;; OO3

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My dark green eyes went up slowly, now being able to scan the whole body of the woman. She looked down at me and I saw she too was examining me. I must've looked like a homeless and helpless person. You know, those people who live on the street and ask you for money. Only I had blood all over my shirt. Our eyes met.

"You okay?" she asked, tilting her head slightly sideways. I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be fine," I smiled. I dealt with it before, and I knew I wouldn't accept help.

"I mean; are you going to be okay?" she asked. I knew what she meant the first time, and she knew as well. "It looks pretty bad."

"I can handle it," I said, narrowing my eyes slightly. She kneeled down in front of me.

"Well if you're sure," she started. "Won't you come with us anyway? You don't need help, but you might need a ride?" I swallowed. Oh god, that was nice. But to where? And how would I survive out there? I was pretty sure my hut and the few things I owned were destroyed.

"That would be nice," I spoke before I was even thinking. Shit. I had to come up with a place pretty quickly, otherwise I would look stupid.

Great. I had a ride to nowhere.

》 The ginger lady nodded and rose to her feet again. So did I, while biting my lip and pressing my fingernails into my palms. The metallic taste of blood quickly spread in my mouth. Surviving this on my own maybe would be harder than I thought. I've had cuts before; even a bullet wound in my upper leg, but right now, I had no left arm at all, which made me an easy prey. But I would make it. I always would.

Still feeling my nails in my hands, I followed her to the jet. Well, I had to say, for a weird club like them, that thing was amazing. I entered it and basically couldn't stop my eyes from wandering around.

The woman pointed at a chair where I could sit and so I sat down, still looking at all the items on the 'jet'.

I don't think I was supposed to hear her say it, but you don't stop people from hearing things. Not even when they have enhanced hearing by illegal experiments. Oops.

"She doesn't want help. Promised to give her a ride, maybe she'll see how bad she is and will need our help anyway," I narrowed my eyes at her. The guy she was talking to - the one in the starred suit - glanced over to me and saw me do it.

"I think she heard that, Nat," he said. The ginger woman turned to me and frowned. I thought she was going to ask something, but she went to face Blue Tights again.

"Did you?" I heard her breathe.

》 What should I say? Telling is revealing a secret. Private information. But I had a feeling I could trust these guys. For no reason. I hadn't trusted anyone since I was nine. That was the year my father died.

"Yes," I announced. She turned around again, and both she, the guy she had been talking to, a man I hadn't seen before with headphones in on the floor and the man that looked like Thor - who I was considering declaring Thor, because I saw real lightning leaving that hammer - stared at me in suspicion.

I tried to raise both of my hands. I ended up lifting just one and leaving the other limply on my lap.

"I know what you're thinking. You think I'm a spy from Strucker or something; I'm not. I have volunteered for trying a serum that gives you special abilities ten years ago. I regretted it afterwards though. I destroyed their files and killed seven people trying to escape, and since they used all the serum on me, they couldn't get the formula back. That's why I'm always hunted. It's why I helped you against him," Well, that escalated quickly. Very quickly. Five minutes ago I wouldn't trust anyone. Not even my freaking shadow. And now look at this; I told nearly my whole life story to five complete strangers - or four, since the archer laid nearly unconscious on a bed in the center of the jet. I tried to cross my arms, but failed miserably. I cursed to myself.

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