;; OO6

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》 Now stop please. Just a minute. There was an actual bed over here. I didn't really expect anything else, but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I was suddenly very aware of my ripped, bloody clothes.

I closed the door and locked it. I was sure not many people would see me here, so the window I left open. Now I took off my clothes. For no reason. Just to escape them and throw them in a corner, not looking back to them. Well, what else could I find in this room?

I opened a door in the wall to my left. No, really? I discovered a bathroom. Like one with a hot shower. It wasn't mine alone though, but since not many people were in this tower and the tower had to own more bathrooms, I was pretty sure no one would take a shower here.

Still, I locked the other door. I stepped under the metal thing and hot water soon ran down my body. It had been a while since I had some hot water. Last time, I cooked some and washed myself with it. Still, that was nothing compared to the hot liquid that I was now covered in.

Yeah, it would take me hours to get out of here. So many things, I saw. Like things to do and try and... I felt like a little kid in a sweetshop. And the room probably wasn't even that amazing.

》 An hour must've passed when I finally turned the shower off. My hair was clean again. That had been a while as well. No, not ten years.

I looked behind every door, but found nothing too interesting. Finally, I found a towel behind a white door in the wall. I pulled it out and wrapped it around me. You know, this may have been a nice idea. Look, I hated help if I was weakened by illness or wounds. I was always busy showing I could take care of myself, but a little bit of luxury once in a while? New clothes? Food? Yes, I'd definitely take it.

I wrapped the towel around my hair and went back to the bedroom. On the bed, I found underwear. It was creepy how it was exactly my size. But I put it on. I skipped the shirt, just slipping the denim blouse on. The black jeans I decided to wear as well. I ripped my old shirt to strokes to wrap them around my daggers and put them away in my pockets. My blouse covered them up perfectly. I wasn't going to leave them here.

Then I got back to the bathroom, dropping the towel on a rack on the wall. I wanted to leave, but I saw the doors above the sink. I hadn't tried those yet. I shrugged and opened them.

There was everything. All kinds of things. Like a first aid kit, cream and shampoo and soap, and make up. Oh, and I surely spotted condoms in the back. Ehe. Yes.

A scizor was lying around in the front. I picked it up and cut off some of the front locks of my hair. I did it on both sides until my forehead was covered in hairs that went just over my eyebrows. Well, it wasn't perfect, but it was better.

》 Now all of that was out of the way, I left the room. It was around eight o'clock by now. I was planning on stuffing myself with food so I had some fat to burn again. There had to be food somewhere.

I thought I knew how the elevator worked. I did end up pushing that button more than once. I wasn't that patient.

Anyway; I went up some floors. I discovered that the tower had ninety-three. Hell, that was a lot of space. I wondered what he used it for. I hoped I'd run into a dining room quickly.

》 When I got out, I realised I was definitely not in a dining room, but I didn't really want to leave immediately. The room was lit up by white lights, but the walls, floors and ceiling were dark. No windows. I stepped closer to the hind wall and noticed the targets on it.

It was a training room. Or more like an amusement room, these guys didn't really need to train, did they? I looked at the closed elevator doors, and turned back to the room.

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