We found cover in an abandoned, old building, not so far from the city square but if we were to go back, it would be quite a walk. Drake told me to put the girl down on the floor and he went to check the area to see if it was safe. He came back in a few minutes to the girl's whimpering. She seemed tough, but still, such pain was tough to bear. She still looked at us as if we were enemies, but at least she wasn't in the state to fight."She needs a lot of time for recovery. I don't think staying here is the best idea." Said my friend. He looked just like my dad right now, serious and full of thought.
"Drake...", I began, but as soon as he looked at me, all of my words got stuck in my throat.
"She needs food and water. A lot of it." He turned away from me, not letting our eye contact last for too long.
"She will get it.", I assured him.
He nodded and went to the next room in the building. This one had a roof and a few floors still on place, so it served for a nice shelter overnight. It was too close to those men, who killed our citizens. They didn't even act like they were human, they left their friends dying and there, on the square, without having a single thought to look back twice. I still carry that pain on me, the pain of losing every one of those that were once close to my heart. How could they move on so quickly? I looked back at the ginger-head woman. She was breathing heavily, but she felt my gaze and looked at me.
"What's your name?", I asked her.
She looked at me again, as I sat down in front of her, so we could have our eyes at the same level.
"Bellatrix", she answered, but it seemed like it took a lot of effort. "What's yours?"
"Olivia. My friend's name is Drake.", I gave her a quick smile. It was so peaceful here. For some reason I felt a sense of safety when she was here.
"That's cheugy", she laughed through pain.
"Yeah...", I didn't have much to say to that. My name did sound like it was coming from before the Ancient's era. My mom gave me that name because it meant Peace. She would always say that peace is what we're lacking in the world. Now, that I knew her background, I realized why. "Bellatrix, where are you from?"
She grinned and shook her head, like it was so uncomfortable to bring up. "I come from a dead place."
"What does that mean?", I looked at her, not knowing if I should ask her further about it.
"Well, it's pretty far away. The place where I and my fam lived wasn't really popular or big, so it doesn't matter where I am from. It matters where I'm heading", she said, looking at me with a little more trust. "But I won't tell you that before you tell me why you are here."
"Me and my friend are escaping from a genocide. Some kind of men, similar to those that we saw at the square, bombed our settlement and killed everyone. Me and my best friend are the last ones alive.", saying it out loud made me realize how real it was. For a moment it made me hurt even more, but overall, I felt like I needed it.
"I see...", she looked thought full. "They slaughtered my girlfriend too.", she bit her lip, like it was hurting her just like the loss of my dad hurt me.
"I'm... so sorry...", I said. To myself, I thought how weird it is to hear her say the word "girlfriend." Was she actually dating a girl? That is weird. It wouldn't be allowed in our village. In fact, it wasn't even a thing. "How did it happen?"
"Well, they just... umm... Why would it matter anyways? She's gone. I don't want to get into any deets, you know?", she looked away.
"We've got you. Don't worry. You did great back there, you know? Pretty cool. How many of them did you take out before they...", I tried to watch her reaction to not hurt her too much or at all. "Anyway, you should nap.", I told her, but she shook her head right away. "We won't hurt you. We're the same survivors as you are, believe me."

Let There Be Darkness
Fantasía"No. I don't want to," I answered. Our conversation didn't go well, because I wanted to be silent, and he wanted to talk. It seemed to me that it had become even lighter around, although the night was only deepening. It couldn't be dawn already, cou...