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3rd person POV

After Trey dropped off Mari and Rae he decided to go see his dad.

His dad was always complaining about him not going to see him.Trey just thought he was being dramatic as always but decided to go see him anyways.

He pulled up to the 2 story house and turned his music down and turned his car off while getting out

He walked to the door and used the key to unlock the door


He yelled as he walked through the door and went through the hallway and seen family pictures of him, his dad and his mom

He stopped and picked one of the pictures and smiled thinking of his mom and what she would say...

"Treyvon what are you doing here I didn't hear you come in baby you know I would have made you something if you would have called"

"Ma you good I was just stopping by to see how y'all was doing" he said as he smiled and walked up to her to give her a hug

His dad walked down stairs seeing what was going on and smiled when he seen his son and beautiful wife hugging

"Hey son, what you doing round here, it's like you don't even love us anymore"

"Now Brandon don't start that bullshit, u say this every time he come around to see us, it's getting outta hand at this point isn't it treyvon" she asked him as she pulled back from the hug and looked at him

He threw his hands up while smiling

"Don't put me in dis"

"He knows it he just doesn't want to hurt your feelings Brandon" she said as she walked in the living room

"He can't hurt my feelings I'm a G" Brandon says while throwing up a sign that he don't know nothing about and following his wife into the living room

Treyvon just looked at them and smiled happy to have a loving and funny mother and father



Trey got snapped out of his thoughts while looking at the photo, he put the picture down and looked at his dad

"Hey lil nigga I didn't know that was u I bout to up the clip in this joint"

Trey looked at him with a "be fr" face

"Da stop it u wasn't bout to up no clip man"

"Let me tell you something, back in my days Ian use to play fr"

"Alright old man, what u been up to tho" trey asked because if he stayed on the topic his dad would really tell him "gangster things" he did back in his day fr.

He walked to the kitchen to go get a water and make sure his dad had food and drinks in his fridge.

"Nothing just been out back working on the garden still that your mama started on" Brandon said while walking to kitchen behind him

"I picked some tomatoes from there the other day I think I got it all under control" He said as he went in the fridge and shooed Trey away to show him the tomatoes

He brung the tomatoes out of the container he put them in and showed him

"Da them are not all the way ripe man" Trey said as he was trying to hold his laugh in.

"Says who ?"

"Says them still being greenish orange man, you have to let them turn red" he said as he took one out of his dads hand and felt it and like he thought they were still hard.

"I knew it was something I was missing they were just taking to damn long to turn that bright ass color of red" Brandon said snatching the tomato back and putting it back in the container into the fridge while closing it.

They walked back to the door while still talking to eachother

"Boy them locs get longer and longer everytime I see you" Brandon said while examining his sons hair

Trey just laughed cause he knew he was right, he'd been growing his locs since he turned 19 and right now they were some inches past his shoulders

He had just taken them out of his 2 strand twist and now they were a little curly

"Where my other son at I feel like I haven't seen him in years man" Brandon asked referring to mari

Since mari and trey was best friends he
would bring Mari over to his parents house and to play the game in middle school and eat with his parents

His mom and dad would always call Mari there son since meeting him

They would sometimes even have favoritism with Mari, if Trey wanted to go somewhere in high school they would see if Mari was going so they knew he had somebody to look out for him at all times and vice versa

"He at home I just dropped him off, him and Rae"

"Well next time bring him by here cause I miss that lil nigga, feel like I haven't seen him in years".

Trey just nodded his head at his dad being dramatic because he just seen Mari last week.

"That lil nigga Rae can stay where he at" Brandon said while looking at Trey with a serious face.

He laughed knowing his and dads and Rae bond.

Brandon and Rae had a funny bond, they would fye on each other everytime they seen one another no matter where they were at but he could tell it was all from love with them two.

Trey looked down at his phone after hearing a ding, he opened up his messages to see that mari texted him

I need help on what to wear I can't decide, ft me when u get a chance

Alright I got you imma ft u ina lil when I get back home


"Alright pops im bout to head out now, im going bowling with kaden them tonight, call me if u need me".

He said as he went to give him a dap up but Brandon pulled him into a hug

Trey just laughed and hugged him back

"Alright lil man imma gone back to go lay down, u call me if u need me remember I was a G fr" he said as they pulled back from the hug

Trey laughed while walking out the door

"Love you son have a good time bowling and don't forget to tell them lil niggas I said wassup"

"Love you to pops and I will" Trey laughed as he walked out the door locking it back his key

He walked back to his car and got in to turn it on while closing the door

He decided to go to Mari's house to see what he was talm bout with his fit

He turned on his music listening to Hunxho "by tomorrow" while driving down the street on the way to Mari's house.

This was just a lil fill in yk how that go, im ready to see where imma take this book fr

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