Chapter 1: And So It Begins....

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3rd Person POV:

The familiar hum of the hospital greeted Dr. Connor Rhodes as he strode through the sliding doors of Chicago Med, his white coat flapping slightly with each determined step. The scent of antiseptic and the low murmur of voices in the halls were comforting in their routine, a stark contrast to the chaos he knew could erupt at any moment.

"Morning, Connor," Maggie Lockwood called out from the nurses' station, her usual brisk efficiency tempered by a warm smile. The head nurse had a way of grounding the entire ER with her presence.

"Morning, Maggie," Connor replied, his voice deep but distracted. He was already running through the day's tasks in his mind, mentally preparing for whatever emergencies might come through the doors.

"Hey, before you get too far," Maggie interjected, stopping him in his tracks. "You've got a new surgeon to work with today. She's joining you in trauma."

Connor paused, the words sinking in. "A new surgeon?" he repeated, a hint of reluctance in his tone. He had always preferred to handle things on his own—years of experience had taught him that relying on others could sometimes be a gamble. He worked best when he was in control, when every move was calculated and precise.

"Dr. Grace Chen," Maggie confirmed, raising an eyebrow at his less-than-enthusiastic response. "She's sharp, Connor. Top of her class, specialized in cardiothoracic surgery. She's going to be a great addition."

"Cardiothoracic," Connor echoed, nodding slowly. "Great." But his voice lacked the conviction he usually carried. It wasn't that he doubted her abilities—it was the unknown, the unpredictable nature of working with someone new.

"Give her a chance," Maggie said, her voice softer now. "You might find it's not so bad having someone by your side for a change."

Connor offered a tight-lipped smile, more out of politeness than agreement. "We'll see."

Before Maggie could say anything more, the PA system crackled to life, a tense voice calling out: "Trauma incoming. Car accident, critical condition. ETA three minutes. Female, approximately four months pregnant."

Connor's demeanor shifted instantly, any lingering reservations about his new partner shoved to the back of his mind. "Gotta go," he said, already moving toward the trauma bay, his mind laser-focused on the task ahead.

As he entered the trauma room—Baghdad, as the staff called it for its high-stakes intensity—he was met with the usual flurry of activity. Nurses were prepping equipment, and the air was thick with urgency. But something, or rather someone, caught his eye.

A woman, just as determined as he was, had entered the room. Her long brown hair was pinned up neatly, her skin a warm tan that contrasted with the stark white of her coat. And then there were her eyes—stunning green, sharp and assessing, taking in everything around her in an instant.

This had to be Dr. Grace Chen.

But there was no time for introductions. Grace barely glanced in his direction as she immediately moved to the trauma bay, her focus entirely on the incoming patient. There was something about her—an intensity, a quiet confidence—that Connor recognized instantly. It was the mark of someone who had seen a lot, who had learned to compartmentalize, to shut out everything except the task at hand.

The paramedics burst through the doors, wheeling in a woman who was pale, unconscious, and clearly in distress. Blood soaked the sheets beneath her, a stark reminder of how critical the situation was.

"She's losing a lot of blood," one of the paramedics reported breathlessly. "We're guessing she's about four months along. Trauma to the abdomen."

Grace didn't hesitate. "Let's get her stabilized," she ordered, her voice calm but authoritative. She moved to the patient's side, her hands already assessing the damage.

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