chapter twelve - library

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Ana wondered why her friends suddenly grew silent. Their eyes wide as they gaze at someone behind her.


At the sound of his voice, Ana turned around to find Ben dangerously close to her, he was gazing down at her, her nose inches away from his chin.

Her heart was beating out of her chest, while her stomach produced a fluttery feeling that made her slightly light headed.

The two were lost in each other's eyes, both too shocked to move and say anything.

Not even noticing the people behind them look at each other with knowing giddy looks.

Ben tried not to let his disappointment show when she back away from him.

"B-Ben!" Ana finally voiced out, taking a step away from the prince, she was too overwhelmed with his presence, she couldn't breathe with him so close.

Even though Ana didn't notice, her friends sure did. Including Mal who just got out of the bathroom after giving Jane a new look, raising an eyebrow at the scene.

"How was your first day?" Ben asked genuinely, fighting the urge to come closer to her.

Stop it, Ben

Ana laughed awkwardly, fiddling with the pen on her hand. "It went well, I guess?" She then smiled at her new friends. "All thanks to them."

Ben smiled at them. "Thank you, you guys. For giving my proclamation a chance... for giving them a chance."

"Don't you worry, Ben!" George chuckled and wrapped an arm around Ben's shoulder. "She isn't that bad." He shrugged nonchalantly, noticing the look on Ana's face, he laughed. "Kidding"

Maddie nodded in agreement. "She's awesome!" She exclaimed. "Do you know she has a great ear for music?"

"We've been trying to convince her to join of the Music Classes!" Kristi whined.

Lonnie smirked, an idea in mind. "Why don't you help sign her up, Ben." She told him.

Ben's smile brightened as he beamed down Ana. "Sure, I could-uh, sign you up?"

Ana smiled tightly, not sure at all if it was a good idea.

Seeing the look on her face, Ben placed a hand on her shoulder, reassuringly. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun... I'll sign up with you if you want."

Ana scanned the hopeful looks from them and sighed. "Sure, what's the harm?"

The AKs cheered loudly causing some attention on them while Ana just chuckled, embarrassed.

She stood still when something caught her eye, someone rather.

Ben and the others noticed her far away look and looked at the direction.

Jane now looking even more beautiful with her long hair talked to her best friends enthusiastically, fear no more.

"Woah, Janie looks pretty!" Maddie gushed.

Lonnie gasped. "Who did her hair? I want them to change mine too!"

"Uhm... I'm gonna go... I'll see you guys later?" Ana asked her friends, who smiled and waved at her. "Lon, I'll see you at the dorm, kay?"

Lonnie smiled and side hugged her. "Okay! Take care!"

Ana looked back at Ben, who was already looking at her. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow?"

Ben nodded making Ana smile. She was about to walk away when she was grabbed by the arm.

"Make it tonight." Ben whispered, his breath fanning her ear.

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