glass room

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I feel as if I'm in a glass room. the windows are tinted on the outside so no one can see in; only I can see out. you know what I see? people smiling, having fun. talking about going to parties or hanging out or good memories. the people get stressed sometimes but at least have each other. I could never burden someone like that. call them and ask to have me over. I mean, I'd like to but I'm not like that personally.

inside the glass room, it's just me. and bad thoughts hover over like clouds with angry and sad faces on them crying over me and striking me with lightning. some days I can get out but when I do people mistake me for the sidewalk. it's like my skin is gray because I've gotten the color washed off of me with all the rain. I blend in with the gray sidewalk. then that's where people treat me like a doormat, or an old piece of gum that's been walked on and stuck on the ground so long it turns black. they expect me to do things for them because they know I will. sure I can pick up your shift. sure I can get you that illegal thing. sure I can run the entire store. sure I'll be the space filler for a friend who can't hangout. no really. I don't need sleep. sanity. friendship. love. nothing!:)

I am the human doormat and people just walk all over me. I guess it's my fault because I let them because I'm too nice but at the same time people should be courteous of each other and realize that maybe I don't like being so used.

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