Chapter 15- Closure

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I love my job, but its hard when you rarely get to see your family. There are days when I wish I could go back to my life in Wolverhampton where I could be with them every day. It's been about 2 months since I've seen them, so I invited them all to London for the weekend. My parents recently celebrated their anniversary, so I thought it would be nice to take everyone out tonight. 

I know I hurt Brooke and I know what I did was wrong. I've contemplated calling her or showing up at her flat to apologize but I really don't know what to say. I keep disappointing her and I don't know why I always do this. This whole Chloe thing is a mess. My feelings for Brooke are growing stronger and I guess I'm just afraid to admit it. Brooke trusted me and once again, I broke that trust. A night out with the fam is exactly what I need.

"Order me a drink, I'll be right back," my Mum replied, standing up from the table.

"So what have you and the boys been up to lately?" Nicola asked. 

"Just been busy with the tour and stuff. Some promo here and there. We've actually had a lot of time to relax. Once we leave London, we won't have that much down time."

"And the girl?" she replied. 


"I saw a picture in one of those magazines on the train. I didn't know you were dating someone else."

"It's a new thing. Nothing serious. Not sure where it will go...," I replied. Even though I know where it will go... no where. 

"How's Andy and Brooke? I haven't spoken to them in a while," Ruth questioned. 

I tell my family everything, but I can't bring myself to tell them about Brooke and I. 

"They're good. Andy's business is doing really well and Brooke's um...good. She's good."

"Next time we're in town, you should invite them over so we can all catch up," Nicola said. 

"Uh.. yeah... definitely."


I looked over to see my Mum walking over to our booth. She looked puzzled...

"You would not believe who I just ran into," my Mum said, looking directly at me. "Brooke. She's here with someone. Right over there."

"Wait, what?"

Right as I looked over, Brooke's eyes met with mine and she immediately turned around. 


"Oh my gosh! Go see if she needs help," Ruth demanded.   

"I... um.. I think-" I replied, not knowing what to say. 

"What is wrong with you?" Ruth questioned.

"Brooke and I aren't really friends anymore. Haven't been for a while now..."

"A while as in a couple weeks, or...?" Nicola replied. 

"A while as in two years."

"Wait what? I'm confused..."

"I did some things to her that I wish I could take back... but, I can't."

"Hurtful enough to end a friendship?" she questioned. 

"Yeah. A couple of weeks ago I saw her for the first time in a couple years. It didn't go so well. She forgave me and we tried to be friends again, but I messed it up... again. I feel really bad about it"

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