;; disclaimer

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》 Edit on the 6th of October, 2017: I could never have guessed so many people would come to read and like this story! I'm so happy with the comments and votes, makes me very happy. The grammar and spelling (which I've made a few mistakes in) is not undergoing any editing anymore, so ignore that, hahaha. 

》 Edit on the 19th of August, 2021: You guys are great. It's hilarious to pop in after some years and realise your story, that you wrote in an intense obsession when you were 14 years old, is not only still being read, but people are also still leaving comments? This is so funny. I want you to realise the fact that I was 14 and that English is not my mother tongue. I'm not editing this fic, so it has an 'interesting' plot/character. Regardless, it's relatively fine, so read it if you like. You may just enjoy it still. 

I am now 20 and still do this sort of thing over on AO3. If you wanna check it out, most of my work is on illgivethattoyou. Bye!


》 I'll just sadly say I don't own the Avengers. I own nothing of Marvel, which makes me unbelievably sad. I could have thought of these concepts (no not really I'm just kidding). But nope. I don't own Marvel nor any of its characters!

》 Also, I may have used Gabrielle Aplin as the faceclaim for Echo Heynes, but I'm not Gabrielle Aplin (sadly, I think she's kinda beautiful and she's a great singer. And she plays the guitar. Very well.) nor do I own her or have I asked for her permission. I guess I'm sorry if she doesn't appreciate this. Sorry. Whoops. At least I said it.

》 BUT LET ME BE CLEAR ABOUT THIS. I DO own Echo Heynes, her personality, storyline and powers. They belong to ME. If I spot them on anyone else's story I will probably come to your house and kill you. Because yes, I have a clue where you guys live (you have no idea).

》 Onward. This chapter is called disclaimer but is also an ask for a little favor. I'm Dutch and just fourteen. Even though I'm a grammar nazi, I could make mistakes in my English. You guys would be nice if you would tell me if I made any mistakes. Also, I'm still learning. Giving feedback is appreciated :)

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