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3rd person POV

Atlanta, Georgia
"Why u look so stressed my goodness" Rae said eyeing Kaden that was sitting beside him on the couch with a blunt

Kaden side eyed him while blowing smoke from out his mouth. Sitting back with his eyes still on Rae he started chuckling

"Oh so u be smiling and shit ok fucker". Rae said while watching his eyes as they went to the side of his head back to him

Looking over his shoulder he seen bug making faces

"Nigg- I'm bout' to go tell yo' mama lil nigga" Rae said while turning his body so he could fully see bug

"Ion give a d a m n " bug spelled out whispering in his ear

"I know u ain't just- you know what" Rae said while getting up and putting him a loose chokehold

He started squirming trying to get out of Rae's grip. "Yea yea that's right call for ya' mama" he said as he heard footsteps coming  from the back, he quickly let go and started pretending he was watching tv while standing up

Kaden started laughing as bug looked at Rae with squinted eyes, mari and kayla walked in talking amongst each other

"Mommy Rae just tried to kill me, now don't say nun when he end up missing man" bug said poking his chest out

"Boy go sitcho ass down"Kayla said while laughing

"Yes ma'am but I'm tellin you mommy" bug said narrowing his eyes at Rae while going to sit on the couch

They started laughing as Rae turned around bucking at bug

Trey walked from downstairs out of Mari's bathroom freshening up a little, just now waking up as everyone turned there heads looking at him

"I didn't know u were here baby brother" Kayla said walking over to him with her arms out to give him a hug.

He hugged her back as Derrick walked in from the basement smoking

"Wassup" he said to everybody as he walked over to Kayla as she was getting done hugging Trey

"Hey baby" Kayla said trying to give him a kiss on the cheek as he moved his face so he could kiss her lips

"Hello it's kids right here" Rae said in a duh tone

They laughed as bug made a stank face. "Rae tell dem again" bug said shaking his head

"Again it is told". Rae said laughing at how bug face was still mugged up

"Rae that shit don't even make sense y'all just hating, bug if u wanted some of mama's kisses u coulda' just said that" she said smiling and running after bug

She caught up to him, picking him up and putting kisses all over his face, he tried to block them with his hand while smiling

"Okay mommy enough this testing my gangster" he said as she put him back on the ground

"Boy hush talm' bout gangster, and don't even know how to spell it" she said while laughing at him

He turned around and looked at everybody laughing then made a straight face. "Y'all didn't see nothing".

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