Chapter 21: You're Like a Star in the Sky. Pretty? No, the Same As Others

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It has been more than twenty four hours since we ran off from the Black Liberators' city. I felt a heavy sense of loss all this time, thinking of Drake. Why would he leave me? It hurt me when I though of all the moments that we've lived through together, but after all he chose them. I still had Bellatrix, this new-found, sudden friend. We walked almost not stopping since the city, just taking little naps one by one. We wanted to make sure that we were far enough before we could actually make a stop and get the rest we deserved. 

We were following the map of my mom, moving North, close to the sea because it was the fastest. We stopped at a beach when the night began to envelop the world quickly. It was the first time we decided to put up a fire and maybe catch some fish for dinner. Before, it was too dangerous to do it, but we were so far away from the city that we couldn't see it anywhere close to the shoreline. 

I grabbed a knife and went fishing while Bellatrix remained to make the fire. I went at least knees up to the water and I could see some small fish swimming around, but it wasn't enough for dinner, so I didn't even bother to catch them, considering that it was a bad idea, so I just went to the forest behind us and hunted a squirrel again. 

"I thought we were feasting like kings today." Laughed Bellatrix, already sitting by the fire and warming up. "Apparently, we are still peasants as we were." 

"Oh well, squirrels are good enough anyway." I sighed, feeling hunger in my stomach. "I only hate skinning them." 

"Let me do it." She took my haul from my hands and began preparing the meat. 

I sat a few meters away from her, watching the water. Sea waves were calm and steady, slowly throwing out more sand. Stars above our heads were not reflecting in the water, but only seeing them above us was good enough anyway, enjoying their beauty and coldness. A big wave came and touched my feet, making me shiver. It was cold, but daring at the same time, refreshing. 

"Do you think it will be better for him over there?" I asked Bellatrix quietly, not sure if she will even hear it due to the wind and sounds of waves.

"Nuh-uh. Those fuckers will suck the soul out of him. How can you even ask that if you saw for yourself what they are like?" she shrugged her shoulders. 

"I don't know. His roots are with them." I sighed, "I wish it wasn't so difficult."

"Maybe his roots are there, but I know for sure that his soul is sitting over here, in front of me." I looked up at her, confused. "Yes, you, little girl." 

"But he pushed me away so rudely." I thought. The coldness in his eyes, him saying it over and over, that he won't go with us. It was hurting me again. 

"Well, that's life. I am really sorry that he was a jerk to you back there. I don't know why your golden boy behaved like that, but you don't deserve it." She came over to me at sat beside me, making me feel warm by her presence. No matter how cold it was outside, she was always warm, even at night. It was probably cool to never feel cold, I envied her. She put out her feet so that the waves would hit them every time and she giggled when they did. "I think you two were good buddies. Judging from what I know, he cared about you." 

"He did, but does he now? How bad does it have to be for him to turn to their side?" I pulled up my legs, wrapping my knees with my arms, feeling so lost again. How much more could I lose? Was there anything left to lose at all? 

Looking at me, Bellatrix sighed and stared at the waves for a while. They were beautiful, cold and unknown, something I wasn't allowed to touch, but they had a soul, such a lively element to their character that was drawing me closer to them, to find out more of their secrets, to open up to them. Was it just my loneliness, or I could calmly blame them for this attraction?

"I am going to show you something." she said. She pulled up her sleeve and I saw some kind of device on her wrist. It was slightly shining blue. 

"What is it?" I wanted to touch it, but Bellatrix flinched, not letting me. 

"Just look." She nodded to the devices direction. 

I watched her press the button in the middle and a blue ray stroke up and then expanded turning into an image. It was a young, widely smiling woman, looking directly at me. She had neatly cut, short hair and very deep, beautiful eyes. She put a lock of her hair behind her ear and then hid her eyes for a second like she was shy. 

"Hi, Bella. I took your message-watch without your permission, I am sorry." She said, making a little pause, and then going back to talking with the smooth voice of hers. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you. That's it. Truly, that's it." She laughed. "Oh, I'm so silly. I don't know why i had to do that. Alright, well, the actual reason why i am recording this is because you told me that you had problems falling asleep, so... I will sing you your favorite lullaby so that you can replay it every night before going to sleep. Well, I hope that helps!" 

She started humming a melody, slow and calming. I looked back at Bellatrix, her eyes turned watery and all her attention was drawn to the woman humming this lullaby. She was smiling calmly and peacefully, with such a loving face. I listened to the soft voice and immediately turned sleepy. The lullaby was actually working. It made such a great combination, waves, wind, and the beautiful singing. The song sounded like it was meant to be listened to at a place like this one, a place where you want to stop the time and relive the same moment forever. But soon the lullaby ended and the image disappeared inside the devise on Bellatrix's wrist. 

"That is... mesmerizing." I said, trying to catch my breath from excitement. "That girl... Was she your..."

"She was the love of my life." Bellatrix sighed. "But she's gone so... it doesn't matter. She would want me to move on from her death already." 

"Did you?" I grabbed her hand because I wanted to, because I felt like she needed it. 

She looked at me smiling. "Yeah, yeah I did. She'd also want me to enjoy my life so..." 

She stood up quickly and took off her upper layer of clothes, standing in her white combination. "Watch the squirrel meat for me." She winked at me and ran towards the waves, letting them meet her body and embrace it. I shook my head, laughing at her and went to the fire because the source of heat next to me was gone. 

She played in the water like a child, and I only saw her red head get to the surface from time to time. I was worried that she would go to far, but she didn't, waving at me when she caught my eyes. She was back from playing in no time, when I took the food off the fire, she was shaking from cold because she was all wet head to toe. 

"Oh, this is what I need right now." She grabbed her meat and started eating it as fast as possible. 

"Do you like it?" I smiled, watching her.

"I do. Thank you, ma'am." Bellatrix spoke with her mouth full. She looked so content. I assumed that that's how she looked like all the time when her girlfriend was alive, so outgoing, so lively, so charming and light, almost childish. I couldn't stop looking at her hair that was running down her shoulders, darkened from the water. She smelled like sea and that smell was good, so free and natural. 

"I'm happy that I bumped into you." I confessed to her, feeling a little nervous about saying that. 

She looked at me, chewing her meat. Bellatrix's eyes were filled with happiness. She suddenly hugged me, making me wet too. She was cold this time, cooled down by water, but still her embrace was warming and soft, one that you don't ever want to break. She was desperate to find someone to be her friend after her heart was wounded by death of her loved one. And honestly, so was I, I assumed. When someone who matters to you dies in your arms you never forget or forgive that, and your heart never heals, bleeding constantly and beating slowly, just enough to keep you alive. But Bellatrix made me feel calm again, at least for one moment this beautiful evening. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2024 ⏰

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