Chapter 10: And I Love You...

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3rd Person POV:

Two months had passed since Connor and Grace had officially started dating, and the news had slowly trickled through the ED. It wasn't long before everyone knew, and it seemed like the entire staff had taken a vested interest in their relationship. Grace had become even closer with Ethan, who had taken on the role of the teasing older brother, always ready with a sarcastic quip or a knowing look. Natalie, Maggie, and April had formed a close-knit circle with Grace, often gathering in the lounge to chat and share gossip. It wasn't unusual for Grace to find herself blushing as she gushed about how wonderful Connor was, with her friends listening intently and occasionally offering their own advice or playful teasing.

Today, however, Connor was facing a dilemma. Their two-month anniversary was approaching, and he wanted to do something special. He had his heart set on taking Grace to a three-Michelin-star restaurant that she had mentioned wanting to visit. But when he called to make a reservation, he was disappointed to find out that the restaurant was fully booked for the next few months. Frustrated, he sat in the doctors' lounge, staring at his phone, trying to come up with an alternative plan.

As he scrolled through different options, none of them seemed good enough. He wanted this night to be perfect, something she would remember fondly. But the more he thought about it, the more it felt like his plans were falling apart.

Will Halstead, who had just finished a particularly tough case, walked into the lounge to grab a cup of coffee. He noticed Connor sitting on the couch, looking unusually distressed. Though they weren't exactly close friends, Will had noticed how happy Connor had seemed since he started dating Grace, and it piqued his curiosity.

"Hey, Rhodes," Will said, pouring himself a cup of coffee before walking over to where Connor sat. "You look like someone just told you the Cubs lost the World Series. What's going on?"

Connor glanced up, slightly surprised by the question. He hadn't expected anyone to notice his predicament, especially not Will. "It's nothing. Just trying to plan something special for Grace, but it's not going the way I hoped."

Will raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? What were you planning?"

Connor sighed, leaning back on the couch. "I wanted to take her to that Michelin-star restaurant she's been wanting to try, but it's fully booked. I've been trying to come up with another idea, but nothing feels right. I want it to be special, you know?"

Will nodded, understanding the pressure Connor was putting on himself. "Yeah, I get it. You want to impress her, make her feel special. But you know, it's not always about the fancy stuff. Sometimes, it's about the thought you put into it."

Connor considered his words, still feeling a bit lost. "Yeah, but I want it to be memorable. I'm not sure what else to do."

Will took a seat across from him, thinking for a moment. "How about this? There's a nice restaurant by the pier—not as fancy as the Michelin-star place, but it's still fine dining, and the view is incredible. After dinner, you could take her for a walk along the pier, maybe even book a private boat ride if you're feeling adventurous. I bet she'd love that."

Connor's eyes lit up at the idea. "That actually sounds perfect. How do you know about this place?"

Will shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "I've been there a few times. It's got a great atmosphere, and the food's really good. Plus, it's got that romantic vibe you're looking for."

Connor quickly pulled out his phone and began making arrangements. He managed to secure a reservation at the restaurant and even booked a private boat ride for after dinner. The plans were falling into place, and he felt a surge of relief.

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