Chapter 2: And Yet You're Here...

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3rd Person POV:

Two weeks had passed since Dr. Grace Chen had joined the team at Chicago Med, and in that short time, she and Dr. Connor Rhodes had become nearly inseparable. It was as if the initial hesitation Connor had felt about working with a new partner had vanished overnight, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie that even the rest of the staff couldn't help but notice.

Whether in the operating room, the cafeteria, or the hallways of the hospital, the two surgeons were often seen together, discussing cases, sharing quick jokes, or simply moving in sync as they navigated the chaotic environment of the ED. The close bond they had formed had quickly become a source of light-hearted teasing among their colleagues.

"I swear, it's like they're glued at the hip," Dr. Ethan Choi had quipped to Dr. Will Halstead one afternoon, both men watching as Connor and Grace exited the OR together, deep in conversation.

"Think they've got some secret telepathic connection or something?" Will had joked in response, chuckling.

Even Dr. Natalie Manning, the pediatric doctor who had also grown close to Grace, had noticed the duo's inseparability. "They're a good team," she'd remarked to Ethan over coffee. "It's nice to see Connor letting someone in."

Today was no different. Connor and Grace walked into the ED side by side, laughing about something that had happened during their morning rounds. Grace's green eyes sparkled with amusement as she recounted a particularly humorous incident with a patient.

"And then he actually asked me if I thought the hospital cafeteria could make him a five-course meal for lunch!" Grace laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.

Connor grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Sounds like something you'd try to make happen, just to see if it could be done."

Grace playfully nudged him with her elbow. "What can I say? I'm always up for a challenge."

As they walked through the ED, their easy banter and the natural way they moved together caught the attention of several nurses who exchanged knowing smiles.

"Here come the dynamic duo," one of them whispered, not quite under her breath.

Connor and Grace exchanged amused glances but didn't respond. They were used to the comments by now, and neither seemed to mind the teasing.

Just as they were about to head to their respective stations, the doors to the ED slid open, and a young girl stumbled inside. She was Asian, around fifteen years old, and her face was pale, twisted in pain. Blood seeped through her shirt, staining the fabric as she clutched her side.

Connor and Grace immediately snapped into action, their easygoing demeanor replaced by the professional focus that came with years of experience.

"Get a gurney!" Connor called out to a nearby nurse, rushing over to the girl.

But before he could reach her, Grace was already there, her expression one of shock and concern. "Kira?" she breathed, her voice barely audible over the noise of the bustling ED.

The girl, Kira Lee, looked up at Grace with a mixture of relief and fear in her eyes. "Dr. Chen..." she whispered, her voice weak.

"Kira, what happened?" Grace asked urgently, but the girl didn't respond, her strength fading as she leaned heavily against Grace.

Without wasting another moment, Grace gently but firmly guided Kira onto the gurney that had just arrived, her hands steady despite the turmoil she was clearly feeling.

"Let's get her to the trauma bay," Grace said, her tone leaving no room for argument. She began pushing the gurney herself, her focus entirely on the girl.

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