Chapter 6- Friends?

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The drive back to my flat felt like forever. All I want is for this night to be over. I just want to go to sleep and forget all about everything that just happened. My friends are probably so worried about me. I was so pre-occupied by the whole Liam situation, that I didn't even tell them I was leaving.

The last thing I want to do right now, is explain myself to them. I finally had to turn my phone on silent because I've been getting so many calls and texts. Knowing that my friends are already pissed at me for not telling them about Liam and I, I decided to check my phone and tell them I'm okay. 

I went through my phone to find the first text from Anna: "Brooke, where the hell did you go? I saw you dancing one minute, then Liam chasing after you the next. What is going on?"

The next from Jessie: "Brooke where are you? You need to get back with us. We're worried."

One from Melanie: "Babe, where'd you go? This isn't funny. We're all freaking out."

Another from Anna: "Why aren't you answering?????? Are you with Liam? Andy can't find him anywhere."

I looked back down at my phone to see that I had 7 missed calls from Anna, 4 from Jessie, 2 from Amy, and 1 from Melanie. 

The last text I received from Anna: "We found Liam. He told me you took a taxi and he looked pretty upset. I don't understand why you're ignoring us. Please text me when you get home safely. We're leaving here soon so I'll see you back at home."

Why can't everyone just leave me alone? I'm definitely not in the mood to talk to anyone. 

"I'm home." I made a group message and replied to everyone. 

I was almost asleep before a voice interrupted me. 

"Ma'am, we're here." Thankgod

I don't even know how much the ride was, but I threw whatever amount of money I had in my purse in the front seat and slammed the door behind me. I felt bad for how rude I was to the taxi driver, but my bed was the only place I want to be right now. Walking towards the door, I rummaged through my purse to find my keys to open the door.

"Damnit, Liam" I cursed loudly. 

The only key I have to my flat is on the same keychain as my car keys. You've got to be kidding me... Seriously, could this night get any worse? Now I have to sit outside the door to my flat, drunk as shit, and wait for Anna to get home. She said she would be home soon, so I decided to sit in the corner and wait for her. I tried hard to stay awake but I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. 


"Brooke, wake up!," I could feel someone shaking me.

"BROOKE," someone yelled, waking me up. 

"Are you okay? We were all so worried about you. You can't just run off, drunk, without telling any of us," I looked up to see Anna standing in front of me, but she wasn't alone. 

"Why the fuck are they here?" I asked Anna, looking directly at Liam and Andy. 

"Whoa, what is your problem?" Andy said, confused. 

"I invited them back to our flat. We were all worried about you. Be nice," Anna replied. 

"Now that you know I'm okay, you can leave," I said in the bitchiest way possible. 

"They aren't leaving Brooke. Just go to bed if you're going to act this way. I don't know what your problem is, but there's no need to be a bitch," Anna replied. 

"Actually there is, but you wouldn't understand," I replied, trying to control my emotions. 

"Brooke, what are you talking about?" she questioned. 

Right when Anna said those words I looked directly at Liam and back at Anna. 

"It's nothing," I said, trying not to say anything else. 

"It's obviously something cause I've never seen you act like this before," she replied. 

I wasn't in the mood to tell Anna everything. It can wait till tomorrow. 

"I'm tired and I don't feel good. Please open the door so I can go to sleep," my eyes were feeling heavy again as I said those last words. 

Right after she opened the door, I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. Before hopping into bed, I stripped myself of all my clothes, leaving nothing but my bra and underwear. I'm too tired to even care that Andy and Liam are downstairs right now. After taking my clothes off, I went in the bathroom to take a glimpse in the mirror of what I look like. Yikes.

I looked like a hot mess. Mascara was running down my face and there was dirt all down the right side of my leg from when I fell asleep outside the door to our flat. I felt disgusting. I need to clean myself up a bit.  I took off my bra and underwear and hopped in the shower. 


I stood under the hot water for what felt like an hour. I tried to sober myself up a bit, but the shower only helped a little. I squeezed all the water from my head, wrapped my body in a towel, and walked back to my room. 

"Liam, what are you doing in here?" I walked in my room surprised to see Liam sitting at the end of my bed. "How did you get in here?" I said, standing in nothing but a towel. 

"Anna told me where your room was. We need to talk."

"We already did. I really don't think there's anything else to say."

"You talked... I didn't. You wouldn't let me talk, Brooke."

"I didn't let you talk because there's nothing you can say that can change what happened."

"I know and you will never know how sorry I am."

"Yeah... you said that already."

"I'm serious, Brooke."

"I'm serious too Liam. You had two years to talk. Yes, we were friends but that was a long time ago. A lot has happened over these past two years. You have your world now, and I have mine. I met new friends.... came here to London. You know how I was a couple years ago, but I'm happy now. This is the best I've ever been." 

"I'm happy for you. I really am. I just want you to know that if I could go back and change what happened, I would."

"I know, Liam. But you can't." I replied.

Liam didn't know what to say. 

"So...I think I need to put some clothes on now," I said, trying to change the subject. 

"I've seen you in just a towel before, Brooke" Liam starting laughing. 

"That's when I was 13... there wasn't much to see back then," I replied, laughing. I told myself I wouldn't be nice to him, but I couldn't resist. I can't control my emotions around him. 

"Well, there is now..." Liam said with a smirk on his face. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned back at him. 

"You look good, Brooke. Especially in that dress tonight." 

"That's what happens when you don't see someone for two years. I have to make you miss me some how," I replied, laughing. He didn't seem so amused. 

"I missed you." he said, looking right at me. He's never looked at me like this before. 

Of course I missed him but I wasn't going to tell him that. "I need to go to bed. I'm about to pass out."

Liam slowly got up and walked towards me. 

"I know its asking a lot and I don't expect you to forget what happened, but I'd like to be friends again if its possible?" he asked. 

"I'll think about it."

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