Chapter 8: And That's Who You Are...

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3rd Person POV:

The day had started out like any other in the ED. The hustle and bustle of the hospital were familiar, and Grace had settled into the rhythm of her shift, feeling at ease with the flow of patients. Things were going smoothly, both in her personal life and at work. She and Connor were still happily together, their relationship growing stronger with each passing day. They had found a balance between their demanding careers and the deepening bond they shared.

But as they worked through their rounds, the routine was abruptly shattered when the doors of the ED burst open, and Brett, the EMT, rushed in with a gurney. An older Asian woman was lying on it, panting heavily, her face flushed with exertion and pain. The woman, despite her condition, was thrashing and trying to push herself off the gurney, insisting she was fine, even as her labored breathing told a different story.

Connor was the first to reach her, his focus entirely on assessing her condition. "Get her into Trauma 2!" he ordered, his tone calm but urgent. Grace was right behind him, her instincts as a doctor kicking in as she moved to assist.

But the moment she stepped into the trauma room and caught sight of the woman's face, her world tilted. Time seemed to slow as the blood drained from Grace's face, her breath catching in her throat. The woman on the gurney wasn't just another patient—she was Grace's biological mother. The woman who had rejected her, the woman who had nearly aborted her before Grace's aunt intervened. The same woman Grace hadn't seen or spoken to since she was 18.

"Grace?" Connor's voice cut through the fog that had settled in her mind, bringing her back to the present. He glanced at her, concerned, but she couldn't respond. All she could do was stare, frozen in place, as the past she had long buried came crashing back to the surface.

Her mother's eyes locked onto hers, and in an instant, recognition flared. The woman's face twisted with rage as she began to scream in Mandarin, her voice shrill and filled with venom. "你这个不孝的贱货! 滚! 不要靠近我! (You unfilial slut! Get out! Don't come near me!)" The words were harsh, each one a dagger aimed directly at Grace's heart.

The room went silent, everyone stunned by the sudden outburst. Ethan, who was standing nearby, understood every word. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at Grace, then back at the woman who was still spewing a tirade of curses. Grace felt like she was suffocating, the air in the room too thick, too heavy to breathe. Her mother's words, the words of the woman who had given birth to her but had never wanted her, cut deeper than any knife could.

Without saying a word, Grace turned and walked out of the trauma room, her steps unsteady, her vision blurred with unshed tears. She felt disconnected, as if she were floating outside of her own body, watching the scene unfold from a distance. The corridors of the hospital blurred around her as she wandered aimlessly, her mind racing, trying to process what had just happened.

Back in the trauma room, Connor finished stabilizing the woman, his heart heavy with worry for Grace. He could see the pain in her eyes, the shock that had rendered her speechless. As soon as he was sure the woman was out of immediate danger, he handed the case over to Ethan. "I need to find Grace," he said, his voice tight with concern.

Ethan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Go. I'll handle this."

Connor didn't waste any time. He hurried out of the trauma room, scanning the ED for any sign of Grace. His mind raced as he replayed the scene over and over. He had known Grace carried wounds from her past, but he had never imagined she would be confronted with them so brutally, so suddenly.

He found her outside in a quiet corner of the parking lot, leaning against a wall with her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes were closed, and she was taking deep, shuddering breaths as if trying to hold herself together.

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