;; OO7

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Music flowed through the speakers in the living room of Stark. It was filled with people I didn't know. Well, I knew some. Behind a bar, I saw Romanoff talking to Bruce.

Steve - I gave up the surname thing, Steve was a nice guy and he asked me to call him Steve - was walking down a stairs and looked like he was on his way to the couple at the bar.

Stark stood with Thor. They talked to a man and a woman in a red dress, who was about to leave the three.

Clint sat nonchalantly on the couch and was talking to some woman.

》 I took a sip of whatever. Really, I had no idea what it was, but I trusted them on not poisoning me now, so I just drunk it. And it was nice. Alcoholic, for sure.

My hand went down the tunic I wore. I felt the shapes of my weapons in my pockets underneath. Nope, I'd never leave them behind. If I was attacked, I needed them. I needed to be able to get them out in a second.

》 I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to face the woman that had done so. I smiled and greeted her as polite as I could.

"Hi, I'm sorry, but I don't remember I've seen you before," she said.

"Ah, no problem. I'm Echo. I helped the Avengers Wednesday," I replied. This felt weird. But it was easier than I expected.

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Maria Hill. Will you be joining the Avengers?"

What. That was really unexpected. Dammit Clint.

"I guess not, but maybe I will change my mind," I smiled and took a sip of my drink again. That was a nope. A really good nope.

See, I had no problems with saving people; that's what I always wanted. But working with them? With Stark? This place would burn down to the last piece of vobronium, or whatever it was called what they made this place of.

"So where are you from?" she changed the subject.

"I'm from the UK. But I've lived pretty much everywhere in Europe," I told her. It would be weird to say I'd rather keep to myself where I was born.

"Ah, the UK? I can't tell," the brunette chuckled. I just smiled politely.

"So excuse me if I ask, but is there a way you're related to Shawn Heynes?"

I nodded. All these people were SHIELD agents? Or did she just know him? "He was my father," I said.

"So it's Echo Heynes?" I swore I could have heard her mutter something under her breath. But it was so muffled that I didn't understand a word of it.

"Yes, that's me," I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Right. Well, if you'd excuse me," She smiled and tiptoed past me.

》 Everyone laughed. "But it's a trick," Clint protested.

"No, no, it's much more than that," Thor shook, laughing.

"Who so ever be he worthy shall haveth the power," the archer copied the god in a deep voice. "Whatever man, it's a trick!"

Thor laughed. "Well please, be my guest,"

When he hesitated, someone commented: "Come on!"

"Really," Barton said, getting to his feet.

I chuckled. "This is gonna be beautiful,"

"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up," Stark said.

"You might have seen this before," the archer said to Thor.

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