;; OO1

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"Now lie still please. This could hurt a little bit,"

》 I did. I kept still as a statue. Whatever he'd inject into me, I wouldn't scream. I just wouldn't. I wouldn't go screaming like a little kid. Never. Not anymore.

I was a little worried about myself though. What was wrong with me? Why did I volunteer for this again? I remembered myself when I came to those guys. I remember myself saying it.

"Well, I've got nothing to lose,"

》 If I died in this project, I'd lost something after all. My life. But that was something I didn't realise back then.

》 His gloved hand touched my upper arm and turned it. I felt the tip of the needle resting lightly on my skin. His eyes caught mine. "Ready?" I nodded.

And he pressed the needle into my vein.

》Did I scream when I woke up? It had been like a startled squeak, but I called it screaming. I never screamed. Or tried to. Being a little hard on yourself is legal, and so I was. No screaming or crying. Ever.

I got up and walked towards the window. Or, I call it a window. It's a hole in the wooden wall, fixed up with a mosquito maze people place before their open windows. It was cold, but it allowed me to look outside, which was nice. I knew people were looking for me, so I wasn't safe. Nowhere, never. I always had to be ready to run or fight.

And I always was. I slept with clothes on, my stolen weapons on the unstable desk next to my bed, a bag on the floor to put the most important things in and a jacket right next to it. I would probably never be too late. Seeing as I would have heard them from a couple if miles away.

Yes, I was able to hear everything in like five miles around me. Just hear it though. Other enhanced senses? No, no senses. I did have another power. Looking into someone's eyes allowed me to find their biggest fears and their biggest fears. Once I find them, I can choose to show them to the person. They will look them in the eyes. It's not an illusion. They won't physically react to them, but mentally they will. It's destroyed people. I saw it destroy them.

So that's enhanced hearing and mental illusion creating. Great.

》 Sleeping with clothes had just one profit; I didn't have to dress myself after I woke up. There were loads of negative things to it though. Sleeping with a belt was terrible. But I learnt to deal with that.

Plus, they were my only set of intact clothes. I five t-shirts in total. One too small, two with a big hole and one with a bloodstain I couldn't wash out anymore. I was wearing a black one now, and even that one had some small holes. I had two pairs of trousers. One with kneeholes and red paint on it; one skinny jeans I was wearing now, which also had paint, but it was dark blue on the blue fabric. I knew they had to be washed, and so did I.

What takes me to the last negative point. Washing. Because I didn't have a shower or anything like that; washing had to be done in a river nearby. I had made it a weekly thing, especially in the winter. It was cold in Russia, and I could freeze to death. But I never did before, so I kept doing it. Every week.

》 Already shivering, I took my sleeping bag from the couch pillows I slept on. I took the blooded shirt and my other trousers from the desk. And of course the fleece blanket I used as a towel. I was definitely going to need all of it.

I opened the door. Yes, I had a door. Great thing, though there was a large hole at the right bottom. At least it opened silently.

I was actually happy with my treehouse. I mean, I was lucky I had found all of these things. Perfect wood, a door, mosquito maze, stone, pillows and the desk - though it wasn't capable of standing correctly.

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