chapter fourteen - perfect

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          "Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it.' Can you believe it?" Jane ranted to Mal and Evie. "What world does she live in?!" Jane complained.

"Auradon?" Mal said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

They were at Mal and Evie's dorm, Mal was on her bed, writing something on her notebook, while Evie was working on a new dress.

"Mal, do you like?" Evie asked the purple haired girl, holding up the dress.

Mal glanced at it and nodded. "Yeah. It's cute." She said. "It brings out your eyes."

"I know." Evie giggled before focusing back on her work.

"I'll never get a boyfriend!" Jane whined, continuing her complains. She huffed sitting down on Evie's bed.

"Boyfriends are over rated." Mal stated confidently.

Evie broke away from her work, looking at Mal with a raised brow. "And how would you know, Mal? You never had one."

"It's 'cause I don't need one, E." Mal pointed out. "They're a waste of time."

Evie suddenly gasped. "I forgot to do Chad's homework!" She panicked, standing up and getting the prince's bag.

"And that is exactly what I mean."

Suddenly a knock came on the opened door and walked in Ana with Lonnie by her side. "Hey guys, this is Lonnie, her mom's Mulan?"

Mal and Evie looked at each other before looking at Lonnie, one with a confused smile and one with a bored look.

"You remember her? She's my room mate, you met her the other day." After Ana said that, both girls let out a sound of understanding, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Hiya!" Lonnie said, grinning. She then looked at Jane and waved. "Hey Jane!"

Ana looked at Lonnie, apologetically. "Sorry 'bout them, they're a little..." she muttered, but Lonnie cut her off with a smile.

"Oh, it's fine, really. Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair." She said to Mal.

Mal continued to doodle on her notebook, not really caring.

Lonnie noticed it and started her ramble. "I know you hate us, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?"

That stole Mal's attention, she snapped her to her direction. "Why would I do that for you?"

Ana scoffed, looking at Mal. "Oh, come on, Mal... It's Lonnie-"

"I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie said with a hopeful look, pulling out a small sack of coins.

Evie grinned, snatching the sack. "Good answer." She faced Lonnie looking at her, up and down. "I need to buy more material." She then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights." She looked back at Mal who continued her doodling.

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool." Lonnie said, giddy. "Like Mal's."

Evie smiled, amused. "Really?"

Ana burst out in laughter. "The split ends too?"

Mal looked at her best friends with a glare, dropping her pencil. She then groaned when Evie looked pleadingly at her, shaking the sack.

Lonnie looked at Ana, excited, stopping herself from squealing. Both her and Evie, gently clapping their fingers together. While Mal sighed, grabbing her spell book from her desk.

"Okay...'Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair.'" Mal said, closing her spell book. She waved her finger around, causing Lonnie's head to turn before looking down.

When Lonnie raised her head, her hair was longer. No longer was it a short bob with thick cut bangs. It now consisted of long layers and some brown highlights.

Lonnie slowly went in front of the mirror as the girls followed her.

Evie sighed, putting an arm around her. "I know, I know." She tried to comfort her. "It looks like a mop on your head. You know what let's cut it off-"

"No, no, no, no!" Lonnie turned to face her. "I-I love it!"

Evie looked at her, wide eyed. "You do?"

Ana smiled at her. "Lonnie! You look amazing!"

"It's just..."

Lonnie then proceeded to rip her skirt, making a slit up her left thigh, the girls looked at her with surprise while Jane gasped. "Perfect."

Mal chuckled, holding onto her bed.

Jane walked past Mal and stood in front of the mirror beside Evie and Lonnie. She then crouched down and ripped her skirt.

Her own gasp louder than the girls. "What did I just do?" She said, horrified. "Mom's gonna kill me!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The VKs were enjoying their new life in Auradon, whether they like admit it or not.

Jay was spending more time with the tourney team. He got to learn more about what it means to be a team player.

Carlos joined the Auradon Tech club. He had spent some of his time playing with Dude and other rescue pups from the nearby shelter.

Evie started to make some friends other than the VKs, girls and boys who were as passionate as her when it came to fashion and makeup.

Mal joined the art club and got to express herself more through her drawings and graffiti. Even got praised by people because of how talented she was.

And as for Ana, she was hanging out more with the AKs. Going to picnics after school, going to the mall, having sleep overs, she got to know them even more.

She was actually enjoying her classes, acing most of her tests and worked on projects with other people.

Not to mention, spending time with Ben.

She felt guilty after their meeting in the library.

Ben had a girlfriend, a beautiful princess.

She was just the girl from the Isle, daughter of a villain.

As they spent more time together, she can't help but start to feel something for him.

She knew it was wrong, but they didn't exactly do anything to count as cheating.

They would just spend their time talking passionately about books, recommending their favorites, laughing about how clueless the characters are.

And for Ben, he was conflicted.

Ben never felt this way for a girl before, he felt so happy whenever he was with Ana.

It was crazy, ridiculous even. He just met her weeks ago, but he couldn't help it.

He could see right through her bad girl facade, she was a kind and caring person, especially to those close to her.

He wanted to listen to her talk about her day, hear her melodious laugh... he liked her.

And not just liked her, more

But he knew he couldn't follow his heart, if he can't to do the right thing first.

That was breaking up with Audrey.

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