3rd person POV
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 16th
FridayMari opened his eyes rubbing them having to go use the bathroom. About to get up he realized he couldn't move.
Looking up he seen that Trey had him in a chokehold while also sleeping.
It's never been that serious
He thought while tapping his arm to try and wake him up, which didn't work
"Trey" he still didn't budge
"I have to use the bathroom lemme' up"
Trey removed his arm from around his neck as he started yawning putting both his arms out while stretching. Mari went to use the bathroom and after that decided to do his face routine and hygiene since he was already up.
He walked back out looking over at the bed to not see Trey
He must've went to use the other bathroom to get ready
He thought as he went to the closet to find something to wear
While trying to find something to wear Mari started overthinking
He felt like it was so wrong to do these things with his best friend but it felt right at the moment
He never done this with a man before not even a women so how was it that he was so comfortable with trey ?
He wondered how his parents will feel knowing they loved trey as a son also
He settled on something simple which was his all grey Nike sweatsuit and his air Jordan 4 retros. He put his earrings on and put his locs up out his face which he normally doesn't do a lot.
Putting his cologne on he closed it back while putting it on the dresser and getting his phone off the charger and putting it in his pocket.
Walking downstairs going into the kitchen he seen mya eating some cereal. She looked up seeing him and big smile spread on her face.
"Oh hey Mari what u doing up this early" she said enthusiastically knowing he didn't get up this early being that it was only 8 in the morning.
"Nothin' just chillin, what yo' ass doin up this early"
"Eating my fruity pebbles as u can see" she said pointing her hands at the bowl smiling
He laughed at her while going to the fridge to get him some water
Opening the water bottle he could see Trey walk by out the corner of his eye. He looked at him seeing him in his usual all black down to the shoes, his short sleeve shirt was a little tight showing the muscles he had and his arms which he had two full sleeves, he also had his jewelry on and his 2 strand twist out making his locs look curly
Zoned out he didn't realize Trey was already looking at him watching him, which didn't last long with him breaking the eye contact being nervous from the things he let him do to him last night.

Thinkin bout you
RomanceTreyvon and Kaymari have been best friends since they were kids, while they are grown now and still bestfriends they start doing things that so called bestfriends shouldn't be doing together what happens when feelings get involved ?