Chapter 6: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

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I stretched sweetly in bed, and then I realized something was wrong. Not the way it usually is. I'm not at home. And the bed isn't the same. I searched my memory for the events of last night, and then I reached for Drake. He was getting dressed in his hunting uniform in front of the bed. Good thing he already had all his clothes on.

'Are you leaving already?",  I stretched out, standing up.

He jerked in fright and turned around sharply. The guy seemed to have forgotten I was even here. "No, I have another hour, I'm going to practice.",  He explained, pointing to the sword he held in his hand, then continued to button his shirt.

"Can I come with you?", I asked, briskly tidying up my hair because I had a mess on my head. I braided it neatly so it wouldn't get in the way of my movements.

"Of course. Go pick out your weapons.",  Drake nodded at the sword rack. I could have sworn he hadn't had this many weapons before he became a hunter, but it seemed they were issued a few for the job.

I grabbed a nice sword with a comfortable hilt. I had cleaned and polished it yesterday, so this handsome man was literally waiting for me. The blacksmith had tried to make it light and practical, a classic size to fit in all the scabbards. I admired my reflection in its surface. Without saying anything else, my friend and I left his cave and carefully made our way to the street, where the guards were still standing, but they let us through easily, because of the sleepless night, they didn't care who went in and out in the morning. We crept quietly to the edge of the forest, and then wandered deeper into it, so that the sounds of the training could not be heard. There was a clearing in the forest where I often practiced my abilities. I guess a lot of people practiced here, because the grass in the clearing was pretty trampled. I moved to one side of the clearing, and Drake to the other. The boy drew his sword from its sheath, and I stood, clutching mine tightly.

"I want to bet with you on who's going to win.",  a friend said loudly. "For a  wish?",  I asked mockingly, taking a couple steps toward him. He repeated after me.

"If I win, you won't go into the woods again and on and on without me.",  Drake took decisive steps toward me, reducing our distance to two swords at arm's length, but he didn't dare strike first.

"I thought you were going to ask me to marry you. ", I smirked, and then made the first lunge, drawing my sword against the iron of his sword, which was immediately put on defense.

"Oh, come on. I'd rather marry a Darker. He will not be as harmful as you.",  He laughed, and then went on the attack. A lunge, another, three swings. I barely had time to fend them off.

"Hey. That hurt.", I faked a frown. My turn. I pretended to attack Drake's leg, but then I deftly dodged his defense and tried to strike his shoulder. Somehow the guy managed to protect my shoulder with his sword and fended off my attack. "What do I get if I win?", I asked, out of breath.

"Choose whatever you want.", smiled at me. He swung and was about to hit me in the chest area, but I rolled across the floor in my skirt and attacked my friend on the leg, but not successfully because he bounced, but when I stood up, I had a good position. I pointed my sword at my friend.

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