Chapter 114: John Sweeney - The Scalp Hunter serial killer

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It's a spring morning, in the middle of the week, a Thursday. The weather is nice, and a young man decides to take a walk along a canal to relax. He walks leisurely when he comes face to face with a bag floating in the water, stuck at the edge of the shore. Curious, he bends down to retrieve what someone may have lost. But taking the initiative to fish out that bag was certainly the worst decision of his life.


On October 13, 1956, John Patrick Sweeney was born in the Kirkdale neighborhood of Liverpool, in the northwest of England.

He is accompanied by a brother and a sister, but family life is not very pleasant in the Sweeney household, mainly due to the very violent father, who beats every member of the family

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He is accompanied by a brother and a sister, but family life is not very pleasant in the Sweeney household, mainly due to the very violent father, who beats every member of the family. Despite this toxic environment, or perhaps because of it, John becomes increasingly passionate about the world of drawing and art in general, to the point of considering enrolling in an art school at the age of 15. Unfortunately, his father does not look favorably upon this kind of path. According to him, such things are more for women. His son will not do that; instead, he will follow a carpentry training, and that will be just fine.

The working-class environment of Liverpool in the 1980s is not the kindest, even for teenagers, and John regularly finds himself involved in altercations and fights, which frequently bring him into contact with the police.

However, after completing his carpentry training, the young man finds some stability when he marries a woman named Anne Bramley in 1976, with whom he has two children. Three years later, in 1979, the couple's relationship starts to falter because John repeats the domestic violence that his father had inflicted on him. This leads the couple, at Anne's initiative, to start divorce proceedings.

Simply put, the story between these two people was evidently not entirely over, as John and Anne remarried two years later, in 1981

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Simply put, the story between these two people was evidently not entirely over, as John and Anne remarried two years later, in 1981. But a year later, it truly came to a definitive end. According to Anne, John had threatened her multiple times. The tensions in the couple were recurrent, leading logically to a second divorce. The truth is that he was completely incapable of controlling himself, just like during their first marriage. One evening, when Anne had just recently undergone major surgery, John, completely drunk, attacked her. He hit her, deliberately targeting the stitches that had been applied to his wife. The blows were so brutal that, of course, the stitches came undone.

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