muscles are much stronger now, but you're not used to them yet. Let's try some simple exercises to help you adjust." He led Daniel through a series of stretches, squats, and basic punches, watching carefully as Daniel slowly began to find his rhythm.

After a while, Daniel started to feel more comfortable. He threw a punch, and the power behind it surprised him. "Whoa...I didn't even use that much force."

Lin grinned. "Exactly. You've got a lot more strength now. But remember, strength without control is useless. You need to learn how to use it properly." He stepped closer, correcting Daniel's posture and showing him how to throw a punch with precision rather than brute force.

As the training continued, Lin gradually increased the difficulty, having Daniel practice quick movements, dodges, and even some light sparring. Each time, Lin would point out areas where Daniel could improve, offering tips and encouragement.

By the time they finished, Daniel was drenched in sweat but felt more in tune with his new body. "This is going to take some getting used to, but...I think I'm starting to get the hang of it."

Lin nodded approvingly. "You're doing great. Just keep practicing, and soon it'll feel as natural as your first body. Remember, this isn't just about strength or speed—it's about control. If you can master that, you'll be unstoppable."

Daniel smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Lin. I couldn't have done this without your help."

Lin gave him a pat on the back. "We're in this together. Just keep working hard, and you'll be fine. Now, let's get some rest. You've earned it."

As they walked back, Daniel felt more confident in his second body, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with Lin by his side.

In the night...


**Quest Completed**

**Reward: System UI Mode**

Lin glanced at the notification, curiosity piqued. "What is that?" he wondered.

As if reading his thoughts, Isol's voice gently filled his mind.

Isol: "Congratulations, Lin! You've unlocked 'System UI Mode' as a reward for completing the quest 'Beginning of the Start.' This feature is designed to enhance your combat efficiency in a different way than the Normal UI you're used to."

Lin listened intently, intrigued by the possibilities.

Isol: "In System UI Mode, you gain real-time decision-making capabilities, but the system will control most of your actions while this mode is active and dont worry you can get in and out of it as you like. Also The system will predict their next move and execute the most effective counter-attack automatically. Think of it as having a combat autopilot—your movements are optimized without you needing to consciously plan each step.

"But there's a trade-off," Isol continued. "Unlike the Normal UI, which can adjust your power to perfectly match and overpower any opponent, System UI Mode focuses on precision and using the users ability to the max which normal UI does aswell while busting the physical capability.

It's designed for situations where quick reactions and efficient counters are more important than sheer power."

Lin nodded, processing the information.

Isol: "In summary, *System UI Mode* offers you greater control and ease of use during combat, but it comes at the cost of reduced overall power. It's perfect for when you need to react swiftly and decisively, but it's not a substitute for the full might of the Normal UI. You'll need to choose which mode to use depending on the situation."

Lin mulled over this new feature, appreciating the versatility it offered. "Thanks, Isol. This could be really useful," he said, his mind already racing with strategies on how to use this new mode in his future battles.

Isol's voice softened, "Remember, Lin, it's all about balance. Knowing when to switch between modes will be key to mastering your abilities."

Lin smiled to himself, feeling more prepared for the challenges ahead. With this new tool at his disposal, he knew he was becoming even more formidable. "I'll keep that in mind. Let's see what tomorrow brings."

With that, he settled in for the night, a sense of calm washing over him as he anticipated the battles yet to come.

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