My father came to me first, because I was the reason Drake had gone into the woods to find me, too. There was dull anger and worry in his gray eyes. I could tell he was very worried."Where. Were. You?", he mouthed the words and then grabbed my arm like a little girl and led me along so I wouldn't get in front of people.
Dragging me to the very entrance of our settlement, he stared at me questioningly. There were still plenty of onlookers here, such as lookouts and guards, but my father didn't seem to care at all. My friend dragged himself behind us and felt guilty too. But he wasn't. I was the guilty party in this case. "I repeat my question, Olivia! Where were you? How dare you leave the house again without my knowledge or permission? When will it stop? Have you no pity for your old father? Do you see no responsibility for your life at all?", he shouted. People nearby turned to look at us and watched in amazement as their king scolded his grown-up daughter.
"That's five questions, Dad.", I giggled, pushing myself toward the edge of the cliff.
"But you haven't answered any of them.", shouted my father in a ringing voice. From the side, I saw my friend open his mouth to say something, but then my father's voice came out. "I know you only went to save her ass, Drake. You're free to go. Just don't lie to me."
"No, actually, I-" Drake started again, but the king of our tribe interrupted him with a stern look. - I'm very angry with you, Olivia. I thought you'd grow up and stop acting so recklessly.", Dad sighed.
"Actually, Drake and I are doing a much better job than your entire scout team.", I objected.
"Because you are constantly exposed to unthinkable dangers, and they act carefully! Like checking to see if there's going to be acid rain today before they head out! Or taking blasters, Olivia!", he rumbled, because his voice was commanding, loud.
"If I do that next time, will you let me go?", I batted my eyelashes.
"Which next time, Olivia? You're my daughter, and I'm not going to let you die somewhere in the woods at the paw of a darker! You may not inherit the throne, because the next ruler will be chosen by the people, but you will be part of that choice. I don't want you to get your face in the mud! Devote more time to your discipline!", my father told me fiercely, and I kept shivering.
"You know very well that you won't make my choice for me. I want to be a land explorer, a scout! That's the only thing I'm drawn to!", I resented him again.
"Is that the reason you're leaving? All right. Where have you been? Where did you and Drake go? Don't lie to me, I'll find out the truth anyway, Olivia.", my dad moved his eyebrows, grabbing me by the shoulders.
"We went to the shore, found an old lighthouse. And on the way back, it rained and we hid in a cave! That's it!", I took my father's hands off my shoulders, because the skin under them was burning.
"Didn't you even come across a single creature?", My father asked, folding his arms across his chest.
I shot a quick glance at Drake, then pressed my already thin lips together. I always do that when I lie. Maybe Dad would notice if he spent enough time with me. "No." I said easily.

Let There Be Darkness
Fantasía"No. I don't want to," I answered. Our conversation didn't go well, because I wanted to be silent, and he wanted to talk. It seemed to me that it had become even lighter around, although the night was only deepening. It couldn't be dawn already, cou...