chapter eleven - fun

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          The VKs were bored as they listened to Fairy Godmother in front.

"If someone hands you a crying baby..." Fairy Godmother slowly asked, pointing a stick to the board. "Do you- A. Curse it?" Her hands formed an X.

"B. Lock in in a tower?" She expressed, pointing the stick upward. "C. Give it a bottle." She held her hands together as if cradling a baby. "Or D. Carve out its heart?"

Evie gasped and raised her hand, causing the headmistress to look at her excitedly. "Evie." She called.

"What was the second one?"

"Oh...Okay." Fairy Godmother sighed. "Anyone else?"

Everyone of her friends were clueless while Mal was not paying attention at all, busy drawing on her notebook, and Fairy Godmother noticed it.

Before the fairy could call her out, Ana chose to raise her hand.

"C. Give it a bottle."

Mal gave her a grateful smile before looking back down at her drawing.

Fairy Godmother smiled. "Correct. Again." She praised.

"You are on fire, girl!"

Ana shrugged and tightly smiled. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound fun."


"That makes so much sense!"

Suddenly a girl in light blue passed the center with a squeal.

She had short bob and a big blue ribbon headband on top. She wore a light blue dress that ended just above her knees and some white heels.

She's pretty

Ana thought as her blue eyes followed the girl who held a clip board in her hands.

She approached Fairy Godmother, glancing around, frightened with their presence.

"Oh, hello dear one." Fairy Godmother greeted with a grin.

"Hi." The girl breathed out, handing the clip board. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation?" She glanced around warily.

Mal bumped Evie's elbow as she stared at the girl. Both girls shared a knowing look.

Mal definitely has something planned.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

Jane looked back at her mother, whispering a Mom in shock.

Fairy Godmother just smiled, handing her back the clip board. "It's okay." She then turned Jane to face everyone. "Jane, this is everyone."

Jane looked scared out of her mind, but uttered a shaky hi.

She took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "That's okay, don't mind me." She gave a firm nod, trying to hide her obvious fear. "As you were."

She walked away quickly out of the room while the VKs eyes turned to look at each other.

Fairy Godmother cleared her throat and smiled. "Let's continue..." She turned back to the board and spoke enthusiastically.

"You find a vial of poison. Do you A. Put it in the kind wine? B. Paint it on an apple." She waved the stick around. "Or C. Turn it over to the proper authorities?"

"Oh!" Both Carlos and Jay exclaimed, knowing the answer, holding their hand up.

Jay blocked Carlos' hand causing the boy to grit out "-Get off"

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