;; OO4

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Everyone left the jet quickly but the metal suit guy - I still didn't know his name - and the man with the starred suit - same thing for him. The ginger woman ran after Clint and Banner had followed calmly. Thor? No idea where he'd gone.

A woman with dark hair and a tablet in her hands entered the plane. "Lab's all set up, boss," she spoke politely.

"Oh actually, he's the boss," Beard guy pointed out, looking over to the other guy on the jet. "I just.. pay for everything, and design everything, and make everyone look cooler,"

》 I snorted, since everyone looked ridiculous. Well, not as superheroes on their own, but as a team they did. Sorry man. Everything looked cool. Everyone didn't so much.

The woman talked to the man who apparently was the boss. The guy who 'made everyone look cooler' walked over to me and signalled I had to follow him. I did.

I held my left arm close to my body, lifting it up with my other hand, which I placed under my elbow. Pressing the snow on it had been a wise choice, my wrist was still a little numb from the frozen substance. But when it'd stop, I knew it would hurt like crazy again.

My shoulder burned. I looked at it and found out that it was still bleeding. No shit, it wasn't that superficial.

"Well, I'm Tony Stark. Call me Stark or Iron Man, everyone does," he started. I had a feeling he was one of those guys who you could never piss off. They would always find a simple reply to what you think would make them mad.

"I'm Echo, but you knew that,"

"No surname? Or nicknames?" he asked, pretending to be a little disappointed.

"Heynes. No nicknames please," I nearly growled.

"So, what can you do?" he nodded

"Like, in being enhanced or in general?"

"In general,"

"Twin daggers are my weapons, but I'm good with a katana and throwing knives. I can use a gun, but I hate fire weapons," I paused for a second. "I have enhanced hearing and I create mental fear illusions."

"Now that's getting to the point. I like you," he said, still not looking at me when talking.

》 A satisfied grin appeared on my face. Always nice to hear somebody liked a thing you too liked in people. Getting straight to the point when a question is asked.

"Where are you going?" he asked when we entered an elevator.

I shook my head. "No idea," I said, pursing my lips and staring at the steel foors closing.

"With that?" He nodded to my arm. "You won't come far, kid. Maybe in the wild, not in New York,"

》 Oh my god. Did they take me to New York? Maybe I should have told them I didn't really want to go to a big city like that.

"Would you not call me kid? I didn't tell you my name so you could call me stupid nicknames that don't make sense," I said in annoyance. "and I'll make it."

"Yeah, you'll make it. Where, exactly?" He was getting on my nerves more by the second.

"I can take care of myself. Why would you wanna help me?" I spat.

"Well, I actually would like to examine the serum you have. And, the first person that's gonna see you is going to want to help you. And that first person will be only a couple of feet away from you when you go outside. I think you'd be happier if we fixed it really quick,"

I turned to face him so fast my neck hurt afterwards. "Seriously? You think I'd let you do that? I've been running for that for over ten years, and you show up and think you can just do it after knowing me for two minutes?"

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