His face was motionless like a stone. I could read pain in him, a lot of pain."Drake, what is going on?", I insisted on the answer, hoping that I misunderstood something. But there it was, my answer, the men were lying around their camping area in these blood paddles, sometimes without some parts of their body and sometimes looking like a mass of flesh. I couldn't help but let a tear drop down from my face, while I was frozen in disbelief. My friend just shook his head and walked around the space, trying not to study his dead peers too closely. I covered my face with my palms, to hide from this horror. I sat down on the ground that seemed to be dry, to mourn all of them. Just like that, my last hope was gone. I used to do it when I was little, thinking that all bad things would disappear when I opened my eyes again.
Without any comments, my friend walked into one of the tents, trying not to touch the wall because it was dirty and bloody. He called me in so I wouldn't have to stay alone outside. His voice sounded dry and almost alien to me, like all emotion was sucked out of him. As I walked, I didn't feel disgust to those who fell, I honoured them, for dedication. I saw them lying next to particles that looked like parts of blasters, so there was probably a battle here, on this bloody mess.
He opened a chest and withdrew a clean thermo costume giving it to me to change my clothes. Costumes created from this material that we exchanged for our sun energy from another village, were better than regular clothes as they kept body warmth inside. The material was also resistant to cutting or piercing, so the costumes could easily protect us from another fight with a monster. They came in brown colour, elastic for its major part, but also protected by metal parts in some places like the chest and the thighs. Then he grabbed one for himself and opened another chest, getting a blaster for himself and one more sword for me, so we would be equal on equipment.
"We must bury them.", I said, wiping away my tears. It was the first thing that came to my mind. What would the families of the fallen want? That was the answer.
"No time for that. We don't know what killed them, but it might still be around. Change your clothes quickly." He ordered me. Turning away from me, he started to take off his clothes.
"But... what is the point? Where do we go now?" I was frustrated. Our whole village was slaughtered and it seemed like only me and my best friend were survivors. All on our own. We had nowhere else to go, nowhere else to hide and no one to ask for help.
Drake wasn't answering for a while. I started to change my clothes. My dress was nasty. I reached inside the dress pockets to check if I had something inside before throwing it away forever and to my surprise I found some crumpled paper. The memory of my dad giving me it stroke me immediately. I put it on the floor and after I was changed, I sat down and started to open it with trembling hands. There were two separate papers. The smaller one contained a careful cursive handwriting that I wasn't familiar with.
"What have you got there?", asked my friend, seeing me. He was already changed so his attention drew the paper.
"I'm not sure but give me a moment...", my eyes ran through the careful lines of text and suddenly I realized whom the letter was from. That was not possible.
"Hey, Olivia,
If you're reading this, I am probably dead. I always knew you would grow up having the same nature as me. Your father thinks that you're ready for this if he gave you this letter. I come from a different place far away from here, our old home. I come from a place where people didn't have to hide their powers, the gifts that you and me have together. Instead they helped each other and got through all the challenges together. That's where I want you to go. I want you to go there so they could teach you how to use them and how to defend yourself in this world. Now, my village got destroyed many many years ago and our people had to move far North, where I was headed the day I met your father, when I separated from my group. You have a lot to catch up to once you get there, they will tell you everything about our kind, and most of all, they will tell you why we must hide. Please, follow the map that I gave you and you will find them. They are careful, so if they ever question who you are, just say that you are my daughter.

Let There Be Darkness
Fantasy"No. I don't want to," I answered. Our conversation didn't go well, because I wanted to be silent, and he wanted to talk. It seemed to me that it had become even lighter around, although the night was only deepening. It couldn't be dawn already, cou...