;; OO2

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I acted as fast as I could by ducking. The bullets would definitely go straight through the layer of wood that served as my floor, but it would be safer than nothing.

They indeed went straight through. But I was lucky. They didn't hit me anywhere. Or did they? Well, not my body. One of the metal balls did make a hole in my jacket, under its left pocket. Ooh, it was on.

I went down just a little bit faster than usual. I wasn't sitting there and letting myself be shot at.

》 First, I took down the guys who fired their guns at me. The first I kicked to the upper leg, making him get lower just a little bit. I just stuck my left dagger in his head. The other held his gun up to shoot me, but there wasn't any distance between us. I ducked and pushed my elbow between his legs, hoping to hit something. I succeeded and pushed his own gun to his chin and fired. God, I hated fire weapons.

More soldiers came up to me. I dealt with it a lot of times before though. Four of them approached me running, reloading their guns and preparing to shoot. I sprinted a foot or six and then fell to my knees. I slid towards them and kicked at their legs, making them fall. Then I threw the smaller weapons at the other souldiers, hitting their chest and neck. I used my katana to surrender the other two and slice their necks open.

Three more barged towards me. One had a tough machine gun, one carried a broadsword and one had a normal gun. I decided to take the biggest threat out first. I carefully took my blowgun, which was always loaded with one point. I took a deep breath and just before he pulled the trigger, the point was in his heart. He pulled it out in confusion, but instantly was weaker. I hung the blowgun back around my neck. I knew he could still shoot, so I ran to him and slithered his throat before he could do anything.

I turned and threw a dagger. The dude with a gun was now the dude without a gun. It flew out of his hands and he ran to get it. I picked up my own Japanese sword and swung it at the soldier with his sword. Our weapons met with a loud metallic sound. He lifted his weapon up to hit me. Instead of raising the katana to my defense, I jumped forward and pushed off from his upper legs. I might not have been so heavy, but he did stagger for a second. I twisted my body in mid-air and kicked his face, knocking him down and unconscious.

The other man got his weapon back and pointed it at me. He also had my second dagger, but obviously didn't know how to use it. He should've concentrated on his gun instead of the dagger, which he tried to throw, because he failed miserably. I grinned and shook my head.

"That's not how you do it. Please, I'll do the throwing, okay?" I said it and threw my other dagger at the same time. It hit his side, and he fell. I left him there and turned away.

》 A few feet away from me stood a man who I recognised. I didn't know what from though. He spoke softly. I listened.

"Heynes... Echo Heynes," he growled in Russian accent.

》 My eyes grew wider. I knew that guy. He assisted Strucker during the experiments. Nice. Now I definitely had to move away from here. Or maybe not. I quickly charged towards him, but he had his gun out. That was the moment where my powers kicked in.

I stared in his eyes and felt my gaze turning darker as I searched for his deepest fears. I got up and simply walked towards him, planting one of the poison points in his neck. Look, with a little action, I might have killed him. But with him so helpless, I just couldn't stick a dagger into his body. But he was poisoned. And so I let go.

It was something with my powers though. I forgot everything around me for a short time. That's why I'm an easy target. All kinds of men came up to me. I growled and twirled my daggers around my fingers. It were eight soldiers, I saw after a quick scan around. And they circled around me like a hawk around a mouse. The ones close to me ended up with a dagger in their chests. I grabbed one back whilst I barged forward, slitting the throat of one of them with my taller weapon. My dagger I threw away again at somebody's leg. It hit. He fell on the ground and started pulling it out. I killed another by shoving my sword up his stomach. That's four dead, five down. One of the poison points was in my hand, and I slammed it into one's arm. He'd still be a threat for just half a minute. I went to get my other dagger from the dead body. I twisted it around my fingers once to get a good grip before it got stuck into someone's side. So did the katana, into someone else's though. The poisoned one collapsed to the forest floor now. I went to kill the one that I hit in his leg, but he was gone. What? I scanned the area. He couldn't have gotten so far...

No he didn't. That's why he was able to throw my own weapon in my shoulder.

》 I gasped in pain and clenched my jaw to keep myself from screaming. But god dammit, it hurt like hell. Furiously, I turned to the tree he was hiding behind and ran to get him. I roughly pulled the dagger out of the wound - which was very stupid - and threw it at him, hitting him under his collarbones. Close enough. He'd die from it, that was very sure.

》 I turned again. Nobody encountered me now, so I decided to run towards that group of fighting clowns and see if they needed any help.

While I got closer to them, I heard them. They were footsteps, but faster than I ever heard before. Impossible to run at such speed. No chance this person was human. Or maybe it was. Just experimented on, like me.

I saw the archer, who had stood in the pick-up truck, pulling back the string of his bow. He fired just before we saw something pass. Well, we didn't see it. It just left a trail of blueish glow.

I caught the eyes of the archer for a second. He narrowed his eyes. I understood why he was suspicious of me. The guy just saw something pass that was too fast for him to shoot; he thought it was me. I wished to say something, but I heard the footsteps again. I twirled the daggers around my fingers once more but it already ran into me, sending me flying.

I landed on my left side; the side where I had been hit with my dagger. Okay, I screamed. Just for a moment. The snow burnt so badly in the wound. Besides, I could swear I just heard bones break. At least one. I saw that the man in his black suit fell too. Someone said something in English, his accent Russian.

"You didn't see that coming?"

The archer already got to his feet again and had an arrow ready to release. I too lifted my body off the ground, but tears started to form in my eyes. I couldn't help it. I growled whilst I fought them and rise to my feet. I scanned the area around me and then suddenly the gun on a bunker started shooting.

》 Bullets flew around and I ducked quickly, making sure I wouldn't get my other arm useless too. The archer did fall to the ground though, and I ran to help him, ignoring the pain with some help of adrenaline.

I kneeled by his side and looked at the shot wound. Good, I had no idea what to do. Truth was, I didn't even know the guy's name. So I called for help. Nope, I didn't like help, but I wasn't the one who needed it this time.

"He's been hit!" I exclaimed. Someone reacted real quick. It was the ginger woman, who also kneeled next to the guy and looked at him.

"Clint's hit!" she spoke into her earpiece. She turned her gaze to me for a second. "Thank you,"

"No problem," I breathed, before leaving.

》 How much I hated it, being useless at one side, couldn't simply be described by words. I handed my weapons with two hands. I felt greatly helpless with just one arm. I discovered that my left wrist was probably broken and I gritted my teeth in order to keep running.

I knew I had to leave my treehouse whatsoever, but I might just take down some enemies before I left. But they retreated. Did they retreat? It looked like it. Or maybe we just killed them all.

I slid down with my back against a tree. Now I couldn't keep in the sound that had been stuck in my throat since I fell. It was like a sob, but it didn't come out of sadness. More of pain and the nausea that came with it.

My right hand shivered when I picked up some snow. I carefully held it against my arm until it melted. I kept getting new snow to press on it until I nearly stopped feeling the pain. I listened to the conversation going on between the guys who I helped against Strucker. Or something like that.

"...I still haven't," I recognised the voice of Mr. Blue Tights.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're going to need evac," The ginger woman.

"I can get Barton to the jet," No idea who that was. But I didn't care. More like... the jet? These guys had a jet? What were they, criminals? Heroes? For both I'd say they were a pretty weird team.

》 I stopped listening to close my eyes for a second and before I knew, somebody had joined me.

》 Whoop, next chap. Comments please :)

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