Chapter 2- Birthday Part 1

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"BROOKE" someone yelled. 

"WHAT?" I yelled back, half asleep. 

"Wake up! You're gonna be late for class." Anna screamed back at me.

Thank god I have a roommate. I couldn't be on time to class if my life depended on it. 

"5 more minutes," I said. 

"No. Get the fuck up. I'm tired of waking up from your alarm clock on days I don't have class. Get up." she said back to me. 

"FINE," I screamed, laughing.

I hated mornings more than anything. The thought of waking up before the sun comes up is the worst feeling in the world. I could sleep till 3 in the afternoon everyday if I really wanted to. 

"I don't know what I would do without you Anna." I said to her in the most sarcastic way possible. Seriously though, if it weren't for my best friend, I would be late to class every single day. About a year and a half ago, I decided that I wanted to enroll in University here in London. I loved everything about  London. The environment. The party scene. The people. The jobs. Everything. During my first year here, I lived in a dorm and that's when I met Anna. She was my assigned roommate and we hit it off immediately. I'm so glad we had so much in common because I don't think I could have lasted here with a roomate I didn't like. We could tell each other everything. I haven't had that type of friendship since Liam.


The last time I spoke to him was that night in the elevator two years ago. I didn't want to see or speak to him after that. He never even tried to contact me after that night. No texts, no calls, nothing. I guess that right there proves that our friendship meant nothing to him. I try not to look back on it. It took me awhile to forget about it, but everything used to remind me of him and all the great times we had together. Now, all the memories are kind of fading away. I'm happy now. It's hard losing such a big part of your life, but I've moved on. Even though I could tell Anna everything, I never told her about Liam. All of my friends, including Anna, loved One Direction. I wouldn't say they were obsessed, but they were very smitten over the boys. I never said anything to them, because I didn't want to bring attention to my past. They would just remind me of it everyday. I will probably tell them one day, but I'm not ready to say anything yet. 

My whole life I have been insecure and after that night at Liam's when Danielle was saying all those hurtful things about my appearance and how pathetic I was, it hurt. It hurt a lot. After leaving Liam's flat, I realized that I needed to change. I needed to stop sitting around thinking about some guy that would never like me as more than a friend. I needed to change into a better me. I started working out more, getting into shape, and felt so much better about myself. For once, I am actually very confident about my appearance. I have brown eyes and long brown hair running all the way down my back. It took me forever to grow it out, but it was worth it. I lost around 30 pounds and have the body I have always wanted. My breasts also decided to appear out of nowhere. I was very happy about that. 

The best part about Uni is that I'm not the outsider girl with only a couple of friends. I'm actually kind of popular here. Anna knew so many people here since she grew up not to far from campus. A lot of her friends from when she was younger also came here. She introduced me to a lot of them and we have been great friends ever since. 

After living in a room at Uni for about a year, Anna and I convinced our parents to let us get a flat in London close to school. I love my life here in London. I live in a beautiful flat with my best friend, I'm confident, popular, and doing great in school. Nothing could ruin that now. 

"You better not forget about tonight," Anna said to me as I walked out of the shower and out of the bathroom. 

I've been so busy with school and work I almost forgot it's my 19th birthday today. Anna said she has a girl's night planned and I couldn't be happier. Sometimes you just need a night to hangout with your girlfriends. 

"I know, I know," I replied happily. 

"Brooke?" Anna said looking right at me. "Happy Birthday"

"Thanks," I said smiling. 

After getting dressed and heading down the stairs, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 

"Shit" I thought to myself. I'm late. Again. 


The best thing about Fridays is that I only have one class to attend. It's only a two hour class so I was in and out in no time. I needed to get home to start planning for tonight. As a birthday present, Anna took me shopping last week and bought me the cutest outfit that I could wear out tonight. It was the perfect black dress that cut off half way down my thighs that showed off my figure perfectly. Anna told me she would buy it for me because all the guys will be buying us drinks if I wear it out tonight. I literally could not stop laughing when she said that. 

I was actually excited to go out tonight and get out there and talk to boys again. About a month ago, I decided to end things with my boyfriend Spencer who I dated for about 7 months. I regretfully lost my virginity to him. Looking back at it, I realized I was basically forced into it. At the beginning, he was the perfect boyfriend. We had so many things in common and he was so easy to talk to. It was when I caught him with another girl in his dorm room that I decided to end it. Cheating is not something I take lightly and I was done being hurt by the men in my life. Spencer still tries to talk to me and try to convince me that the bitch he hooked up with meant nothing, but I'm not stupid. We aren't getting back together and I think I finally made that clear to him. 


After getting out of class around 11 o'clock, I decided to go back home and take a nap. I was so exhausted from waking up early and I knew we would be out really late for my birthday tonight. Anna told me to be ready by 6 so we could pick up our friends and go out to dinner before we went clubbing. When I got home and entered my bedroom, I passed out on my bed right away. 


"Brooke, you almost ready?" a familiar voice screamed from the room next door. 

Shit. I slept longer than I was supposed to. 

"Um... yeah, almost ready," I replied to her, lying through my teeth. 

I looked over at my phone and saw that it was 5:30. I think that was the fastest I have ever gotten out of bed. Usually on Fridays when I have class really early, I would sometimes be too lazy to take a shower before class. I am so happy I decided to take one this morning. I knew I only had 30 minutes, so I didn't really spend that much time getting ready. Some of my friends like to cake their makeup on, and I have never understood that. I always go for the more natural look and I love it. I decided to wear my hair down in loose wavy curls. After doing my hair and makeup, I had about 7 minutes to spare. I quickly tugged my dress over my body and zipped it up. I wore the perfect black heels to go with my black dress. Before leaving my room, I looked in my mirror and was actually impressed with the way I looked. I feel beautiful and it's a great feeling. 

"Brooke, hurry up. It's a Friday night and we're never going to get a table at the restaurant," Anna yelled. 

"I'm coming!!!!" I screamed, slightly annoyed. 

"Anna, have you seen my p-" 

"SURPRISE!" I looked down to see my four best girl friends glaring up at me as I walked down the stairs. 

"Happy Birthday!" they all said in unison. 

I was so happy to see Amy, Melanie, Anna, and Jessie staring up at me. 

"Thanks guys," I replied, happily. 

"I thought we were leaving to pick them up?" I asked, looking right at Anna. 

"I called them and told them all to be here early so we could surprise you," she replied. 

"Well it worked. Thank you so much," I said, smiling at everyone. 

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